
Dealing with Danzo

''If you do, attempt to take it out of view of the civilians.'' Hiruzen stated.

''Easily, how big do you want the battle to be?'' Dante asked, stretching as he planned out the mural in his head.

''Hmm... make a crater on the mountain, then take it elsewhere, then once the fight settles down, I can make a public announcement that Danzo had betrayed the village, and plans to incite a rebellion... Getting rid of him will also lessen some of the building tensions with the Uchiha.''

''Building tensions... The guys with red eyes, right?'' Dante looked over.

''Indeed, a lot of the missions Danzo had sent groups of Uchiha on have led to a large number of casualties on their side, some of the elders in the clan are thinking it's because he's after their eyes or something, we have no proof right now, but with Fugaku recently taking the position of the clan leader, he's been having a rough time.'' Hiruzen breathed a large smoke cloud out.

''Is... This what being a Hokage is?'' Minato asked with a look of hesitation in his eyes.

They were condemning an elder of the council like they were just deciding what restaurant to go out and eat. Were Danzo's antics truly already at the point where he should be executed?

Dante sensed this wasn't an emotional talk he wanted to participate in so he left through the window and headed out, purchasing a few supplies to make the mural, the hardest thing to find is a large enough flat to put it on, then he headed to the Hokage mountain to do his little doodles, putting on it exactly like he said he would, he then put the wooden poles into the ground, and displayed it proudly above the Hokage mountain, for all of the villages to see.

Dante stood leaning against a tree, Rebellion leaned next to him as he took it off for the time being while he waited.

He waited about 15 minutes before a screen appeared in his vision.

[Kill Danzo Shimura]

His deeds have left far too many wives without husbands, sons, and daughters without a father or mother. Milf's without a proper home to return to.

End his life, and if you can. Return the arm and its eyes to its rightful owners to build trust between the Uchiha clan,

And the Red Demon of Konoha.


-Ebony and Ivory

Dante raised a brow as he stared at the mission, his guns, and a nickname over this?

Scratching his chin, he wondered if this was leading up to something, first his sword, now his guns... It felt like something was going to happen soon, to give him the two main points of his arsenal right away.

Suddenly, there was a soft take noise of wooden shoes landing on stone, looking over Dante noticed Danzo in all his bandaged glory who was definitely angry, chakra hissing off him like steam as the man seemed ready to take out Hokage mountain with them.

Shifting to stand off the tree, Dante returned rebellion to his back.

''You... Do you think you brokering peace between the villages allows you to just, act above the law? Act against me, because you feel like some kind of hot sho-''

Dante moved, his energy bursting outwards as he flipped both of the switches on, the sudden change in air pressure around them caused Danzo to sharply inhale only for a hand to catch his face, pulling him out of view of those below who might be looking, and around deeper into the mountains through the woods before his body was slammed down, a crater opening beneath him due to the sheer physical strength displayed.

Danzo coughed blood at the sudden impact, his eyes hazy because of the sudden jerk of his brain causing his vision to cloud and for him to lose his bearings for a moment before they returned quickly.

In a display of someone who knew war and was experienced in it, his eyes sharpened and he put his hands together. A massive amount of smoke burst out from the crater.

Covering a large area before a small windstorm took it away just as Dante raised his foot and kicked Danzo squarely in the chest, who had been able to slightly lift himself.

Pushing the kick upwards, Danzo flew upwards, his legs impacting the side of the crater as he passed and he started to spin out of control as he went through the air, his bandages loosening.

Dante's eyes focused when they did, focusing on the white arm, a few red eyes now staring wide into the air along it, there were other eyes on the arm, but it seemed almost as if they were inactive, or unfinished assimilating to the arm.

Dante felt a hair of chakra start reaching into the arm and he was suddenly in the air, spin-kicking Danzo across the side of the head to kick him downwards, having gone far enough outside of the city, and the forest around its limits, they ended up in a large clearing.

Danzo coughed even more blood, feeling one of his organs burst at the shockwave of the impact rattled his insides, his bones screaming as they attempted to take the brunt of the force only to shatter beneath it.

Dante was suddenly there, rebellion flashing through the air as he cut a portion of Danzo's chest off to remove the arm.

Danzo's screams filled the surrounding area, unaware that simply because he pissed Dante off by letting him see the arm, he had ended any chance he may have had to escape, to use his ability to 'save' himself.

Dante cut his arm off before he had the chance to activate it, Danzo had not even been ready to do so in the first place, he thought the man was on par with a kage, maybe a little weaker, the same strength that Danzo himself had, no.

The level of Kage was laughable at best in front of the man, as he had rebellion sheathed before blood even touched the blade.

Catching the arm, Dante looked at it, anger roaring deep inside his stomach and spreading outwards, the edge of his vision momentarily turning red before it started to rapidly calm down as he forcibly shut his access to demonic energy off entirely.

He held the arm for a moment, letting out a slow, long breath to release some of his frustration before he felt movement.

