
Lunar Veil: A Tale of Untamed Shadows

"Wasn't I supposed to be a werewolf? WTH IS THIS THEN?" A realm whispers, a call to the soul, Mystic echoes bidding one to stroll. Answer it must, this ethereal plea, For in that realm, a destiny may be. Adrian, the werewolf supposedly endowed with power but cursed to be unable to harness the moon's abilities, couldn't help but lament the idea of putting an end to his own misery. Leading a normal life in the human world proved challenging for him. It wasn't going well until he encountered the dream diver, experiencing a newfound joy in life and gradually shedding the feeling of being cursed. If only that joy could last forever. Follow Adrian on his journey as he grapples with the fate of his curse and unlocks powers he never thought he possessed. “WHAT'S THE POINT OF THESE POWERS IF IM GOING TO BE PUT IN SUCH SITUATIONS!”

samandridaku · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
123 Chs


"You've willingly welcomed this formidable adversary into your midst."

Watching his shield splinter and shatter, the red-haired man swiftly grasped that a defensive stance would not suffice. Consequently, he sent forth two of his flame serpents in Adrian's direction, hoping to force him to retreat. However, his expectations were dramatically mistaken when Adrian allowed the serpents to draw near.

Within Adrian's arm's reach, the serpents were abruptly halted, as though an invisible and unyielding hammer had descended upon them, compelling them to plummet to the ground under the weight of some inscrutable and unmovable force.

Realizing the impending peril, the red-haired man's instincts urged him to seek escape rather than confrontation. "I'm uncertain about your motives here, but I'd rather remain ignorant," he admitted. As he spoke, flames ignited beneath his feet, propelling him swiftly in the opposite direction from Adrian.

His escape strategy would have been successful, yet fate had other plans. Two enigmatic figures in pristine white suits materialized in the path he was heading, casting eerie silhouettes against the dimly lit background. 

"There are two individuals ahead, and it appears they share some familiarity," he noted with a tinge of apprehension in his voice. The man turned to his enthusiastic partner, who couldn't contain her excitement at witnessing the clash between these adversaries. 

With an imaginative spark in her eyes, the girl in white pondered, "Could that man in black be his long-lost childhood friend, guided by an unwavering sense of justice, here to deliver the final reckoning for his friend who has deviated from the righteous path? How utterly thrilling!" Her thoughts raced with intrigue and anticipation. 

"Quit your daydreaming," he cautioned firmly. "Our orders are clear - we apprehend both of them. The captain's warned us about core bearers, emphasizing the danger even when they're aligned with justice."

"Their powers can easily spiral out of control. Remember, we're not bound to this world any longer after we've harnessed the cores. The realms beckon, and we must answer."

The man, his fingers gently grazing his beard, projected an air of seasoned wisdom despite his middle-aged appearance. As a bearer of two cores, he held a significant status among his peers, earned not just through his powers but also through his esteemed combat prowess.

A true martial artist at heart, his innate sense of justice had been ingrained from birth, rendering him highly respected within his community. 

"Alright, alright, I'll go along with your plan. But hurry, that guy is heading our way," she urged, her enthusiasm radiating from her bright eyes and lively tone.

The bearded man let out a resigned sigh, his uncertainty about his assignment with the chatterbox of a girl lingering in the back of his mind. Deep down, he understood that he had a responsibility to impart knowledge of how things worked to these inexperienced individuals, but the constant chatter was still a source of irritation he had to endure.

His train of thought abruptly halted as the fiery figure drew nearer. In response, he extended his right hand, and it became enveloped in a crimson energy shroud. To the untrained eye, it might appear feeble, but this was a textbook example of external manipulation of core energy.

The skillful precision with which he kept it intimately close to his body showcased his extensive experience, making it seem effortless.

The red-haired man rapidly closed in on them; his acute senses detected the presence of two individuals behind him. In a swift response, the red-haired guy spun around, releasing two fiery serpents in their direction. The girl swiftly leaped away from her original spot, while the older gentleman calmly seized both serpents, compressing them into minuscule fire particles with a firm grip.

Observing the unfolding scenario, the red-haired man realized he was in a dire predicament, caught between Adrian on one side and the formidable forces from the House of Gentle Tablet on the other. His internal thoughts echoed aloud with the certainty of his predicament, and the girl couldn't suppress a chuckle in response.

"I've told you to quit your habit of thinking aloud; it's rather embarrassing. And now, even that young lady with two cores is having a good laugh at your expense," Adrian chided with an air of casual approach, steadily closing the distance between them. As he eyed the two figures in white suits, he pondered whether to eliminate all three of them or to simply allow them to slip away.

Excessive bloodshed served no purpose; they were, in their own way, maintaining a semblance of equilibrium within this human society.

The elderly man's gaze finally fell upon Adrian, who exuded an air of nonchalance as if the situation lay firmly within his grasp. However, it was the sight of Adrian's black attire that triggered a sudden revelation.

"Did you happen to be the individual who recently dispatched a pure-blood vampire?" The old man inquired, his conviction growing stronger with each passing moment. The House of Gentle Tablet had disseminated a description of a man in a black suit with a cane, and the figure now standing before him seemed to fit that description precisely.

"You've already caught wind of my recent escapade? Impressive, I must say. It only happened half an hour ago, and you're here already. As a gesture of appreciation for your swift response, I'll spare the rest of you, but this red-haired gentleman must meet his fate," Adrian remarked, lightly tapping his cane on the ground with an air of ambiguity.

Hearing this revelation, the girl's eyes widened in awe, and she gazed at Adrian in sheer amazement. Describing him as "charming" would be an understatement. Dressed in a sleek black suit and wielding a cane, his black hair and deep, abyssal eyes with a subtle hint of gray seemed to elevate his allure to a whole new level.

"Hi, I'm Lily. I'm 20, and my star sign is Leo. I'm single, and I absolutely love pasta. It's a pleasure to meet you," Lily said as she extended her hand toward Adrian for a friendly handshake.

'tis lovely to meet you, Lily." Adrian responded with a warm smile, accepting her extended hand for a handshake. He held it with a gentle but firm grip and replied, "I'm Adrian, and I must say, Leo's certainly a fascinating star sign. So, you have a penchant for pasta, do you? I'm a fan of culinary delights myself, and I'm intrigued to know your favorite pasta dish." His inquisitive eyes held a hint of genuine interest in getting to know her better.

The red-haired guy couldn't help but wonder, "When did she arrive?" as he and Adrian found themselves not too far from each other.

Witnessing Lily's behavior with such an attitude, Gibs couldn't help but facepalm, uncertain about when she would mature.

The realms beckon, and we must answer.

samandridakucreators' thoughts