
Lustful Dominion: An Erotic Saga of World Conquest with My Harem

[Warning: Mature Content] == Just a quick heads up for those interested in this novel - there won't be any NTR (netorare) or Yuri (girl's love) present in the story. I want to clarify that when I say "no Yuri," I mean there won't be any girl's love relationships depicted. However, it's worth mentioning that there may be a few scenes that could be considered Yuri, but they'll only be part of an FFM setup to add some spice to the scene. == Tags: | An*l | Brainwashing | Clingy Lovers | C*nnilingus | Cunning Protagonist | Cruel Characters | Depiction of Cruelty | Devoted Love Interests | Enemies Become Lovers | F*rst Time Intercourse | F*llatio | Handj*b | Incest | Kingdom Building | Maids | Manipulative Characters| Masochistic Characters | Master-Servant Relationship | MILF | Netori | Organized Crime | O*gy | Outdoor Interc*urse | Polygamy | Popular Love Interests| Rape Victim Becomes Lover | Revenge | Sadistic Characters | S*x Slaves | Threesome | Twisted Personality | Yandere | Some of the tags listed here are not yet present in the story. Right now, I'm still in the process of building the initial plot, and as of Chapter 113, I'm still working on the second half of part 1. So, there's still a lot more to come, and I hope you all will stay patient and see how this story unfolds. Synopsis: In the crumbling Kingdom of Elesia, where corruption and abuse of power run rampant, a beacon of hope emerges in the form of Cian Lambhart. Armed with a devoted harem of capable and determined individuals, Cian sets out on a mission to restore the prosperity and justice that once defined his kingdom. With his strategic prowess, unwavering resolve, and the unwavering support of his harem, Cian embarks on a journey that will test his leadership and shape the destiny of Elesia. As he confronts the corrupt nobles and challenges the established order, Cian discovers the true extent of his power and the potential for something greater with his harem by his side. Will he succeed in his quest to bring about change and find love amidst the chaos, or will he succumb to the very darkness he seeks to vanquish? The fate of Elesia hangs in the balance as Cian and his harem navigate treacherous political waters, battle against formidable foes, and unlock the secrets of their intertwined destinies.

Lord_Nightingale · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
153 Chs

Oh, Master! You've Made Me Wet Again!


Cian opened the car door and discovered Maya along with three other women inside.

"Welcome back, Master~!" Maya exclaimed, her hands firmly gripping the steering wheel. She leaned in, her face inching closer to Cian's, silently requesting a kiss. Giving in to her desire, Cian leaned closer, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace, their tongues entwined.

Feeling Maya's lewd side starting to awaken, Cian quickly pulled away, not wanting things to escalate further.

Maya pouted, longing for more, but then asked eagerly, "So, how did it go?"

"It went well. As luck would have it, Briar was also present, and I took care of her as well. I ensured that their demise was aesthetically pleasing. I wish you could have witnessed it, Maya."

"I wish I could have seen it too..." Maya responded, a tinge of sadness in her voice.

"Don't worry. If the opportunity arises again, I'll make sure you have a front-row seat."

"Really?" Maya's excitement grew.


"Yipee! Hehe!"

Their conversation and the way they spoke to each other sounded like that of a couple's, but the content of their discussion about killing people with such nonchalant and lighthearted tones terrified the three women. They couldn't comprehend how they could casually discuss such brutal acts as if they were discussing everyday matters.

"By the way, let me introduce you to these three," Maya said, gesturing towards the women in the car. "The one with green hair is Freya. The woman with black hair is Charlotte, and the redhead is Mila. Charlotte and Mila are from a village near the Lambhart region, so before we head back to the manor, Master..."

Freya and the others looked at Cian, but since he still wore his mask, they couldn't discern his expression. Knowing that this man could ruthlessly eliminate anyone without a second thought, their minds were filled with hesitation about accompanying him.

Feeling the need to voice her concerns, Freya finally spoke up. "U-Uhm... Is it safe for us to go with both of you?"

The other two women stared at her, shocked by her question. Their eyes silently conveyed their disbelief: 'Why would you ask that?' It wasn't as if Freya blurted it out thoughtlessly; she genuinely harbored apprehensions.

