
Lumberjack ?

A young, experienced lumberjack named John experiences a series of horrific events, which then gradually begins to reveal his true identity Who exactly is this person? A lumberjack?…

Lvmberjack · Terror
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6 Chs



The next day John went to work and met Will and Jack, they greeted each other and immediately took their axes to chop down the trees,

at that time John was assigned to cut a very large tree, he was overwhelmed so he called his friends to help him while he went to the tool shed where he worked Jack looked up and was amazed

"Gosh this tree is so big, I've been working for decades and this is the first time I've seen a Meranti tree this big."

"Me too Jack, me too.." Will replied to Jack's words while also amazed

They also followed John to get a rope and brought some of their co-workers there to help

the meranti tree is indeed very tall and big, the leaves are also dense, the morning light seems to shine through the leaves of the tree the morning atmosphere there is very fresh and warm

while getting ready these workers lit their cigarettes and chatted for a while, at that time a truck driven by Will came over to pick them all up and headed for the logging site, the road where John worked was already there and was being used as an entrance and out of the truck every day.

They started to go up one by one while carrying some chainsaws and ropes, Will also sounded the horn as a sign that he would leave soon, they were very excited that day.

On the way, one of them was knocked out due to him sitting in the corner of the car tub without holding on. Those who saw him suddenly burst out laughing.

"Oh no, Peter...." John was shocked when he saw Peter bounce out

"Bruh... what the...." Jack banged on the hood of the car and yelled at Will "Will!, you left one soldier, comrade.., Stop the truck"

John while laughing jumped out of the truck and ran towards Peter who rolled over in pain "Hahaha, what are you doing? do you want to go home? yes go home little brother this place is too manly for you" John mocked him while holding out his hand to Peter

"Fuck you, John" Peter kicked John in the leg before shaking his hand.

They then walked towards the car and were greeted with laughter from the other loggers

When they got there, they immediately gathered around the Meranti tree

"Okay, let's do it as usual," said John as he raised his ax and started slashing the tree trunk to mark the right position for him to cut it down.

Jack climbed the tree, and when he got to the top he saw a very beautiful view of this forest, he also saw the SFT tower in the middle of the forest, and without wasting time

Jack tied a large rope tightly and immediately went down

John turned on the chainsaw and started sawing the tree according to the mark he had made,

The other friends were getting ready to pull from a distance, when John finished he would find a safe position and scream while raising his thumb up

They kept taking turns cutting down the big Meranti trees

At noon they took a short break to eat their lunch while joking they seemed very happy with their work

Peter asked John "How's SFT John?"

John put down his drink and said "Lately I think they will have a lot of work because this forest is starting to be entered by gangsters as a place to hide, that's why they bring a lot of kidnapping victims here too"

Will also added "I just remembered that the boss wants us to get together shortly after we finish logging this"

"Then let's finish it soon so we don't come home too late" Jack invited them back to work

It was late afternoon, they immediately boarded the truck to go meet the boss, they left the wood to be transported tomorrow

When he got to meet the boss, he said that his timber business would be closed temporarily due to a large number of missing people who suspected that there was a group of killers/destroyers in this forest area, most of their victims disappeared, and were found in this forest.

Until now, the police are still investigating who is the mastermind of this series of events

The boss also said that this was their last day of work, and the boss wanted them to temporarily find another job or odd jobs here, he also asked other co-workers to be careful so that there were no more victims.

The boss orders them to clean up the wood that they haven't transported so it doesn't scatter in the forest, Will, John, and Jack are appointed to clean it up tomorrow, while the others are collected by the boss and get their wages now

"John, Will, and Jack are you ready?" Boss asked casually

All of them said yes to the question, a sign that they were willing and agreed

"Good now come home soon, tomorrow after cleaning the wood hurry up to meet me at home"

They dispersed and went home together to the village that afternoon...

That day, after work, John, who was exhausted, sat on the terrace of the house before taking a shower. He planned to look for work in the city, but he was not willing to leave his childhood village.

John went to the bathroom intending to take a cold shower to refresh his head, he planned to go to Jack's house later that night to gather and negotiate together

Jack wants to go out on the town that night, he's going to buy some drinks for his friends later he's getting ready in a hoodie and long Levi's pants,

As he was about to enter the car suddenly a voice called him, it was Peter

"Oi Jack, where are you going?" Jack opened his truck window and said

"I want to go to town to buy a drink, do you want to come?"

Peter excitedly replied "Well of course, wait I'll get my wallet in a minute"

Jack heated his car and put on some music while waiting for Peter

A few minutes later two people were seen approaching. It turned out that Peter was with Don, one of their co-workers

"Hey Don, are you coming, what do you want to shop for? condoms? haha" said Jack jokingly

"Shut up and drive Jackie's car" Don replied with a serious smile

They went into town to shop.