His foot came down and he slammed his foot to Danzo's head just as what seemed to be a highly concentrated burst of air thinned and compressed down into a bullet pierced through his foot, the force of the kick forcing his head down into the ground before he applied force.

Crushing Danzo's head beneath his foot.

He felt a soft burst of chakra near them and turned to look at Minato who looked, almost sad. His grief only increased as he saw the arm that Dante was holding.

The look of a man who lost something precious to him.

Dante turned to look at the eye, which... Only pissed him off more, despite being detached from Danzo, and the man killed. The arm itself had some sort of rudimentary energy in it, capable of keeping the eyes alive.

They moved to look at Dante. A stare that felt like it went on for hours before Minato spoke.

''Let's return to the Hokage... Can I take us both?'' Minato asked and Dante simply nodded, Minato reaching out to touch Dante's shoulder.

There was hesitation for a moment, as Minato seemed to struggle with something for a moment as if wanting to say something.

''It can wait, to give you time to process, to give you time to put it into words.'' Dante spoke, memories of being Dante, and 'Dante' had enough experience to understand the look.

Minato waited a moment before he nodded firmly, vanishing from the field as Anbu arrived on the scene.

When Dante appeared in the Hokage's room this time, it was in a far different air to the room.

There were four others in the room than the ones from before, Tsunade, Orochimaru, and a man and woman with black hair, whereas the man had a harder, stern look to his expression, he released the air of kindness that came from a father, whereas the woman was practically glowing with maternal instincts.

Turning to look, Orochimaru noticed the thing Dante was holding and her brow went up. ''Hashirama ce-..'' Her eyes widened when she noticed what was attached to the arm.

Her snake-like yellow eyes seemed to glow as anger caused the slit of her eyes to tighten even further, the whole energy in the room rapidly turning for the worst before a burst of chakra from Hiruzen disturbed it all.

The once kind-looking father and mother, now both had red eyes. A sharpness and strength to them capable of even making Dante feel naked... Not that he wasn't just wearing a coat, and a pair of black harem pants and hanging free of course.

''Is that...?'' The man spoke, now that the once building up anger had been dissuaded, it was now like being in a room full of leaders. Knowing when to put personal grudges aside, even if it was burning so close to the service.

''I watched their... Fight, Danzo definitely had this arm.'' Minato confirmed, Kushina looked ready to cry as she watched the red eyes still actively look at them, all of the eyes in the arm that were open capable of looking around.

Kushina pulled Minato's hand, pulling him back to hold onto him, practically leaning into him. Dante was unsure of who was comforting whom in that exchange.

Tsunade seemed unsure, the white arm she was watching was causing her hand to tighten again and again as if she wasn't sure what to feel.

''It's unfinished.'' Orochimaru stated, causing all eyes to fall on her.

''Or, more so it's... Unrefined, whoever did this was poor at their job... This explains why Danzo has been trying so hard to get a meeting with me recently, after learning of my research on Hashirama cells.''

The man with dark hair stepped forward, looking Dante in the eyes, Dante noticed how his eyes were black now.

''I am Fugaku Uchiha, Head of the Uchiha Clan, and leader of the Konoha Military Police Force... Those eyes belong to my clan... May I see it?''

Dante looked over to the Hokage, who only firmly nodded before handing it over.

Fugaku was gentle as he very gingerly took the arm, and examined the eyes, his lips quivering occasionally as he noticed the patterns in some of them, most of them looked similar to Dante, but to the man it seemed he could tell even the finest difference between them, his eyes shifting into a shuriken pattern with three dots following the edges. His eyes seemed to focus as the eyes on the arm slowly began to close their eyes.

Only after they all were closed did the man return his eyes to normal, holding the arm for a moment longer before handing it back to Dante.

''Orochimaru, Tsunade... Can I ask that you retrieve the eyes from the arm, and return them to me?'' Fugaku asked without turning to look at them.

''We'll do it, we'll make sure to take good care of them as well.'' Tsunade said immediately.

Dante stood there, holding the arm before he growled.

Parts of the arm were trying to, assimilate with his flesh it felt like. All eyes in the room watched when it happened like the hand was attempting to grab at him.

''The arms trying to find a host, it may not last long without one.'' Orochimaru stated, a purple haze around the side of her eyes as she watched the arm closely.

''With what we've been studying, it should be fine to assimilate it, and even afterward we will be able to remove the eyes... But.'' Tsunade turned to look at Fugaku, who only nodded softly. 

''I've sealed the eyes... I will trust you, Dante. With the eyes of my people.''

Dante wanted to make a joke about if he had a say about a white arm full of eyeballs assimilating to him, but it only seemed to be reacting to him.

The arm gripped onto his shoulder and the fingers seemed to melt away as it assimilated into his flesh.

Dante squinted his eyes a bit, and for a moment he felt a massive chakra signature, bubbling red with power for only a moment as his vision faded, he still felt like his body was standing in the real world, but it felt like he was having a vision.

But nothing was around him, just unending darkness, it wasn't until he looked up that he saw a single thing.

The Moon.


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