
Madame Carolyn

Vegas_Studios_702 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Segment VIII | Carolyn’s Angels

Later on that night, the Las Vegas skyline lit up with neon lighting downtown to the strip. Janis sits on top of the Forum tower at Caesars Palace, eating grapes with a toothpick.

"I hope Carolyn is having a good birthday today." Janis said to herself. She eats a grape. "Mmh- I should go to the bacchanal buffet more often."

She continues to eat her grapes. Her tail curls up into a wheel and she lays back on the tail like a comforter, closing her eyes. The wind blows around the strip. A silhouette of a tall male dragon appears behind Janis. Janis opens her eyes.

"Bob I presume?" Janis said, eating her grapes.

"Bold of you to assume, Janis Laverty." Bob said, stepping out of the shadows.

"What do you want?"

"A opposition… I heard that one of your friends is thinking about stopping Michele and her mafia. Is that correct?"

"Mmh- that's crazy because I never heard anyone saying that they'll dismantle her mafia."

"Carolyn Goodman? Madame Carolyn Goodman? You know her?"

"Okay if I do know her, why does it matter?" Janis said, turning her body around looking at Bob.


"She's not! She's trying to take down the person who runs it." Janis said, standing up and gets close to Bob.

"Oh really?"


"Oh— well… I guess you want to tell that to the woman herself."

"I'm not scared to say it to her ugly whore ass face." Janis said, bluntly.

"Say it to my face then. Since you're soooo not AFRAID!"

A short woman appears in front of Janis. Janis stands there, unamused.

"Go ahead, say it."

"I don't think you want to hear it, Michele." Janis said, bluntly.

"Oh yeah? Well let's see if I can make you say it." Michele said, smirking as her eyes turned light purple. She grew about four inches as her demon horns grew on her head. Janis rolls her eyes, her elongated tail slither around her and starts striking Michele. Michele dodges the strike, charges her fire powers in her fist and throws a punch towards Janis. Her tail catches the punch and speeds towards Michele, kicking her in the face. Catching her off guard. Michele flew towards Julius tower, crashing into the wall. Janis jumps from the tower, flying towards Michele. She charges her fire powers from her breath and blows it towards Michele, Exploding on her as it gets to Michele's body. Janis grabs Michele and throws her towards the fountains, crashing into the statues of Julius Caesar. Bob appears behind Janis, attempting to hit her with his bat. Janis quickly turns around and hits Bob in the face, sending him towards Augustus tower, crashing into the windows. Janis lands onto the valet, heavily breathing. She cracks her neck.

"Bitches…" Janis muttered. Michele slowly stands up, lighting sparks around her, opening her eyes. Shocking Janis from a distance. Janis screeches as she drops onto the floor.

"AGHHH!!" Janis yelled, Michele walked up to her. Smirking. She grabs her neck, choking her.


"F-fuck… y-you…"

"What did you say?"

Janis' eyes turn red, her nails turn into claws as her teeth become sharper. She smirks.

"Fuck you!" Janis said, head butted Michele's nose, causing it to start bleeding. Michele backs away from her, covering her nose. Preventing it from bleeding. Janis speeds towards her, punching Michele in the face, sending her flying toward the flamingo. Crashing into the entrance. Michele slowly sits up, Janis blows fire towards the flamingo entrance. Blowing it up. Michele braces herself from the fire. Janis flies from the flamingo, looking at the entrance catching on fire. Firefighters and the metro police officers arrived at the scene. Janis flies on top of Augustus tower at Caesars Palace, turning back to her normal human form. She grabs her phone and calls Debra. Bob flies towards Janis, punching her. Janis blocks the punch with one hand, he continues to punch her as Janis confines to block the punch. Meanwhile with Debra and Carolyn. The couple is sound asleep. Debra holds on to Carolyn tightly, laying on her body. Feeling the vibration of Carolyn's body as she snores softly through her chest. Her phone rings, Debra wakes up. Yawning softly as she reaches for her phone. She grabs it and answers it.

"Hello?" Debra said, softly.

"Deb… it's Janis. Do you have Carolyn's phone number by any chance?"

"Umm… She's right next to me but she's sleeping right now. What's going on?"

"Well… two people are after my ass right now and—" Janis kicks away Bob, blowing fire at him as she runs off the building and starts flying towards MGM Grand. "If it's possible, get down here please!"

Debra holds her phone, eyes widened. She taps on Carolyn's shoulder. She snickers.

"Carolyn?" Debra said, tapping on her shoulder again. Carolyn groans as she wakes up. "Yes Debra, I'm up. What's going on?" She said, sitting up.

"Janis is on the phone."

"Do you know what time it is? It's midnight." Carolyn said, laying back down.

"I know but it's an emergency."

Carolyn sits back up, looks at Debra, eyes widened. "Give me the phone, let me speak to her."

Debra gives Carolyn her phone. Carolyn picks it up. "Janis!"

