
LYRA: The rise of the rookies

In a world where the Warriors protect peace and balance, Lyra, a young rookie in the guild, embarks on exciting adventures with her friends Ik, Touko and Shori. As they face challenges and dangers, they discover their own Zen powers and learn about the mysterious Keiyaku. From combat missions to political intrigue and confrontations with powerful enemies, Lyra and her friends explore a world full of magic, danger and hidden secrets. With each challenge, they grow in skill and confidence, forging strong bonds and facing their destiny as Zen warriors. Along their journey, they will find friendship, love, and discover the true meaning of courage and determination.

Angel_Monzter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


The next day after the exciting campout, the sun was gilding the town square when Lyra met with Touko, Ik, Shori, and Licka. They had promised to meet for lunch at a restaurant and, at the same time, complete the registration papers for the upcoming Ming tournament.

Lyra, with her characteristic warm smile, thanked the girls from team twenty-six for joining the tournament.

"I'm excited to go to the tournament, but I must warn you that my skill isn't the best," Licka confessed with a note of modesty in her voice.

"Don't worry, Licka. We're here to support each other," added Touko with a tone of solidarity.

"Exactly. Besides, Criss assured us that knowing the three basic principles, we're ready to compete," Ik commented, taking a sip of her drink before setting the glass down on the table. Lyra placed the folder with the registration forms in the center of the table, ready for each of her friends to take theirs.

"Dam, I forgot my pen!" Lyra exclaimed in frustration.

"I'll see if they have one at the counter," Shori announced, agilely rising from her seat and heading to the counter. There, a girl with fluffy hair and an apron was diligently attending.

"Hi, do you have any pens available or do you sell them here?" Shori asked as she settled onto one of the stools at the counter.

"Let me check, but I think we're out of pens," the girl at the counter responded, busy finishing organizing the glasses before stepping away to look.

While waiting, Shori noticed an elegant woman, a couple of years older than his friend Criss, sitting in the seat to his right. He watched absentmindedly as she took out a folder with documents and began writing a letter with a pen. When the woman got up to go to the bathroom, a fleeting and unwise idea crossed Shori's mind. He quickly glanced at his friends, ensuring no one was watching, and leaned in to read the letter, looking for clues about her marital status. However, as he read it, he realized it made no sense. He then decided to leave some coins on the counter in exchange for the pen the woman had left behind.

"I have the pen, but we need to leave immediately," Shori murmured quietly, a hint of urgency in his words.

"Did you steal it or something?" Touko inquired, frowning with curiosity.

"We haven't even ordered food yet," Lyra added, puzzled by the situation.

"I'll explain later, but trust me," Shori insisted urgently.

Although confused, his friends agreed and quickly left the establishment.

Meanwhile, the elegant woman hurried out of the bathroom upon realizing she had left her documents at the counter.

"Please, could I see the security recordings?" the woman asked the employee at the counter after verifying that the cameras were operational.

"Sure, did something happen with that young man?" the employee asked, noticing the woman's concern.

Both of them went to the small office behind the counter, where the woman began carefully reviewing the recordings. On the screen, they clearly saw Shori taking the pen and leaving some coins in its place.

"Rewind a bit more, please," the woman requested. The employee complied, and the recording clearly showed Shori reading the woman's letter.

"Stop there, please. Pause," the woman ordered, before taking the computer keyboard and typing some commands, causing the printer to emit a capture of the video.

"I didn't know you could do that," the employee murmured, impressed, but when she looked up, she noticed the woman was no longer there.

The next day, Crissalid, having submitted all the necessary registration papers, gathered the team in the picturesque central park of the city to share the exciting news. Touko and Lyra, enjoying a day out together, took the van, leaving Shori with the option of taking the bus.

Walking towards the bus stop, a couple of blocks from his house, Shori began to feel an uncomfortable sensation of being watched. He turned his head every few steps, a strange unease creeping down his spine, as if he could sense danger in the air. He quickened his pace, trying to shake off that unsettling feeling. However, just as he was about to reach the bus stop, he felt as if he had been pulled back several meters. Confused and alarmed, Shori moved forward again, but upon reaching the same red brick building, he experienced the same sensation of being stuck. It was as if he were trapped in a loop, unable to move past that point.

