
Madara Uchiha System

Jhon awakens in Cid's body, discovering not only the young man's memories, but also a mysterious power: the Madara Uchiha System. In a world affected by dimensional portals and the appearance of the Awakened, Jhon finds himself immersed in an environment governed by four great Empires, each with its own ideology and political power. However, Jhon's life as Cid is plagued by financial difficulties. With only 100 credits in his account and accumulated debts, he faces the possibility of losing his home. He decides to immerse himself in the world of the Hunters, brave individuals willing to face the creatures of the portals to obtain income. As he adjusts to his new identity as Cid and explores the possibilities of his Madara Uchiha System, Jhon embarks on a journey full of challenges. On his path as a Hunter, he discovers the usefulness of the System, unlocking unique abilities and strategies to face the threats that lurk in these portals.

Blaxerrr · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

One System, a new world

I opened my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar room. My heart was pounding, confused by the situation. Slowly, memories of another began to flood my mind. They weren't my memories, but those of someone named Cid.

Cid, a young man who had experienced the tragedy from a painfully close perspective. Years ago, when the dimensional portals appeared, his world changed. Hunters, those gifted with abilities to confront beasts and close portals, became common. However, sometimes, things did not go as expected.

Cid's parents had an unfortunate encounter with a beast in a hidden portal. Tragedy struck his home, but as luck would have it, Cid was away at college. The government helped those affected, providing them with a modest apartment and insurance, although only for a year.

Afterwards, reality was relentless. Cid found himself fighting alone to survive and maintain his home. The financial and emotional burden plunged him into overwhelming depression. He abandoned his studies, unable to find solace anywhere.

A year later, plunged into an abyss of despair, Cid made the heartbreaking decision to consume illegal sleeping pills forever. His thoughts and emotions resonated with me, leaving me with deep empathy and sadness as I contemplated the weight of his suffering.

After Cid's memories, something surprising happened. A strange holographic interface flickered in front of my eyes.

'Welcome to the Madara Uchiha System'

I couldn't contain my excitement. It was as if one of those web novels I had read so much came to life in front of me. My hands were shaking slightly. It was like I was inside one of those stories I used to devour, with stats, skills, and a set of tools I'd only imagined before. I had a system of one of my favorite fictional characters!

My heart was beating with excitement and wonder. This was something unexpected and exciting at the same time. I dove into the system, marveling at the possibility of getting my hands on something that until now had only existed in my fantasies as a web novel reader.

Immediately after uttering 'Statistics', a series of details unfolded in front of my eyes, as if the system was responding to my request. Luminous text appeared, revealing my information:

Name: Cid Kagenou

Age: 21 years

Lvl: 1 - Rank F

Experience 0/100

Life: 10

Stamina: 10

Mana: 10

Vitality: 2

Resistance: 2

Intelligence: 2

Strength: 2

Agility: 2

Will: 2

I looked at each number in amazement. It was as if I was transforming into Cid, taking on his attributes and abilities, as if fiction became reality before my very eyes.

After trying several keywords without success, I realized that the System seemed focused only on showing me Cid's stats. However, my excitement did not fade. To do? How to take advantage of this? Suddenly, as if excitement took over, I decided to do push-ups.

I quickly started making them, one after another. After 10 push-ups, a notification echoed in my mind: 'You have unlocked a new action: Push-up.' It was as if the System was reacting to my actions.

The surprise did not end there. Another notification appeared: 'Perform 100 Push-ups. Reward: 10 exp. Push-ups 10/100'. It was a task, a goal within this system! Despite the fatigue that was accumulating, the emotion did not leave my face.

I persisted. One, two, three more push-ups. I reached 100. A sense of accomplishment arose when the notification flashed again: 'You have gained a total of 10 experience.' Although exhausted, the excitement of having unlocked a skill and gained experience could not be hidden from my face.

I took a short break to catch my breath after the push-ups. The System, silently, did not issue any other notification. But my determination did not stop. I knew another action I could try. I started doing sit-ups.

One, two, three... and just like with the push-ups, when I reached 10 sit-ups, a notification flashed in my mind: 'You've unlocked a new action.' It was as if the System was recognizing my efforts and abilities.

I persisted, reaching 100 sit-ups. Another notification appeared: 'You have gained 10 experience.' The satisfaction of unlocking a new skill and gaining more experience was mixed with the feeling of exhaustion. Despite that, the excitement of discovering the possibilities of this newly discovered world filled me with excitement.

After a well-deserved rest, I noticed that my stamina was steadily recovering: 1 point every 5 minutes. It was an interesting discovery about how this System worked. However, my curiosity did not stop.

I decided to try another action, one that wasn't my favorite but was worth trying: squats. Just like before, when I reached 10, a notification flashed in my mind: 'You have unlocked a new action.' It was comforting to know that the System recognized my efforts.

I continued with the squats until I reached 100. Another notification appeared: 'You have gained 10 experience.'

I looked at the experience bar, which now read 30/100. I had the firm conviction that by reaching 100 points I would go up to level 2. The excitement and adrenaline were still flowing in me, so I decided to try a new action: running.