Maya and Cian exchanged a glance before Cian spoke reassuringly, "Do you think we would harm you? Don't worry, we're not heartless individuals. Our actions are merely a means of delivering justice to those who deserve it. I'm sure you understand what I mean, Freya Meadowlight."

Freya's eyes widened in surprise. "Ho-How do you..."

"I've seen you before, though we never formally met. I'm not the type to seek attention in public gatherings. However, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cian. Cian Lambhart, the seventh Earl of the Lambhart Earldom. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Meadowlight," he said, removing his mask and bowing gracefully, displaying the manners befitting a noble.

"...L-Lord Lambhart?!" Freya stammered. "That means you're the child prodigy?"

Cian chuckled softly. "That's a nickname I'd rather not hear again, but yes, I was once referred to as the child prodigy."

Freya continued to stare at Cian's face in astonishment, momentarily lost in his handsome features before averting her gaze.

"...Um, if I may be so bold to ask, can we truly trust you?" she inquired cautiously.

Maya chuckled, finding the question amusing. "You can trust my Master. He's the most trustworthy person I know. Besides, I'm sure you don't want to stay in this place any longer, right?"

Indeed, this place must have been a living nightmare for them. The other two women longed to escape and return home, but what about Freya? She no longer had a home to go back to.

"Um..." Charlotte, the young woman with black hair and eyes, spoke up, raising her hand to get their attention. "I-I trust you, Lord Lambhart. I-I may be overstepping my bounds as a commoner, but please, accompany us back home!" Her eyes were brimming with tears, her plea heartfelt.

Cian's smile turned gentle. "Of course. You're innocent bystanders caught in the midst of this chaos, after all."

All the women, including Maya, blushed at his smile, but Maya was the only one bold enough to openly express her feelings. "Oh, Master! You've made me wet again!"

Cian let out a sigh. "You truly are a pervert, Maya, through and through. Well, once we're done here and back home, I'll make sure to satisfy you until you can't stand anymore."

"Hehe! I'm looking forward to it!"

The three women simply stared at them, dumbfounded by their brazen discussion of their sexual activities as if it were a casual topic like discussing the weather. While they were aware of the relationship between Maya and Cian, hearing them talk about it so openly in front of them made them acutely aware of its explicit nature.

Charlotte couldn't help but feel envious, thinking about how fortunate Maya was to be ravished and drenched by such a handsome man every night. Mila, on the other hand, pondered on Cian's experience and speculated about his performance in bed after his confident declaration. As for Freya, she couldn't help but find their dynamic amusing.

'These two are certainly peculiar. Despite their involvement in killing, I sense a kindness in their hearts,' Freya thought to herself.

Despite their unconventional behavior and dark actions, there was something about Maya and Cian that hinted at a depth beyond what met the eye.

"By the way, where is Vera? Is she not here yet?"

"I'm here, brother," a voice rang out, sending shivers down the spines of the three women. As the owner of the voice appeared, they couldn't help but gulp in apprehension. She wore a mask, but her presence alone surpassed them by far.

"Remove your mask, Vera. It's time to reward you for your hard work," Cian commanded.

With a fluid motion, Vera removed her fox mask, revealing her captivating face. The women couldn't tear their eyes away from her, even though they were women themselves. As her mask fell away, her stunning features came into view. Long, raven-black hair cascaded around her crimson eyes, while a delicate pinkish hue graced her cheeks, adding to her allure.

Cian placed his hands on Vera's cheeks, causing the three women's eyes to widen in anticipation. Were they about to witness another intimate display? Their speculation proved correct as Cian and Vera's lips met, their tongues entwining in a passionate kiss.

The three women, excluding Maya who had just shared a passionate kiss with Cian, stared at the scene in disbelief. Mila's mind was consumed by a ringing question.

'Wait, did she just call him her brother?! Oh, maybe they're into that kind of thing...' she reasoned, trying to make sense of the situation. Still, it was hard for her to fully accept it. She turned to Maya and whispered, "Are you really okay with this? Your boyfriend is kissing another woman!"

Maya shrugged nonchalantly. "Hmm? Oh, that's fine. Besides, he's not my boyfriend. Our relationship goes beyond such labels."

Confused, Mila pressed further, "So, you're saying you're already married? But why would you allow him to do this?"