Increasingly uneasy, Shori looked around for any witness to what was happening, but the street was deserted and silent, as if the entire world were suspended in a moment of ominous stillness.

"What did you read in the letter?" a firm voice resonated behind Shori, sending a chill that froze him to the bone. He turned slowly to find himself facing an imposing man, about six feet tall, with long, wavy hair as black as midnight. His well-defined muscles were evident through the tight black shirt he wore, paired with worn jeans and dress shoes. But the most striking feature was his violet eyes, which seemed to pierce Shori's very soul with their penetrating gaze.

Shori tried to step back, but found himself immobilized, as if trapped in a nightmarish dream. He wanted to run, but a paralyzing sensation kept him rooted to the ground, unable to move.

"I'll ask you one more time. What did you read in the letter?" the man's voice cut through the air with an intensity, moving dangerously close to Shori.

With his heart pounding wildly in his chest, Shori struggled to speak, but his lips refused to obey. The man grabbed his arm with immense strength, and with a quick, precise movement, snapped the bones as if they were dry twigs. Shori fell to his knees, engulfed in indescribable agony, yet not a single groan escaped his lips. The man's gaze conveyed a clear message: silence was the only option.

"You will not say a word," the man declared before walking away, leaving Shori writhing on the ground in unbearable pain. Only when the young man's screams filled the air did some people rush to his aid, taking him urgently to the hospital. But from that day on, Shori refused to go out alone, aware that the encounter had changed his life forever.

The next day, Lyra and Ik headed to Touko's house as soon as they received the news. Upon entering Shori's room, they found him lying in bed, with the TV buzzing in the background. Seeing their arrival, Shori quickly turned off the TV and pulled his uninjured hand from under the covers, greeting his friends with a forced smile.

"We came as soon as Touko told us what happened," Lyra said, her tone laden with concern as she approached Shori's bed. Ik, on the other hand, quickly grasped the situation and began laughing quietly behind Lyra's back. Noticing this, Lyra's worried expression turned into a look of displeasure.

"Are you sure you want us to attend the event without you?" Ik asked after a while, trying to keep a light tone during their conversation about the incident.

"Yes, I already spoke with Criss. He assured me that the tournament organizers will accept a last-minute change, so you have until ten tonight to find someone to replace me," Shori responded, his tone serious, contrasting with his usual cheerfulness and jokes.

Lyra and Ik nodded, accepting the situation with resignation, and bid Shori farewell before heading to the guild in search of a warrior who could replace their teammate in the tournament. Though worried about their friend, they knew they had to focus on finding a quick solution to avoid disappointing the team.

"So, are we just going to wander around here until we find the best fighter?" Lyra asked Ik as they walked together through the guild, scrutinizing the other warriors attentively.

"We could start by checking the teams from our generation. They meet the age requirements for the tournament, but they might not be as strong as Shori," Ik responded, a thoughtful look on his face, before heading to the guild's backyard to observe the rookies from their generation who were training there.

"Take a look at those guys over there," Lyra suggested, pointing to a group training near where they used to practice. One of them was tall and muscular, with a bald head that accentuated his imposing appearance. Beside him was a slim girl with freckles scattered across her face, and a chubby boy of their age, with a notably innocent appearance. His wavy hair fell over his forehead, partially hiding his eyebrows, and instead of the guild's special shoes, he wore "crocs" style sandals.

"They look promising," Ik said, his eyes narrowing as he observed the trio. "Let's go talk to them and see if any of them might be willing and able to join our team."

Lyra and Ik approached quietly, watching as the two young men in the group prepared for a friendly match.

"Just give it up, Alexander, you'll never beat Same!" the girl exclaimed with a tone of resignation as she watched her companions stretch in preparation for the bout.

"Excuse me, is that boy over there your teammate?" Lyra asked softly, approaching the girl and sitting down next to her.

"Yes, that's Same, and the other one is the fool Alexander. He still thinks he can beat Same if he tries hard enough," the girl with short hair replied with a sigh. Ik, observing silently, noticed Lyra's compassionate glance toward the chubby boy. It seemed the girl didn't have much faith in Alexander's abilities.

