
Lunar Veil: A Tale of Untamed Shadows

"Wasn't I supposed to be a werewolf? WTH IS THIS THEN?" A realm whispers, a call to the soul, Mystic echoes bidding one to stroll. Answer it must, this ethereal plea, For in that realm, a destiny may be. Adrian, the werewolf supposedly endowed with power but cursed to be unable to harness the moon's abilities, couldn't help but lament the idea of putting an end to his own misery. Leading a normal life in the human world proved challenging for him. It wasn't going well until he encountered the dream diver, experiencing a newfound joy in life and gradually shedding the feeling of being cursed. If only that joy could last forever. Follow Adrian on his journey as he grapples with the fate of his curse and unlocks powers he never thought he possessed. “WHAT'S THE POINT OF THESE POWERS IF IM GOING TO BE PUT IN SUCH SITUATIONS!”

samandridaku · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
123 Chs

Oswyn Duncaster

"Know thy place, worshipper of the sun."

Indeed, Adrian was preparing to employ some artful deception to navigate his way out of this perilous situation. He recognized that his aura might not match the strength of the man's, but he hoped that his actions would at least stall the impending confrontation.

Sensing the peculiar and potent aura, Oswyn couldn't help but be impressed, though he couldn't immediately discern who the individual was. 

While he perceived the youthfulness of the person, his experience taught him that appearances could be deceiving, especially when the aura emitted by this entity indicated a level of power that was uncommon for someone of such tender years.

"I care not for your identity. Was it that man who sent you?" Oswyn inquired once more, the initial shock having receded. Adrian could sense the emergence of Oswyn's own aura, and a visual spectacle unfolded as threads of red and gray interwove, producing a mesmerizing clash of aura.

Adrian found himself dumbfounded, not expecting the man to exhibit such a childish demeanor. "Just end it if you want to," he thought, baffled by the ongoing contest between them. The situation had taken an unexpected turn, leaving Adrian uncertain about his next course of action.

"Your aura may be formidable, but it's limited to mid-level core bearers, nothing more," Oswyn declared with a surge of confidence in his voice, firmly believing in the extent of his own power.

Observing Adrian's continued silence, Oswyn advanced toward him, step by step. However, as he drew nearer, a surprising turn of events unfolded—Adrian's aura began to consume Oswyn's, causing him to halt in his tracks. Both Adrian and Oswyn were taken aback by this unexpected development.

"How are you existing in this world?" Oswyn asked, his question accompanied by an eruption of fiery energy that instantly liquefied the stone floor beneath their feet. The intensity of the display added to the mystery and tension of the encounter.

'Shit, he's getting serious. Tricks wont work anymore.'

"You shouldn't be allowed to live," Oswyn proclaimed. As he spoke, a red halo materialized behind him, exuding an intense heat that caused the cold generated by The Sinister Stovepipe inside Adrian's body to dissipate. This sudden shift made the relic unstable, further complicating the situation.

"Thou art ill-advised to challenge the extent of our patience." Just as he finished speaking, a coincidental and close-proximity explosion rang out with a loud boom. Adrian seized the opportunity as Oswyn turned his head toward the source of the sound, and he made a hasty dash for escape.

Adrian understood that he wouldn't have another opportunity to evade the relentless pursuer determined to end his life. In his ghostly form, he glided through the streets at a tremendous speed, leaving only a blurred trail in his wake.

Mid-flight, he glanced over his shoulder to check if the man was in pursuit and felt relief wash over him when he saw no signs of the relentless adversary giving chase.

As he continued his swift journey, Adrian's thoughts were consumed by the urgent need to reach Emilie as quickly as possible. The night had already taken a heavy toll on him, and he felt he couldn't muster the energy to confront anyone else at this point.

Deep in thought, Adrian maintained his relentless pace toward the house where Emilie was staying. Despite his desire to escape from the ongoing challenges, he couldn't bring himself to abandon Emilie in the midst of it all.

Adrian arrived at the house, mulling over his lack of a proper escape plan. He berated himself for overlooking crucial details, something that wasn't characteristic of him. Knowing that Granny might be inside, he decided to avoid the main entrance. Uncertain of her identity and whether she was a core bearer, he couldn't afford to take any unnecessary risks.

Adrian glided through the driveway and entered the house through the window on the first floor. Finding himself inside, a sense of relief washed over him. Maintaining his ghostly form, he silently moved through the house until he reached Emilie's room, where she slept soundly.

Feeling a mixture of emotions and vexed by the ordeals he had faced, he contemplated waking her up. However, his attention was drawn to a peculiar sight: a one-eyed creature perched beside her pillow.

Adrian's heart raced as he couldn't believe his bad luck. The presence of the one-eyed creature was a mystery, but its unwavering gaze left him unsettled. Uncertain about how to handle the situation, he cautiously approached Emilie and attempted to wake her by gently shaking her. 

However, the creature emitted a growl, signaling its displeasure at Adrian's actions. The situation had become increasingly perplexing and potentially perilous.

As Adrian continued to shake Emilie in an attempt to rouse her, he couldn't help but wonder, "What do you want now?" The enigmatic presence of the one-eyed creature left him on edge, unsure of its intentions.

Emilie's eyes fluttered open, still groggy from sleep. However, the sight of Adrian, looking pale and bathed in an ethereal blue light, startled her to the point where she nearly screamed. The unexpected and surreal encounter had caught her off guard.

Adrian urgently implored Emilie, saying, "Get up; we need to leave this place immediately." However, before they could make their escape, he felt a powerful aura lock onto him, signaling that they were far from safe.

Adrian's thoughts raced as he grappled with the dilemma. He knew that running might not be a viable option. Emilie, who had just barely opened her eyes, felt a surge of concern upon witnessing the seriousness etched on Adrian's face. 

The situation had taken a dire turn, and they needed to make careful decisions about their next steps.

Emilie, her confusion evident, inquired, "What's going on?" She was uncertain about the circumstances and needed an explanation from Adrian.

"We're short on time. We need to find a way to escape," Adrian urgently informed Emilie, his gaze searching for any suggestions or insights she might have. They were faced with a critical decision and needed to act swiftly.

Emilie took a moment to consider her options, and then, with determination, she held Adrian's cold hand. It sent a shiver down her spine, but she held on steadfastly. In response to her touch, the atmosphere in the room began to undergo a peculiar transformation.

Colors became more vivid and intense, reds deepened, blues intensified, and everything around them started to shift in an eerie and inexplicable manner.

Adrian quickly realized Emilie's plan and couldn't help but express his appreciation by affectionately ruffling her hair. The decision to enter the dream realm seemed like a wise one, as 

It offered a temporary escape from the immediate danger. In a matter of moments, both of them vanished from the room, as if they had never existed in the physical world.

In verses woven, dreams take flight,

Escape the bonds of earthly night.

Through words, we journey, far and wide,

To realms where hearts and minds confide.

In poetry's embrace, we find our way,

To escape, if only for a moment, from the day.

samandridakucreators' thoughts