

"Who shouted here?" A random man came in, hearing Zeha.

"Me." The boy excitedly raised his hand as soon a man in red hood walked to the cell, hitting the iron bars.

"New one." he mumbled looking at the happy faced boy who was just enthusiastic about the scary situation.

"Yes and I prefer to stay somewhere on my own. I hate crowds." He gave a pout while leaning to the cell bar, intentionally holding the hands of the guard.

"Excuse me? You want to die before all or what? That is the only place you would get some peace." The man sneered as he pulled his hands away

"Noo, I want to be here for some more time and learn what all is happening here. I actually am pretty impressed by the set up here." 

"Who got this kid in here?" The guard asked looking around to his companions.

"Guards from the west coast, when they were returning."