

After the annihilation of the squad, the INDEX walked to the nearby rocket fuel truck with the high liquid explosives with it and started to drive the truck to the resistance base.

INDEX: Effective way of solving the issue had been chosen.

Estimated time to reach the base is 10 min.

Estimation of wash-up operation is about 2hr.

while the INDEX is coming to the base the base had been well prepared to encounter him.

[undead watcher=uw]

UW 1: Hey look there. A truck is coming at a high speed.

UW 2: Yes it looks like our supply truck which had been gone outside.

On seeing through the binocular the UW 1 said no look it's a fuel truck.

After some time they relay the message to the truck to stop or else they will shoot. But the truck doesn't seem to be slowing down so they started to point the mounted gun on the wall.

Suddenly the truck had been stopped at 1km distance from the gate.

This whole thing had been relayed to Jhon through the walkie-talkie. And he issued an order that if the truck moves take the shot.


Reached the distinction Estimating the effective way to penetrate the compound.

Estimation is complete. An effective plan is selected.

After selecting the most effective way the INDEX started the truck which roared and started to move in high speed towards the gate.

The UW who were watching this started to shoot with the mount guns on the truck.

The front portion of the truck had been continuously being destroying while the destruction is being shown on the screen on the truck.

UW 1: The truck had been heavily reinforced all of you shoot the truck now.

The truck had been coming closer to the gate

as much as the distance between the truck and gate reduces the pressure on the undead side getting higher.

800m...600m... bombard the truck...400m

When the truck is 200m it turned to the left side of the gate and smashed on the wall.

On seeing this the UW gives out a heavy relief.