
Chapter 4 My Erasthai

Alexander’s P.O.V.

Next morning, we left for our tour of the world according to Elijah’s description. We visited Paris, Italy, London, Sydney, New York, and many more. Initially, I enjoyed this trip, but with the passage of time I realized that I was more lonely than ever.

I saw humans working like idiots, bearing their boss’s bad attitude, facing many difficulties due to their weakness. But at the end of the day, they had a home to go back to. They had somewhere to belong to, someone they could say their family.

My Lycan became more depressed, and for the first time in my life, I went to the temple of the Moon Goddess and begged her to bless me with my Erasthai.

On the other hand, Elijah was very excited with his Earsthai, James, as it is their first time having a trip together. Elijah found his Erasthai in the pack, and was living happily with him. But due to his responsibilities, they were unable to go for vacations. So now, they were enjoying themselves to the fullest.

I was drinking alone after dinner when Elijah came to me.

“Why are you drinking here alone? Let’s go to a club and find you some beautiful company.”

“I am fine here, Elijah.” I filled my glass again when Elijah stopped me.

“You are wasting this liquor. Talk to me. I am noticing that you are getting depressed day by day. And yesterday, you disappeared for the whole afternoon.

Your actions are making me suspicious.”

“Elijah, you are good at your job. You can read minds well.” I praised him.

“Thank you so much, Your Majesty. You flattered me.” He put his hand on his chest to show his gratitude.

“I know I am good at my job, but it seems like I am not a good friend, Alexander. You are worried here, and I am doing nothing to help you.

I am feeling useless.”

“You are not useless, Elijah. It’s just that I am getting old now, that’s why I am feeling depressed lately.”

I laughed and emptied my glass in one go. He ignored my white lie and provided me with information about his latest research.

“My informers have told me that there’s a good oracle in East Texas. Let’s go see her, maybe she’ll be able to find your Erasthai.

They told me she is young and gifted, and is quite popular for her rebellious nature. She has offended several witch’s covens, and is currently running for her life.

What about we give her protection and get our work done?”

“We have tried every witch, every oracle, Elijah. But nothing worked. There’s no use of it now.”

“Please come with me, Alexander. One last time for the sake of our friendship. I beg you.”

Elijah kneeled in front of me.

I put my glass on the table and stood up.

“Ok, then East Texas it is, we are leaving tomorrow.”

It was about 200 years ago when I last came to Texas. The city was more lively now, and packs here were living peacefully with humans. Some wolves even had human mates here. The freshness of air really calmed my mind and I felt relaxed again.

Elijah started his mission of “finding Oracle” immediately as soon as we arrived, and was foolishly hopeful for the future. He got a new habit of going to different coffee shops every day for our morning coffee. It was mainly due to James, who was quite picky and had a unique taste.

Elijah had really spoiled his Erasthai.

As usual, Elijah went to buy two cups of coffee: one for James and one for me (as he was allergic to caffeine) and I started reading reports from different officials. I was immersed in my reading when a faint smell of peach blossoms came to my notice. I inhaled deeply and found it mixed with the smell of coffee.


Darren, my Lycan, who hadn’t talked to me in centuries, growled happily and urged me to follow the scent.

“Our Erasthai, I can sense her. She is near. Let’s go to her and claim her.”

I got up with mixed feelings of shock, and excitement as Elijah entered the study.

“Alexander, your Lycan is in control. You are shifting now.”

His words made me realize my condition and I quickly controlled myself.

Unhappy by this, Darren growled at Elijah.

“Get out of my way, Orion. I am going to see my Erasthai.”

(Orion is Elijah’s Lycan.)

He bowed his head and bared his neck in submission.

“Congratulations on finding your Erasthai and future Queen of all shifters, Your Majesty. I’ll go and make arrangements for her grand welcome.”

“First you get up and tell me where you bought this coffee?”

“This one?

I bought this from Rise and Shine coffee shop. Omg, that little girl is our Queen.” A sudden realization hit him hard.

We reached the coffee shop after 10 minutes and I sent him back as I wanted to meet my soulmate alone. I was getting impatient with anticipation, and Darren was showing me a slideshow of his future planning.

“We’ll buy the finest things for her. Don’t forget to ask about her likes and dislikes.”

I noted this in my mind and went inside the shop, a soothing scent of peach blossoms welcomed me.

“I can never get tired of this scent.”

I smiled and inhaled greedily. Then I saw her, the true example of feminine beauty. She was about 5’5”tall with a lean body structure. Her blonde hair was prettily tied in a ponytail and her blue eyes were deep like the ocean.

Her high tail was swaying freely, hypnotizing me with its glamor. No one could be more perfect than her in this entire universe. Darren literally fell on his knees when she came in front of me and asked,

“How would you like your coffee, Sir?” She smiled gently.

Her smile formed cute dimples in her cheeks, and I lost my mind. Darren was suggesting to me different ways of marking her there.

But this happiness was short-lived, a female wolf came forward,

“Jasmine, you go and take orders from others.”

“Yes, aunt,” she answered in her soft voice.

I became upset due to this lady’s interruption and started chanting “Jasmine” in my mind to stop myself from killing her. I was not in the position to spoil my first impression by killing her relative at the first meeting.

I bought a cup of iced Americano and came back to my car to wait for her off time. At 12 pm, she came out and started walking in the opposite direction. I decided to follow her so that I could invite her to come with me.

Jasmine was a relative of that she-wolf, but her scent was almost human. I had a super sensitive sense of smell, that was why I was able to tell that she was born with a wolf. But somehow, her wolf was so weak that she was practically a human.

However, this was nothing to be concerned about. I have found the one made for me, that was enough.

Anyhow, I started following her and Jasmine noticed it too. She started walking swiftly (according to her) and Darren became excited.

“Our Erasthai wants us to chase her.”

I tried to calm him down, but he was so thrilled that he refused to listen to me like I refused to listen to him in the past…