
Paying a visit to priest II

So yes reader, I am sure you thought what I thought. What was the snapping of the fingers all about, was it to show off? Well, I waited to see the outcome but then nothing happened. There was an expression of shock over his face as well as that of my mother's. He snapped twice yet again but nothing happened.

"is anything the problem, was anything supposed to happen? You both seem like you were expecting something to happen". I said trying to decipher what the look on their faces meant.

"I think we might have missed a secret guest; seems someone has tampered with the books" priest said. He quickly walked to a small cabinet at the far end of the living room, pulled out the first drawer and picked up a device that looked like a smart phone. I should have at the beginning of this tale told you that even though the town had achieved a certain level of development, not everyone owned technological devices. for example, I am one amongst the few in my class that didnt own a smartphone, majority came from families who were wealthy to a certain degree while some purchased through hard work at the local mine or by means they would not be proud of. I also had the opportunity of seeing movies during the school's entertainment hours, because we didn't own a television, my mum's earnings went straight to my tuition since she wanted me to attend a school with an outrageous amount paid for tuition. She claimed it was better than the local school.so you see reader, in my town, there were the young boys and girls who couldn't afford certain luxury; the girls who chanted the apple song under the bright smile of the moon, the boys who listened to the song carried by the wind to their corner as well as the boys and girls who basked in so much extravagance that they couldn't afford to partake in the 'silly act' as they termed it. (I am sure reader you should get used to my digression by now. But this tale I will tell to the end, I promise)

It was obvious priest had so much comfort, it wasn't a thing of surprise to see him pull out a smart phone aside from the one he had been flaunting.

"the silhouette looks like that of a woman" he said as he looked into the phone. He showed to me and my mum and it was a hooded person in black.

"cameras?" I asked

"yes" he replied. "it's just unfortunate that it captured when the person was leaving"

He zoomed in and a grey book showed out of the dark jacket as he or she walked out of the house. "we have to find out who did this" he said and walked to a locked door opposite the cabinet.

"don't you think this isn't just a mere coincidence. Just two nights ago, I uncovered Luna's hair, her cloud world set in which happened last since she was two. And yesterday morning, she woke to seeing my body in butchered pieces which I was sure was the darker side of her cloud world. Do you think they know Casandra has been reborn?" my mother questioned.

"you're right Yvonne, it isn't just a mere coincidence, this bloom right here" he said pointing to me "isn't just an ordinary bloom, she is a reborn one. Which means her glow might or might not be sensed by the anti-bloomers. The book, the most important one we need right now has been stolen, it was written by Casandra's own fine fingers. We need to find a way to get it back but before then what did you see before having a fall little one?" he asked me.

"I uhm…"

"Casandra's fine fingers indeed. Have you seen her before, in your dreams maybe?" my mother interrupted me with something this unnecessary.

"the books say so" he chuckled. "now continue Luna"

I proceeded to explain every single thing I saw leaving no detail behind, except the dream I had before I woke. But priest, this man, his eyes knew I kept something away from them.

"why do I feel you are keeping something away from us?" he asked.

"am I?"

"are you?

"why would I?"

"oh Yvonne, your child has quite the sharp mouth" he said giving up. "let's consult the other books, to see if we can find something valuable in them".

Dearest reader, I know you might think me ungrateful, that this people here were only trying to help me but I was keeping stuff away from them. I never wanted to keep away the visions and dreams away from my mom, I was scared she might decide to tell priest whom I had doubts about, she trusted him so much. Even now that when he inserted a key to unlock the door were I guess might be where the books were kept, I noticed a rather queer looking ring on his middle finger. It caught my attention for a few seconds then it occurred to me that I had seen it somewhere, yes, in my dreams and visions. The Alex in my dreams wore it on his middle finger as well even though it was an almost blurry sight I could swear I knew what I saw.

Now you would agree with me that I need to keep away the visions from them until it was safe to say anything, I wanted to take precautions as well even though I didn't know how the situation was becoming.

"about your hair Luna, I think there might be a way to make it grow in a few hours. All we need is to find the 'Book of Roots'. It has basically almost everything about the hair and its abilities. You know it's not just healing right?" he asked.

"I don't know" I answered a bit taken aback. I was sure if the door opened, I was going to be in for surprises.

The door opened but he didn't step in immediately. "this room has certain traps designed to protect the books, I access them without stress by snapping my fingers Luna, I am sure you wanted to ask why I snapped my fingers".

"are the books really important that they need traps?" I asked interrupting him.

"calm down and listen" my mom said.

"soon enough, you will realize that this is not a comedy show at the town hall Luna." He answered. "the traps must have been tampered with when the intruder came in, I am sure she must have been injured". He said as pointed to few drops of blood gathered at a spot, we all peeped and I could swear I saw a strand of my hair lying lazily and stained with blood.

"our intruder must have had intel, there were traps and came along with your hair, just in case. Dr. freeman has to explain how he discarded the hair. Thankfully it seems the glow didn't last long. Step in you two but be careful". He cautioned.

The room looked disorganized, a fire place was lit up brightly, but it seemed priest didn't put up the fire.

"oh dear!" my mom exclaimed as she looked in the fireplace, then to the shelves and to the pieces of paper lying here and there.