The muscular Same quickly launched himself at the unsuspecting Alexander, who was still focused on his stretches. Lyra averted her gaze, anticipating the inevitable outcome. However, to her surprise, Alexander displayed remarkable agility, dodging each of Same's punches.

"Did you train in boxing?" asked the wavy-haired young man as he grabbed his opponent's hands, not giving him a chance to respond. With a swift move, he kneed him in the stomach and followed up with a precise punch under the jaw. The muscular boy fell to the ground, and the chubby one began stomping on his chest with determination, surprising the spectators with his sudden aggressiveness.

"That's enough, Same! I think Alexander has learned his lesson!" the freckled girl shouted, standing up and placing a hand on her aggressive companion's shoulder.

"That was Same?!" Lyra exclaimed, visibly surprised by the revelation. Ik, with an expression of astonishment, wondered how it was possible for the chubby young man to demonstrate such strength and agility.

"Oh, hi, guys. How are you?" Same greeted with a friendly smile, as if he hadn't been pummeling his teammate moments before.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier? Same is quite impressive," Ik commented, still trying to wrap his head around what he had just witnessed.

"To be honest, you surprised me, Same. I'm Lyra," the redhead said, extending her hand toward Same. He observed her for a moment before accepting the gesture and returning the smile.

"Pleasure to meet you, Lyra. I'm Same," he responded warmly, displaying a friendly demeanor that contrasted with the intensity of the fight moments before.

"And what brings you here?" the girl asked with curiosity as she watched Lyra and Ik approach with determination.

"Well, we wanted to know if Same would be interested in joining our team to participate in the Ming tournament," Ik replied, cautiously approaching the chubby young man.

"I want to join too!" Alexander exclaimed, rising behind Same. However, before he could say anything else, Same turned around and delivered a strong punch to his chin, knocking him unconscious to the ground.

"So, do you accept, Same?" Lyra asked, maintaining her friendly smile despite the incident. Same nodded in agreement. Lyra pulled out the blank registration form from her pocket and handed it to the chubby young man to fill out.

"Could you help me take him to the infirmary?" the girl asked, lifting Alexander's shoulders while Same headed to the guild to fill out the registration form.

"Of course, I'll take care of it," Ik replied, stepping forward to assist in carrying the unconscious rookie.

"So, this is Alexander, right?" Lyra asked, walking alongside them.

"Yes, that's him. Poor guy always ends up hurt from trying to challenge Same. By the way, my name's Natsumi, nice to meet you," the girl responded with a tone of resignation.

"Can I ask you something, Natsumi?" Ik inquired, noticing the harsh tone Natsumi used towards Alexander.

"Sure, what do you want to know? I'm willing to answer anything about Same," Natsumi replied.

"It's not about Same, it's about you. Don't you think you're a bit tough on Alexander? It sounds a bit harsh when you talk to him," Ik delicately pointed out.

Natsumi lowered her gaze with sadness before responding: "Alexander is my childhood friend. I used to have a crush on him when we were younger, but he never paid attention to me. I guess that's why I started treating him roughly, and it just became a habit. I don't want him to get hurt," Natsumi confessed, revealing a more vulnerable side of herself.

The four young people entered the guild building and headed to the infirmary to tend to Alexander.

After a few minutes in the guild's waiting room, Same appeared with his characteristic warm smile, handing over the signed documents.

"If your name is Same, why did you write 'Demian' here?" Lyra asked the new member, quickly glancing at the document. Same was about to respond, but Natsumi intervened.

"Same is not his real name. His name is Demian, but he prefers to be called by his nickname."

"It's a nickname my mother gave me," Same added, somewhat shyly.

"What does it mean?" Lyra asked, intrigued.

"I don't know. What does your name mean?" Same replied, returning the question with a smile. Ik remained silent, lost in his own thoughts, and chose to evade the question as if it were rhetorical.

"So, our master will send you the meeting point location to go to the Ming state tomorrow afternoon. Could you give us your phone number?" Lyra asked.

"I don't have a phone yet, but I have one of those new communicators. I can give you my communication code," Same replied, taking the device out of his pocket.

"When Touko gave me a communicator, I thought it was just a passing trend, but it seems to be becoming more and more common. Tell me the code, please," Lyra requested, offering her arm so Same could write it on it.

Lyra and Ik headed to the city hospital to meet with Crissalid, who spent much of his free time visiting his friend Mado.

