
Another Dream

"at two, you were a very fun to be with child like a normal one" she began

"you had a lot of friends and wouldn't mind playing all day, but all that changed one night. As usual I would brush your hair and sing you songs, we used to have this beautiful bond and that was enough proof to priest you weren't whom we assumed you were."

Now reader let's digress a little. Priest is a name you should get used to seeing in my tale, he's a catholic but not a priest. My town's people named him because of his extreme devotion to the catholic church, he's a good friend to my mum and grand mum and I suspect he's in love with my mum (chuckles). But the thing is, I use to wonder why he still engages in paranormal stuff, even believes in my town's connections with the celestial bodies especially the moon and has successfully convinced my family except me although I was currently at a state where he was close to winning me over. Back to my mum's short story as she claims.

"earlier one night I made late dinner and accidentally slit my palm with the kitchen knife, and as I brushed your hair that night, a strand of hair pulled against the silted skin because I didn't bother to keep it covered since it was only a little cut, I winced and suddenly your hair started to glow, honestly Luna I wanted to jump out of fear but priest's words came to me immediately. Expect a lot of extraordinary happenings, he said one time I kept telling him you are just a normal child."

"whoa!" I said

"yes whoa! Luna, it was a whoa sight, a beautiful whoa sight" she replied as she smiled and I chuckled

"indeed, so what did you do mother?""in as much as I was scared, I stood still, I tried to pull my hands away from your hair but it didn't so I just watched the unimaginable happen, after a minute or two, I could feel something different from the palm that had the cut, I tried to pull away again. This time it worked and my palm was healed. That was how I knew your hair had healing abilities."

"and at that time what was I doing, like my expression or something?" I asked again

"oh darling your expression was depicting amazement when I looked at the mirror, your eyes were almost popping out of its socket and your mouth was so agape that it screamed shock. We didn't say a word to each other and the next minute you were down on the floor, fainted. That was the first manifestation of your supernatural activities and cloud world. The next night I made sure that your hair was tightly tucked in your bonnet at night till this night and stopped brushing it at night as priest advised. For a week you turned dumb, you didn't say a word and turned cruel to everyone. Your friends left you and it was hard to get them back by myself. When you started speaking, you were cold although you stopped been cruel and nasty, you would call names like Alex, the anti-bloomers and Morty at night while sleeping. All that confirmed to us that indeed you are a bloom that has been reborn, the books priest gave me to study, provided all the signs to look out for, you showed a few and I know I'd be in for more surprises, who knows maybe you can read my mind right now."

"come on mother, I do not have any ability asides the hair. Do not make assumptions please" I protested

"alright then time would tell, go back to bed now, tomorrow or someday, I will tell you about Casandra, you in your past life"

Lying in bed, I tried hard to sleep, I had a test the next day 'if only I could make every word in my book stick to my head' I wished secretly.

The ground was cold, the wind harsh and to worsen it, I was barefooted, running and gnashing my teeth as the cold hit my marrows, there was no one in sight but within me I knew I was being chased by someone. Suddenly he appeared from nowhere, stretching his hands and offering help, I quickly ran to him but as I was near him the clouds turn dark, and fire started falling from the dark skies, a boulder of fire fell on me, then I woke. Yet again it was just another dream, but I saw Alex in it, he was the same person in all of my visions and every single time he was offering help but something keeps obstructing it. Brushing it off, I began preparing for school.

"this breakfast tastes so good grandma"

"I'm glad you like it" she replied. In her late fifties, my grand mum is the strongest women I know. She works at the town most expensive hotel as a cleaner and sometimes does part time menial jobs. My mum was a complete copy of her mother, charming smile and captivating eyes and not to forget the relentless soul.

"today is going to be a beautiful day" I smiled.

Surprisingly my mum wasn't yet awake, walking to her room to say good morning I perceived something was wrong.

Her door was slightly ajar, "mum"

Reader upon entering her room, I met the most devastating sight in my entire life.

"mum" I screamed and fell to the floor.