

"Wait I know you." That boy said, then I started to remember that I also know him from taht night when I was kinda lost He is that RUDE man!

"I know you too, you are that obnoxious, rude, arrogant person" I answered.

"well thank you" he said emotionlessly, and walks away.

Ok that was...I don't know what to say...

I goes inside the washroom and then get back to Caroline.

"What got you so much time?" Jeremy asked.

"Some a-hole was there uhhh he got me so mad!" I angrily said.

"who was that?" Car asked.

"I don't know his name." I told her.

"Well forget it, let's introduce you to the badboy." Jeremy said.

"Where?" I asked.

"Come" he told me and pointed to the boy near the bar.

when we were approaching him, he was kissing a girl, I can only see his back. He has black shirt and pant on.

"Hey man, meet Cari's friend, Alexis." Jeremy introduced, that boy turned around and you won't believe who it was! It was that freakin' rude man I met in the washroom. He continued "And Alexis, he's Damon." oh so his name is Damon.

When he saw me, I roll my eyes.

"Oh hey Alexis." He said, like he don't know me, but why am I getting butterflies in my stomach when he said my name? He has such a deep voice.

"I'm not in a mood for party, I'm going home Car, I'll book a uber." I said turning to her.

"Why, are you ok?" Car asked.

"yeah I'm fine." I said. I was just about to turn and go but Jeremy stopped.

"Wait, Damon will give you a lift, right damon?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah totally" Damon said smirking towards me.

"It's fine I can go" I protest.

"No Alex, it's late you should go with him."

uhh I hate him!


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