
M Hasan

This is the story of two student who are completely opposite to each other but fall in love

Mohammed_Hasan_0894 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Ch 1 The transfer student

The story begins with a 16-year-old boy named Amano Itsumi, who is obsessed with playing video games. He is a student in the second year of Bonyari High School and spends all his free time playing games. Due to this, no one talks to him and even hates him. The reason for the hate is the game genre he loves to play, which is dating sim, a subgenre of simulation games that include romance or sex elements. Therefore, other students see him as a sex maniac, but he is a brilliant student in sports and academics. This is also the reason why most students dislike him (99%). He does not care about anyone and is happy with the way he lives.

 One day, his homeroom teacher announced that a new student had transferred from America to Japan and enrolled in their school. When the teacher asked the new student, Shinazuki Mahiru, to introduce herself, everyone was stunned by her beauty. She was half American and half Japanese. She said, "My name is Shinazuki Mahiru. I am 16 years old. I don't know a lot about this school yet, so I hope you all can teach me." All male and some female students started screaming and said, "Sure! Sure! Sure! Why not?" On the other hand, Itsumi was thinking about a new game that was launched that day. He did not want to go to school, but he came because of his mother. Now, he was thinking about when all classes would be over and when he could leave to buy that game. He thought about all these things in his mind, with his head down. Suddenly, the teacher asked Mahiru to take a seat next to Itsumi. When Mahiru took her seat, she saw Itsumi lying with his head down, lost in thought. She asked him, "Hello! Why are you down your head all the time?" After hearing those words, Itsumi suddenly lifted his head and was stunned. She was the only one who had talked to him that year. He stared at her face for a long time and then said, "Kawaii" (a Japanese word meaning cute). After hearing this, she was embarrassed, and her face turned red. She asked him, "Don't you even blush to say a girl is cute?" Suddenly, he said, "Not, not at all." There conversation ends when teacher says ' Let start today lesson' 

 During lunch break, almost all the students crowded around Mahiru to ask her about her favorite music, game, TV series, etc. However, she noticed that no one spoke to a particular person and asked one of the girls standing beside her why they ignored him. The girl replied that he was considered a weirdo and obsessed Otaku, which means he was an obsessed gamer who didn't care about anything else besides games. Despite this, Mahiru found it somehow cute.

During a PT class, the teacher asked everyone to make pairs for stretching exercises. Itsumi noticed that no one wanted to be his partner and everyone preferred Mahiru. The teacher then asked Itsumi to partner with Mahiru, and she agreed. Itsumi felt that Mahiru was mocking him by agreeing so quickly. A girl standing nearby whispered to herself, questioning why Mahiru was partnered with Itsumi.

After school, Amano packed his bag and went home. He thought about the events of the day and wondered why the girl who sat next to him in class talked to him. Amano believed she didn't know anything about him, but she did. She suddenly appeared in front of him and asked for his name. He told her, and she said it was a cute name. Amano was embarrassed and blushed. The girl teased him but said she hoped they could be good friends. Amano was surprised because no one had ever wanted to be his friend before. He ran home after leaving school. 

When he got home, his mother asked if he was okay. Amano said he was fine and went to take a bath. In the bathtub, he remembered that he forgot to buy a game that he had been looking forward to for a long time. He yelled that he forgot to buy the game because of the girl. He knew he had to go back to the store to buy the game, but the store is closed but because of that girl he did not the game. He felt like he was losing his mind as he tried to study for the night. 

This is the end of this day and first chapter. I hope you find it enjoyable 

The next chapter upload soon