"Carolyn! I'm in some deep shit right now. It's Michele and SHE BACK WITH BOB! Get down here right now!"

"Okay, get to a safe place. Where are you heading right now?" Carolyn asks, Debra gently hugs Carolyn from behind.

"Uhh… I'm heading towards Tropicana right now, heading to MGM. Should I go farther or?"

"Stay over there, if you can't, head to UNLV campus and hide in the parking garage. We'll be right there."

"Got it."

Carolyn hangs up the phone and gives it back to Debra.

"Get dressed, we got to go." Carolyn said as she quickly got out of bed and put her clothes on.

"What's going on?" Debra asks

"Michele and her shit…" Carolyn grabs her long black coat, putting it on. She groans angrily as she opens the door, walking downstairs. Debra gets out of bed, quickly putting on her clothes and heads downstairs with Carolyn. As she ran into the living room, turning on the light and grabbing her witch hat. She looks at Carolyn, sitting on the couch, angry. Debra walks up to her, hugging her head. Carolyn calms down.


Carolyn takes a deep breath, breathing in and letting it out as she grabs her arms. Looking at her face.

"Ready to go?" Carolyn whispered. Debra nods. Carolyn softly smiles, kisses Debra. She gets up and grabs Debra's hand.

"Let's go."


Carolyn opens the door, letting Debra out first. She follows her, closing the door behind her. Debra locks the door with her keys and catches up with Carolyn. She grabs Carolyn's hand as they both start flying towards Las Vegas. Meanwhile, Janis lands on top of MGM Grand. Michele punched Janis in the face, causing her to fly towards the desert floor, next to top golf. Sliding on the sandy gravel. Janis screeches. Michele smirks and chuckles. Bob appears behind Michele, evilling grinning.

"Kill her."

"Yes ma'am."

Bob speeds towards Janis' body onto the sandy gravel floor, sparking his fire powers into his fist. Janis braces herself, closing her eyes. Carolyn and Debra appear in front of Janis, Debra makes a bubble shield. Bob hits the shield. The wind blows, creating smoke clouds of dust surrounding it. Janis opens her eyes and sees Debra and Carolyn. Bob lands in front of them. Debra releases the shield. Michele appears next to Bob.

"Michele and Bob." Carolyn said, bluntly.

"Ah Carolyn, it's so nice to see you after you QUIT!" Michele yelled. "How's life for you after I killed you last year?"

"Very interesting I might add but change the subject, why are you trying to hurt Janis?"

"She started it. All we wanted was to talk to her."

"She's lying…" Janis said, slowly getting up. "Bob wanted to know if you were going to stop her mafia." Janis said. Michele's eyes widened, she got real angry.

"You SON OF A BITCH!" Michele said, angrily. She charges up her fire powers in her fist, throwing a punch towards Janis. Carolyn catches the punch.

"Punch her or your ass is grass." Carolyn said. Michele became more angrier and charges up her powers in Carolyn's hand.

"Actually, forget her. It's just you and me now."

Carolyn scoffs. "You haven't learned your lesson after I kicked your ass months back."

"Oh really?" Michele laughs. She looks at Bob and smirks evilly. "Get her pride and joy." She whispered.

Bob smirks and speeds towards Debra. Carolyn looks back at Debra, scared.


Debra scaredly braces herself. Janis blocks Debra from Bob.

"Don't worry Carolyn!"

She swung a punch towards him. Sending him flying towards the MGM grand hotel, Janis speeds towards him. Carolyn charges up her electrical powers, building up to create an explosion. She releases Michele's fists and throws a punch towards her. Michele dodges the punch and kicks Carolyn in the face, cutting her eye. Carolyn steps back, blood falls onto her face. She touches her face and feels the blood dripping onto the floor. Michele speeds towards her, hitting her hard in the stomach. Causing her to cough up blood. Michele punches Carolyn in the face, sending her flying towards the airport runway. Crashing into the gates and onto the runway, she heavily breathes. Carolyn threw up blood, slowly getting up on the floor. Michele laughs and looks at Debra. Debra clenches her spellbook, breathing. Michele walks towards her, smirking.

"Look at that, Deb. Carolyn can't save you now." Michele said. "Because of her decision to leave my mafia, she's going to be dying soon and IT'S going to be her last time coming back alive."

Debra stays silent. Michele grabs her spellbook and throws it toward the ground. She grabs her gun and shoots at it. Debra's eyes widened.


"And it will take you even more years if you stop being so FUCKING WEAK!" Michele yelled, slapping her in the face hard. Carolyn's eyes widened. She grabs Debra's cheeks, forcefully. "You listen to me and listen to me good… okay. Carolyn is nothing but a worthless piece of shit to you. You would date a woman that is Jewish who doesn't give two shits about you or anyone else in this city but HAS A PROBLEM WHEN I TELL HER TO DO MY BIDDING!"

"She had no choice—"

"The fuck do you mean she had no choice?"