"Married? Our relationship isn't that shallow," Maya explained confidently. "It transcends any conventional notions of marriage or even love. We are bound by the power of a master-servant pact, one so profound that it outshines the concept of marriage. Simply put, he's my master, and I'm his maid, to be used as he sees fit."

Maya's words flowed with such ease that it almost seemed like she was proud of their unconventional arrangement, even though she wasn't explicitly boasting.

Mila threw her hands up in frustration. "What's with all of this? I just don't get it at all..." She sighed, feeling defeated.

After some time passed, Vera and Cian finally broke their passionate kiss, their breaths heavy as they locked eyes for a moment. Cian smiled warmly. "You did a great job holding the knights back, Vera."

"If it's for you, brother, I will do whatever it takes," Vera replied. She then noticed Cian's bleeding elbow. "Wh-What happened? You're injured!"

Cian chuckled. "Oh, this? Just a minor hit, nothing to worry about."

"We need to treat it right away, brother. You're losing blood!"

"Don't worry, Vera. It's not that bad. Besides, if we don't escape from here soon, the Paladins will catch up to us. There's no time for treatment right now. We have to get out of here quickly. Don't worry about me. Besides, as a leader, it's important to experience some pain yourself so you can understand the pain your subordinates endure," Cian explained, glancing down at Vera's bleeding calf. She had been injured as well.

Cian then gazed up at the night sky, its once-blue hue now tinged with an orange glow from the billowing smoke. Paladins and Knights were surely swarming the area, investigating the chaos they had left behind.

"We need to get out of here," Cian declared.

Vera nodded in agreement, and Maya, who had been occupying the driver's seat, stepped aside to let Vera take the wheel.

"Oh no~ What are we going to do? We won't all fit," Maya exclaimed, her tone playful and mischievous.

With three women in the back seat, there wasn't enough space for everyone.

"Perhaps I can just sit on your lap, Master," Maya suggested, her eyes gleaming mischievously. Vera glared at Maya with anger in her eyes, but Maya simply shrugged it off.

Cian let out a sigh. "Well, since we don't have much of a choice..."

Resigned to the unconventional arrangement, Cian settled into the car, and Maya took her place on his lap. The engine roared to life, and they began their journey to escape Heartia.


After their escape from Heartia, Cian and his companions arrived in Edrelle, another city within the Elesia Kingdom. Seeking respite, they quickly found an inn where they could rest for the night before continuing their journey in the morning.

Cian approached the innkeeper and requested three rooms. The innkeeper scrutinized him for a moment before reluctantly handing over three keys. Cian accepted the keys and led his group upstairs to their respective rooms. Freya, Mila, and Charlotte claimed one of the rooms with three beds, while Vera and Maya would be sharing a room. Maya's disappointment was evident upon realizing she wouldn't be sleeping with Cian that night, but any protests were swiftly silenced by Vera, who dragged her by the ear to their assigned room.

Cian entered his own room, finding a spacious bed that beckoned to his weary body. It wasn't that he had deliberately chosen a room with a large bed in anticipation of Maya joining him for intimate activities. He simply desired the comfort and space provided by a larger bed after the exhausting events of the day.

Before retiring to bed, Cian decided to take a refreshing shower. As he undressed, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and observed the changes his body had undergone. He had grown taller, his physique now adorned with well-defined muscles. Even his voice had taken on a deeper, more mature tone.

Regardless of these physical transformations, there was one constant that remained unaltered within him: his unwavering desire for revenge against his father. It was this driving force that propelled him forward, spurring his ambition to conquer the world. With a resolute gaze, he acknowledged this ambition and silently vowed to achieve his goal.

Taking care of his injury, he cleaned himself thoroughly and carefully bandaged the wound, ensuring it received proper attention. Although the bleeding had ceased, it was still a significant injury that demanded care.

After dressing himself in fresh attire, he glanced at his reflection in the mirror once more, contemplating the path that lay ahead. His eyes shifted away from the mirror, and with a sigh, he returned to the room.

"Once we've regained our strength, we'll return to Lambhart and proceed with our next phase—to prevent my demotion," he murmured quietly to himself.

With that, he settled into the soft mattress, ready to embrace the rest he so desperately needed.