
Lunette : Moon's beloved daughter !!

My name is Lunette, "daughter of the Moon Goddess". The fire that was burning inside me is still ignited. the anger I have tried so hard to subsidize is coming out more profoundly. Only their demise will bring comfort to my heart... ~Aurley Hernandez *** My parents were killed in front of my eyes and I could do nothing. Their horrifying scream and the burning embers are still vivid in front of my eyes. My parents were deceased not for even two days but my brother decided to betray me. he sold me as a slave in the dark world. where seeing the light of day was a luxury only a few people got and surviving was way more difficult. The life was a pure nightmare there. Every day I was brutally battered, humiliated and mentally abused. I lived every day hiding my presence from them, hoping to survive one more day. But the real twist came in When fate decided to play it's game. I got to know about their existance. which was hidden from the entire human race except one. and the unfortunate human was me, but there existance cannot divert me from achieving my goal. Even when they are hot on my tail. Even If die in their hands I will make sure to drag all of them to hell with me. ********* ~excerpt~ Something unexpected occurred on her 21st birthday. The pain she was feeling can't be described in words. like every muscle was tearing apart itself from her bones. The excruciating agony, she never felt in her entire life. Not when She worked as a slave and not when she had gone through intense training. The maddening pain was so intense that she lost count of how many times she came back from her unconscious state. The night was dark If not for the moon that was brightening the dark paths of forest. It would probably look like a strange creatures dwelling. The atmosphere inside the forest was eerily quiet. The branches of trees make strange shadows on the ground that look like they will come alive at any moment. Ahhhh! An intense pain torn from the depths of the forest. all the residing creatures hesitate to even a lift foot in that direction. The aura was too intense, and terrifying at the same time but all of them, it made them kneel on the muddy soil and kowtow on the ground. the presence of itself was extremely powerful they had never seen something like this in centuries.

Violet_Melody99 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Malachi Shadowborne

The butler, personal aid or the most loyal person of the Miller family. People called him by many names. But his real name--" Malachi Shadowborne".

The name only few knows. She had dug deeper in his past but only got his real name and nothing else.

He was lean old man with slightly hunched back. If you look him from afar he was no different from an old kind grandpa. But Alas, the reality is far from it. Never, I said never underestimate him not even in your dreams.

The man was far more dangerous than any one present here. she even doubted him, maybe he was the real master mind of this ploy. But why will he bow his head in front of Miller?

"She could never understand him. Could never guess his thoughts. "

She never knew why this formadeble man work for Miller's.

He step forward and his eyes sparkle seeing her, It's nice to see you Young Miss. He said with a calculating tone.

"Young Miss, your young hand should not hold something dangerous like this. You should let it go."

She doesn't know what he is trying to do, but her gaurds were raised even hire now. She can tell he was trying to negotiate in letting the arthur Miller go.

Getting no response from her, he didn't say anything only brought phone from inside his pocket and held it in front of her.

Her expression turn grim by the content of video.

Leigh's heart clenched as the video played, revealing the horror state of her friends Diamond and Ace. She couldn't bear to watch as they suffered, their faces contorted in agony, their voices muffled by the cruel bindings that held them captive.

But even as her heart trembled with fear and despair, her grip on the blade only tightened.

The Malachi Shadowborne's voice cut through the silence like a knife, his words dripping with malice. "Bring it down, Young Miss, " he commanded, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. "Or your friends will be subjected to an even more dire situation."

Leigh's mind raced as she weighed her options. She knew that defying him could mean risking the lives of her friends, but she also knew that giving in to his demands would only empower him further.

With a steely resolve, Leigh met the aide's gaze, her voice steady despite the fear that gnawed at her insides. "I won't let you use them against me," she declared, her words coming out in a challenge. "Release them, and maybe I'll consider sparing your master."

The Malachi's eyes narrowed, his expression unreadable as he considered her proposal, a moment, the air hung heavy with tension, the silence punctuated only by the distant sounds of the city beyond.

Then, to Leigh's surprise, he nodded slowly, a cruel smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Very well, Young Miss," he said, his voice laced with malice. "You've made your choice. But know this—you'll regret it."

With that ominous warning, he turned and nodded at his lackeys.

As the lackey received the nod from Malachi Shadowborne, he quickly relayed a message through his earpiece. Moments later, the horrifying screams of Ace and Diamond echoed through the room, sending shivers down Leigh's spine.

She gritted her teeth, her hands trembling with rage and fear. "Stop this madness, Malachi," she demanded, her voice laced with desperation. "They have nothing to do with this. Let them go!"

Hearing his name from her mouth, he merely show a expression but did not comment on it. Like expecting her to already know this.

But he watched with cold indifference, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction as he observed Leigh's distress. "They're merely collateral, Young Miss," he replied, his voice dripping with malice. "A means to an end."

Leigh's heart sank as she realized the extent of Malachi's cruelty. He was willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goals, regardless of the cost to innocent lives.

With a heavy heart, Leigh knew that she had no choice but to continue her fight. She couldn't let Malachi win, not at the expense of her friends' lives.

As she braced herself for the battle ahead, Leigh swore to herself that she would do whatever it took to bring down Malachi and his master, Arthur Miller, once and for all.

As Leigh reluctantly released Arthur Miller, her fingers trembling with frustration and defeat, she locked eyes with Malachi Shadowborne, a mixture of anger and resignation simmering beneath the surface. "You win, Malachi," she spat, her voice thick with bitterness. "But mark my words, this isn't over."

Malachi's lips curled into a cruel smile, his eyes alight with triumph. "Oh, but it is, Young Miss," he replied, his tone dripping with malice. "For you, at least."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Malachi signaled for his men to move in, their movements swift and coordinated as they closed in on Leigh from all sides.

As she reluctantly released her grip on Arthur Miller, she couldn't help but notice the smug look that crossed his face, a self-satisfied smirk that spoke about his true nature. Despite everything, he remained calm and composed, seemingly unfazed by the turmoil unfolding around him.

With a heavy heart, Leigh turned her attention back to them, her senses heightened as she prepared to face the onslaught of Malachi's men. But even as she fought with all her might, she knew that the odds were stacked against her.

Caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, Leigh fought with all her might, but it wasn't enough. As she grappled with all of them, Malachi landed a powerful blow to her back neck, sending a wave of pain radiating through her brain.

With a cry of agony, Leigh stumbled forward, her vision blurring as darkness threatened to consume her. Try as she might to stay conscious, her body betrayed her, and she succumbed to the inky void, her last thoughts filled with regret and despair.

As consciousness slipped away, Leigh knew that she had failed. Failed to protect her friends, failed to stop Malachi Shadowborne, and failed to prevent the inevitable chaos that would soon engulf them all.

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