
Luna pequena

What happens when the hunter falls in love with her Target? Electra Valentina is a hunter ,that is promised to a werewolf by the moon godess herself.   Will they accept there fate or write there own destiny?

Brittney_Flint · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 4. Seeing a ghost.

Bensons Pov 

At the moment, I was cursing my asshole brothers for forcing me to do this alone. I struggled to stay awake during the ceremony. Well, not completely alone. Our beta and three guards came with me. However, they know what they did.

At my father's request ,I attended to attempt to try and keep good with this pack. Now that he's stepped down and given the pack to us. Truthfully, I am not a fan of Alex; he is an egotistical asshole. I will attempt to keep a professional relationship with him to honor my fathers wishes . There were what looked to be cellar doors flush with the grass, about 50 feet behind the stage. They burst open, and Castor perked up in my consciousness. The words the older Alpha was saying went in one ear and out the other. As my eyes landed behind them, The most beautiful creature I had ever laid eyes on emerged from the cellar. However, immediately, rage filled me, as did the possessive need to cover and hold her. She was only in lace undergarments. Her body was dripping wet as her black and emerald locks clung to her neck and shoulders. Electric burns and whiplashes littered her body. Her beautiful pink bottom lip is busted, and the side of her head has a gash in it. I had no clue how she was doing it. I watched her run, sliding through the archway, mesmerized. However, once she accepted the rejection from Alex, the fucking idiot,. Castor stood up. 'Mate.' 

'What?' I asked. I was confused as I watched her run to a sea of hunters. 'What the hell is she doing?"' My legs moved forward on their own accord, only to be stopped by an invisible barrier. Castor watched her. 'Get to mate!' He growled. Already trying to get to her, attempting to push through the barrier. Only to be burned and growl, backing up only to push more. The smell of my flesh burning mixed with the other scents in the air. 

Strong arms pulled me back. "Benson, what are you doing?" Nathan demanded. " A fierce growl verbrrated through me as I tried to get his hands off me. Only to have the guards pulled back with Him, Forcing me to the ground. As the scariest words I ever heard met my ears. . "For this, I give my life." Fur began to sprout all over my body. " No! I screamed, which actually came out as a growl. My jaws snapped at the hands holding me prisoner. "What the fuck, Benson?" I heard Nathan's voice. Before, it felt as if I was getting tired. Castor fell over. As my eyes shut and opened, they began to close. I yelled, Castor, through the mental link. 'Hey, wake up, asshole!' As I was stuck in wolf form, castors eyes caught. Her fall to the ground. Just before they shut,. 

My asshole clones and I were headed home from another meeting. Ever since our father has stepped down. Old allies, and Alphas that want to become Allies They keep offering their daughter's as a mate. To 'solidify our alliance' Which only infuriates me. I never told my brothers that I had scented our mate. I do not want them to mourn the loss of a true mate. Simply saying these idiots just infuriate me. Which is true, but not the whole truth. I was just staring out the window as we went. Upon arriving at the pack house, I entered, smelling the scent of minty chocolate. Castor lay in my subconscious and whined at the scent. He hasn't shifted or moved in the past few days

 He has just laid there and whined. Furious, I growled, shaking the entire pack house.

"Whoever has chocolate-covered mints, get them the fuck out!" I growled. 

 A variety of faces in the main area stared back at me in horror. I take it you didn't tell him about the girl." Mason asked his eyes to be trained behind him. Jackson looked at him, and I mentioned it. I don't think he was listening, though. "Well, I sure as shit am listening now, I thought. "What girl?" Liv and I found a girl. He started, but I moved to the trashcan. 

pulled out a sheet, unwrapping it. Jackson Malic and Alec's attention went straight to the wet clothes as they sniffed the air. Her scent and image burned in my mind.

"She's alive." I whispered at the exact time. The others growled. 

"Mate!'" All eyes were on me. 

Including my three lookalikes. 

"What do you mean?" Jackson growled. "Nothing. Let's find her. She's hurt. I changed the subject." 

Everyone set out now to find the girl; however, hours turned to days. There is still no sign of my beautiful Luna Pequeña, The nick name reflects the crescent moon on her arm. Yes, I'm aware of the fact that it means she's a hunter. However, I'm also aware of the fact that the moon goddess gifted her to us. I won't be an idiot like Alex and forsake our bond, no matter what. Now that the other three had caught her scent, they were desperate to find her as well. After the first week of no results, I resorted to rolling back the security tape from the pack. Freezing on her beautiful face as she left the other day in Liv's clothes. Using that image to make flyers to pass out. "She is so beautiful." Jackson whispered, looking at the picture, as everyone began to fill the seats to start the meeting.