
Chapter 20: Secrets

I bolted upright in bed, clutching at the tightness in my chest in an effort to let in blessed air. Sweat dripped from my forehead and slid down the planes of my face. It was freezing.

I closed my eyes and focused on pulling air into my lungs. Another nightmare. The third one in as many nights.

I didn’t need to go searching for Valen as I did every other time. I knew for sure he wasn't here this time. He’d gone to the Human Realm with Lucas and Meredith earlier in the day, but the Beta and Healer had returned without their Alpha in tow.

Though they hadn't said, I’d pieced together that their visit was related to the bodies somehow. Meredith had said Valen would explain everything when he got home, but I hadn't known what to make of her tone when she’d said that. Lucas hadn’t added much to the explanation. He’d given his customary grunt of agreement and urged Meredith out the door.