"YOU FORCED HER" Debra yelled.

Michele punches her in the face causing Debra's nose to bleed. Carolyn's blood boiled but it made her even weaker to get up. Janis' senses startle her. She throws Bob to the other side of the casino and rushes out the building and sees Carolyn weakly trying to get up, covered in blood. She looks at Debra bleeding from her nose being forcefully carried by Michele by her cheeks. Her heart drops.

"Fuck… this is bad." Janis said, running towards Carolyn. Carolyn lays on the runway looking at the flash of lights from the airport runway blurred in her vision. Heavily breathing. Janis hops over the fence and helps Carolyn get up.


"…Janis…save Debra and let me die alone." Carolyn mumbled.

"Carolyn, we need you. Debra needs you. I need you. EVERYONE in Las Vegas needs you. You can't just go."

"Yes I should. Michele is right."

"She isn't. She's manipulating Debra to turn against you!"

"I can't save her, I'm too weak to even get up."

Janis shakes Carolyn in fear.. "Get up, Carolyn! GET UP!"

Carolyn spoke up.

"Please… I can't… save her please…"

Janis nodded. She speeds towards Michele, flames appear around her whole body. Punching Michele in the face, causing her to cough up blood. Dropping Debra. Janis grabs Debra and carries her. Michele snarls. Police sirens can be heard in the distance, showing up to the MGM Grand and the desert area across. Michele looks at the police arriving and disappears. Janis and Debra look at each other.

"Where's Carolyn, Janis?" Debra asks. Janis signs.

"She got hurt…badly."

Debra gasps. "Well, take me over there please!"

Janis speeds towards the airport runway. Carolyn lying on the floor with her own blood. Debra's eyes widened.

"CAROLYN!" Debra exclaimed, running towards Carolyn's body. She sits down and starts to heal her. "Carolyn… please… Please come back to me."

Janis sits down with Debra as she heals her. Distressed as tears fall from her face. Silence roams the area as the sky turns a light night sky blue. Janis' tail creases Carolyn's body to heal. Carolyn opens her eyes. Debra looks at Carolyn. She raises her hand, touching Debra's face.


"I'm sorry…"

"Please… don't say a word… I'm just glad that you're alive." Debra said, smiling. Carolyn smiles, slowly getting up to kiss Debra's cheek. Debra lays down next to Carolyn. Janis spoke up.


Debra and Carolyn look at Janis. "This is really bad. Like seriously bad. You have to go into hiding."

"I just can't Janis!"

"Why is it so hard for you to realize that you are in danger? You left her mafia and you can bear the fact that she almost killed you. AGAIN!" Janis yelled. "I get it. Now that you're the mayor of Las Vegas, you have to be present for everyone and sweep away what is going on. You put Debra in this predicament of danger, what the hell is wrong with you?!"

"I didn't! It went horribly wrong. I should've never put her in this situation but I made a promise to let her help me dismantle Michele's mafia alongside me."

"Wake up and look at Debra's face, Carolyn! She could've gotten killed!"

"I couldn't get up!"

"But is that an excuse to put her in danger like this?"

Carolyn stays silent. Janis breathes.

"I know it's not something for you to do right now but you don't have a choice. Now that Michele found out that you're dismantling her mafia. You're dead and everyone else will be dead."

"How are we going to tell Oscar about her going into hiding?" Debra asks.

"We aren't because we can't."

"But if we don't tell him, we're going to be more in trouble because he's going to declare her missing."

"So is everyone at city hall. What's the difference?" Janis said.

"The difference is the lower the commotion about her being gone so we can get to the bottom of this mess. Carolyn is trying to figure out how to defeat Michele along with her mafia for good. She doesn't need any more interruptions."

Janis thinks about it. Debra spokes up.

"And Oscar is pretty understanding about this so long as he knows that she's safe. It's fine."

Janis breathes as she looks at Carolyn. "Mob Donna Carolyn."

Carolyn looks at Janis confused. "Mob Donna?"

"What is your best decision for you to do?"

Carolyn thinks about it but breathes. "Let's go into hiding and tell Oscar."

"Cool. Let's do it."

"But first, get Debra and I to the hospital. She got hurt badly and I'm not letting her look like that. I'm going to beat Michele because of it. Also, my body can heal itself but it's going to take a while for it to heal."

"Yes ma'am." Janis said as she stood up. Debra and Janis help Carolyn get up. Debra thought about one thing.

"Oh Caroline. I forgot something." Debra said, running towards the desert floor area. Carolyn and Janis watch Debra run. She picks up her spell book, she looks through the book seeing no bullet holes in the book. "Huh, that's weird."

Carolyn and Janis walk over to Debra. "What's weird?"

"My book." She flips through the pages. "She shot at it and had no bullet holes."

"That's because you made it specially bulletproof." Carolyn said, smiling.

"Doh! I forgot about that!"

Carolyn laughs as the three start flying towards the medical district.