"So, Demian Satoru, huh? Alright, the team is complete. Tomorrow I'll send you the location to depart for the tournament venue," Criss explained after reviewing the new entry form.

"Understood. If everything is in order, I'll take my leave. I have some packing to do," Lyra responded, determinedly.

"Alright, go and prepare your bags. Remember that the tournament lasts approximately four days, so make sure to bring what you need," Mado added from the hospital bed where he rested, with long bracelets on both arms. From them protruded three syringes filled with a strange phosphorescent blue fluid.

"What's that on your arms, Master Mado?" Ik asked, visibly intrigued by the scene.

"To counteract a post-mortem Keiyaku, you need another post-mortem Keiyaku. During the last territorial war, many valuable warriors died from these types of Keiyakus. The World Medical Association created a treatment to exorcise these evils using convicted felons from the maximum-security prison on Alkadar Island," Mado explained before drifting off to sleep due to medication.

"The convicts are offered a large sum for their families, and in return, they sign a Keiyaku that turns their corpses into a gallon of this liquid to exorcise other post-mortem techniques. That's why this treatment is very expensive, but don't worry about Mado. The guild's insurance will cover it completely," Crissalid added to conclude the explanation.

Lyra returned home and, after greeting her sister, hurried upstairs to her room to start packing. "Touko recommended bringing a set for fighting and a couple more for daily wear. I have to choose which will be the most comfortable," Lyra thought, opening her wardrobe full of clothes, mostly gifts from Touko. "This blouse is quite comfortable and looks great on me," she said to herself as she observed in the mirror wearing a loose gray sleeveless sports blouse, with a band covering her chest due to the wide side openings. After a while of searching and with a large pile of clothes on the floor, Lyra sat down exhausted.

"In the end, the warm weather field uniform seems to be the best option," she concluded, holding the short lycra leggings of the uniform in her hands.

The next day, Lyra received a call from Criss while enjoying a snack with her sister. Lyra answered the phone, and after the brief conversation, she hurried to take a shower. Luna understood the situation and went up to her sister's room to prepare the suitcase in the hallway. When Lyra came out of the bathroom, she dressed in a casual outfit and went downstairs to say goodbye to her sister.

"I've already registered you on my communicator, so I'll be able to contact you even if there's no phone nearby. Have you learned how to use it?" Lyra asked.

"Yes, little sister, I'm not dumb. Take care, and above all, have fun, but not too much. If you have to share a room, stick with Touko," Luna replied in a playful tone. Lyra agreed to the conditions and said goodbye to Luna with a loving kiss on the cheek just as Touko's van pulled into their driveway. Lyra quickly got into the vehicle after Finley helped load her luggage into the trunk, while she waved goodbye to Luna from inside the car.

"Let's also pick up Licka," Touko ordered the driver, who complied and started the vehicle. After a few minutes, they arrived at the girl's house, who was already waiting for them sitting on a bench outside her house.

"Licka, you look amazing!" exclaimed Lyra as Touko helped her get into the van.

"Thank you, Lyra. You both look great too."

Licka was dressed in a tight black leather outfit, paired with tall gothic boots and a vest of the same material over a white tank top.

The three of them arrived at the airport on the south side of the city, where Same was already waiting for them sitting in the waiting area, engrossed in reading a comic book.

"Hi, Same, how are you? I hope you didn't have to wait too long alone," greeted Lyra to the chubby young man.

"My mom dropped me off not long ago, so don't worry," Same responded with his characteristic smile.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Touko. Thank you for agreeing to attend the tournament with us," Touko introduced herself, extending her hand to Same.

"The pleasure is mine, Miss Touko," Same responded, kissing her hand courteously, which made Touko show a surprised expression. Licka observed the scene and also gave Same a smile as a greeting.

After a few more minutes in the waiting area, they saw Crissalid and Ik entering the airport.

"Here are your tickets, guys. We'll be boarding the flyer in twenty minutes," Crissalid announced as soon as he approached the newcomers. Everyone took their tickets and headed towards the boarding gate. Suddenly, a green light lit up above the gate, and a woman's voice echoed from the speakers:

"Passengers of flight 'D-21' bound for Ming state, please board through gate six."