


I opened my eyes, and all I could see was white. I got up off the floor unsteadily, my body feeling as if all my energy had been drained away.

"What the hell?" I wondered aloud as I turned in a circle. I was in a white padded cell with no door. "Hello!" I shouted, but it sounded like my voice was only bouncing around the room.

"Hello!" I yelled again, as I started to panic.

The last thing I remembered was Malcolm coming at me and engulfing me in his black smoke. I stopped pacing as I remembered the vision I'd been having, the one with the wolves engulfed by black smoke and the cobra.

Maybe the black smoke in my vision was Malcolm. If so, what did the wolf and the cobra mean?

I pressed my fingers to my temples, massaging them as I felt a headache coming on. "Hello!" I shouted a little louder as I placed my hands on my knees. "Malcolm? I know you can hear me."