
N's Condition

James sighs and stands, because he can't stand his friend being hurt. "I'm sorry, N." James apologizes, also holding his hand out to help him up. N sobs and tears falls like a waterfall. "UUUAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! It hurts Jamie!!!!!!!!!" N cried, jokingly, but truly, making the others giggle a little. N wanted to take James' hand, but suddenly N's vibe turn hot again and he feels like he wants to throw up, so he hold his mouth instead, with is eyes till tearing up. N start to heat up and smoke start to form on N. "Woah, N your're heating up! Are you ok?" Akila asked, worried about N. N hit his limit and he get up and run to the bathroom. "N!" Everyone shouted running along with him. N hide his head under the sink, while throwing up and crying. Everyone went over to the miserable human being and tried to comfort him. "N, are you ok?" James asked. With an ugly looking face, N shouted, "Of course not!" And the head dissappear again, "This is all your fault!" He shout again, before hiding his head again. Akila and Luna are still confused though, why is N like this? With out further ado, James explains, "Well, when this guy turn 13, he start to throw up every time someone bows down at him and the last time this happens..." James was cut by N, who said, "I throw up at Luke." Hearing that, the girls move backwords and asked, "You did that and you still live? Please tell us your secret." Without knowing they bow before N, which make him feel even hotter than he already is. His head dissappear once again and his body start to burn. "Girls please, get up. I don't know why I'm like this and when I did throw up on Luke, he didn't notice. He just thought that it was from the food fight, we were having." N explains. With glitter and sparkles on the girls' eyes, they praise "The Almighty One Who Lived Pass Luke's Anger". Slowly as the time passes, N's hot vibe come to pass and his pain also lessens. N took long breaths and wash off all his stuff, then come back to the others, who were their eating cupcakes Luna took along with the cake.