
Luminous Marble

Norah is a 20-something woman who hates her mundane day job and seeks more out of life. She desperately wishes for a way to make her mark on the world. Then one day, the apocalypse strikes without warning, destroying everything she's known and leaving chaos behind. During the chaos and destruction, Norah meets Angelus, a mysterious stranger who is seemingly beyond the boundaries of time and space. Angelus tells Norah that he can give her magical powers to get her revenge. Naturally, she takes the offer and becomes and Acolyte of Chaos herself.

Moon_Beam_6477 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Ultimate Chaos

With my Chaos Energy fully charged, I raised my Mana Blades over my head and brought them down in an X-Shape form. An X-shape energy blast was released from the tip of my blades, flying towards my target.

Terrene's reaction was too slow to evade or block my attack.

The attack hit Terrene directly, causing an explosion similar to that of a nuclear warhead. The powerful force sent me flying a couple hundred feet away from the Urza Tower. I was able to stop myself in midair before I went too far.

A mushroom cloud had replaced the Urza tower, and a whole lot of dust, sand, and debris flew in my direction. I summoned an energy shield to block my eyes from the debris.

"Don't you think you overdid it a little, Norah?" Alexandria said, completely unfazed by the turbulent winds and debris.

"Can this wait?" I yelled.

Angelus raised his hand and the violent wind had come to a complete stop.

"Better?" Angelus asked Alexandria.

She nodded and burned the dirt from her clothes, leaving the fabric (I think it's fabric) unmolested from the flames.

"Did it work?"

"Of course it did. You killed the planet, Norah, congratulations are in order." Angelus said.

"Why does that sound like a bad thing coming from your mouth?"

Angelus shook his head in disappointment.

"It is neither good nor evil. It just is. And because of your actions, you brought ultimate chaos to the entire planet."

The earth had begun to shake violently. I'm not talking about just tiny quivers, I'm talking about huge crevasses forming on the surface. Magma and ash spewed from some of the surfaces and forming a giant lake of fire.

"What's going on?" I asked, flying a little higher in the air.

"Since you've killed Terrene, the embodiment of the planet Earth itself, it is dying," Artemisia said.

I already knew that Terrene was the Earth and that killing her meant that I would be responsible for killing thousands of innocent people. But I had thought that it would be years away, not immediately.

I turned to face Angelus, "Is there anything you can do to stop this?"

"I can prevent the planet from dying, yes, but that would go against my function as the Avatar of Chaos. Besides, this planet should've died thousands of years ago."

Well, it looks like that was a waste. I flew back to Republic City and saw a stampede of everybody trying to escape the city's front gate. It is pure and total chaos. Whys is there even one gate in this fucking city in the first place?

People are being trampled over, and buildings are caught on fire.

I saw one Niphlim flying while being on fire.

"Jesus, this is madness." I cried out.

Well, I guess that was the entire point. I may be misremembering, but I think Angelus turned me into this Acolyte for an experiment. Was this all part of his experiment? To see just how far humanity would thrive on a dead planet?

Just when things couldn't get worse, suddenly the red sky cracked open like cheap china. A giant monster that almost resembles a woman with a mask covering her face completely covered the entire sky.

Monsters are pouring down from the monster woman's stomach and begin attacking everybody. People try to fight back with their weapons, magic, and supernatural powers. But it was all ineffective towards these new alien monsters. It's like a roach trying to fight a meteorite.

It's a complete massacre, with the city streets turned red with the blood of the citizens of Republic City. I don't know what's worse, the fact that I was responsible for this or the fact that I don't have an ounce of sympathy for the chaos that I have caused?

I don't even feel relief about finally having revenge on Terrene for ruining my life. How ironic? I wanted revenge for Terrene destroying my life and I just did the same thing she did to these people.

I wonder if someone will survive and try to get revenge on me. They can try, but it won't work out well in their favor.

"My experiment was a success. I just need to do something about those pesky emotions and I would have created the perfect Servant." Angelus said.

"Don't you think the mortals have suffered long enough, it's about time we end things," Artemisia said.

"Agreed. I can't really do my function in a dead universe after all." Angelus faced me.

"Good job Norah, because of the data I've collected from observing you, I shallot grant you passage to the new universe."

"You don't say? Just what is that supposed to mean?"

"It means, you get to live in the new universe that will replace this one. You'll still be my Servant, naturally, but I don't think I'll use you to fight anything. No offense, but you really suck at fighting."

I let out a small chuckle. "Don't worry about it."

Finally, I get to stop fighting after so many years of doing it. Maybe I could try and be an accountant like I always wanted.

"By the way," I said, facing Angelus and the others. "Just how are we going to go to this new universe?"

"That is something a mere Acolyte like yourself shouldn't be concerned about," Alexandria answered bluntly.


Whatever, I am getting really sleepy.

"Let's get this over with," Angelus said as he placed me in a crystal cocoon.

My eyes are getting heavy. But before I closed my eyes, I saw Angelus snaped his fingers and everything around him started vanishing like what happened to the people in that one Avengers movie.

The last thing I remember seeing was a pure white space.

I don't remember much after that.