I went through Cid's memories and remembered a park near his apartment. Without hesitation, I headed there at full speed. The urgency to try this new action outweighed any other considerations. The wind hit my face as I moved forward with determination.

I didn't care about anything else at that moment. The feeling of discovering new skills and potentially leveling up drove me to run even faster. The excitement of the possibilities of this world mixed with the adrenaline of the race and made my heart pound.

Before I even reached the park, a notification echoed in my mind: 'You have unlocked a new action: Run.'

Then another notification appeared: 'Run 10 km. Reward: 10 exp. Km traveled 1/10'. It was a clear and concrete objective within the system. Despite having covered only 1 of the 10 kilometers, the feeling of achievement was palpable.

Although I was still in the middle of my career, the excitement of having unlocked a new action and the goal of traveling that distance to gain experience fueled every step I took.

I arrived at the park exhausted and, with determination, continued running until I completed 10 kilometers. It took more than an hour, but I finally reached the goal. Fortunately, the System counter didn't seem to care if I paused to rest for 5 or 10 minutes.

It was worth the effort. Upon completing the required distance, another notification flashed: 'You have gained 10 experience.' Despite the fatigue, the satisfaction of having reached the goal was palpable.

Although exhausted, the urge to discover more about this unknown world and unlock new abilities continued to burn within me. The combination of achievements and discoveries within the System filled me with excitement and determination to continue exploring and progressing within this fascinating environment.

After completing my 10K run in the park, I decided to walk back to my apartment. Although I walked more than 1 km, to my surprise, no new actions were unlocked in the System.

Reflecting on this, I realized that the System might not recognize walking as a meaningful action to unlock new skills or experience. The idea of leveling up just by walking seemed a bit far-fetched and could even unbalance the system if it were that simple.

Despite not unlocking anything new, the way back allowed me to reflect on the possibilities and limitations of this unique System. My curiosity and determination to discover more about its rules and functions remained intact, driving me to explore and better understand this newly discovered world.

After arriving at the apartment I began to rest while I prepared something to eat.

When taking Cid's cell phone and manipulating it, the experience was not strange. Perhaps it was due to the familiarity with the technology of this world, quite similar to what I knew, or perhaps it was due to the connection with Cid's memories, which gave me a certain advantage in this regard.

Cid's memories spoke of a world altered by extraordinary events. Twenty years ago, in the year 2030, the portals and dungeons appeared, giving way to the appearance of the Awakened. Later, the Hunters Guild emerged, an organization that recruited those Awakened willing to combat the beasts of the portals.

These events marked a before and after in the history of humanity. The arrival of the portals and the emergence of the Awakened drastically transformed the dynamics of the world, leading to the creation of the Hunters, who became hope and the line of defense against the creatures that threatened human existence.

Cid's memories also revealed a political landscape different from the one he knew. Instead of countries, the Earth was divided into four great Empires. On the Western Continent, the Capitalist Empire exercised its dominance, carrying with it the principles and structure of the economic system.

In the Central Continent, the situation was more complex with the coexistence of two Empires: the Nationalist and the Communist. This duality represented two antagonistic visions, each with its own ideology and political system.

On the other hand, in the last Continent, the Eastern, the Eastern Socialist Empire was the ruling force. This territorial division marked by the influence of these Empires accounted for a unique geopolitical reality, where ideologies and political systems had a significant impact on global dynamics.

Understanding this power structure and its geographic distribution in Cid's world offered me a clearer view of the political and social forces that shaped the context in which I found myself, a world marked by a complex web of powers and ideologies.

By exploring Cid's cell phone, I managed to remember the passwords and access his bank account. The financial reality was discouraging: only 100 credits available. The records reflected a two-month debt owed by the department and arrears in payment of services. Furthermore, the provisions to feed me were barely enough for two or three days.

With only 100 credits available, I knew my survival was limited to another week or two. According to Cid's memories, the minimum monthly salary was around 1,000 credits, enough for two meals a day and the payment of rent like this apartment. Rents ranged between 500 and 600 credits, although Cid paid 400 due to a government discount. However, his debt amounted to 800 credits.

There was no other option. Becoming a Hunter was the only way out. It was a difficult decision, but necessary to face this desperate situation. The Hunters, according to Cid's memories, offered opportunities to earn considerable income by confronting the portal beasts.

With determination, I prepared to enter the world of the Hunters, knowing that this new path not only represented an opportunity to pay off debts, but also a way to explore the abilities and possibilities that this new world had to offer.


Name: Cid Kagenou

Age: 21 years

Lvl: 1 - Rank F

Experience 40/100

Life: 10

Stamina: 10

Mana: 10


Vitality: 2

Resistance: 2

Intelligence: 2

Strength: 2

Agility: 2

Will: 2


It doesn't work for me, I don't know English, I translated it with Google Translate, I hope it reads well. The work is mine but I write it in Spanish and then translate it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Blaxerrrcreators' thoughts