In the city they headed to their favorite supermarket and shopped while joking and not forgetting they also teased a cashier who was indeed very beautiful there, Jack invited the beautiful cashier to party at his house tonight with his friends,

The cashier initially refused but Jack gave him a chocolate and he immediately changed his mind, he agreed to join the party but he was continuing his night shift which was only 2 hours away, he called 2 of his female friends to join, while waiting for the cashier to finish his shift tonight Jack, Peter, and Don went to the night market to have fun while waiting for the cashier named Bella.

The clock showed 09.10 PM, John who was ready to go to Jack's house called him

"Hi Jack, where are you?"

"Uh... I'm in town, I'll be home in a few minutes, just wait at home, I didn't lock it"

"Okay... I'll wait on the terrace" John replied while lighting his cigarette

A few minutes later Jack, Wil, and Don came with the 3 girls he met earlier,

John approached and invited them together

"Hi my name is John, nice to meet you"

"I'm Bella, this is Eve and Tia, nice to meet you too"

Jack interrupted and came over with the drink he bought

"Come on, let's drink ourselves drunk tonight"

They all entered smiling happily...

Inside Jack's house, the party was in full swing. Music filled the air as the group gathered in the living room, enjoying the company and the drinks. The atmosphere was lively and filled with laughter, as everyone bonded and shared stories.

Bella, Eve, and Tia quickly became comfortable with the group, engaging in playful banter and joining in the festivities. Jack, being the charismatic host, made sure everyone felt welcome and entertained. He moved from person to person, ensuring everyone had a drink in hand and a smile on their face.

As the night progressed, the group migrated to the backyard, where fairy lights adorned the trees, creating a magical ambiance. The sound of laughter and music echoed through the warm summer night. They formed a circle, sharing jokes and personal anecdotes, each story sparking more laughter and camaraderie.

Bella, known for her vibrant personality, showcased her dancing skills, drawing everyone's attention. The backyard transformed into a dance floor as people grooved to the rhythm, letting loose and embracing the joy of the moment.

Bella's infectious energy spread to everyone, and even the reserved ones couldn't resist joining in the revelry.

The night wore on, and the conversation became more intimate. Amidst the laughter and music, deep connections were formed. Personal stories were shared, dreams were discussed, and aspirations were revealed. It was a night of genuine connections, where friendships grew stronger and new bonds were forged.

The clock struck midnight, the group gathered in a circle once again, their arms draped around each other's shoulders.

They raised their glasses in a toast to friendship, love, and unforgettable moments. The moment was filled with gratitude for the beautiful memories they had created together.

Feeling the weariness of the night, they decided to wind down and find a cozy spot to relax. Some settled into bean bags, while others found a comfortable spot on the grass. The twinkling stars above provided a serene backdrop as they gazed up, lost in their thoughts.

Bella, with a content smile on her face, sat beside Jack on a swing, their fingers gently intertwining. The night had been a whirlwind of excitement and happiness, and they savored this quiet moment together, enjoying the tranquility amidst the lingering buzz of the party.

The first rays of dawn began to illuminate the sky, the group slowly dispersed, bidding each other goodnight with promises to meet again soon. They carried the memories of that unforgettable night, knowing that their bond had been strengthened through shared laughter, stories, and moments of pure joy.

The party may have come to an end, but the friendships formed that night would endure. It was a night that would be etched in their hearts forever—a testament to the power of connection and the magic that can unfold when people come together to celebrate life.

And so, as the sun rose on a new day, each person made their way home, carrying with them the warmth and happiness of that extraordinary party night.

The following morning, as the group slowly dispersed from Jack's house, Jack found himself sitting on the porch, sipping a cup of coffee and reflecting on the events of the previous night. The vibrant memories of the party filled his mind, and a sense of contentment washed over him.

However, amidst the joyful reminiscing, Jack couldn't shake off a growing feeling inside him. The charm of the city and the excitement it offered had always enticed him, but deep down, he realized that his heart belonged elsewhere.

He watched the bustling city streets from his porch, Jack felt a longing for the simplicity and tranquility of a life away from the urban chaos. He yearned for wide-open spaces, the whisper of the wind through the trees, and the sense of connection with nature.

Jack had always dreamed of living in a small countryside town, where he could breathe in fresh air, wake up to the melodies of birdsong, and find solace in the embrace of nature. He imagined himself building a cozy cabin surrounded by lush greenery, where he could find peace and reconnect with himself.

With each passing moment, the desire to make his dream a reality grew stronger. Jack made a firm decision that day—to leave the city and embark on a new chapter of his life in pursuit of the serenity he craved.

He knew that this meant bidding farewell to the vibrant nightlife, the convenience of the bustling city, and even the beloved friends he had grown close to. It was a bittersweet realization, but deep down, he knew that following his heart was the only path to true fulfillment.

Jack began making plans for his departure from the city. He started researching potential towns and locations that aligned with his vision. He reached out to real estate agents and sought advice from locals who had already embraced a slower-paced lifestyle. He immersed himself in the process of finding his slice of paradise.

So he shared his decision with his friends, some were taken aback, unable to fathom life without the buzz of the city. But

Jack's determination and passion for his newfound path inspired them. They respected his choice and offered their support, knowing that sometimes, following one's dreams means taking a different path.

In the days leading up to his departure, Jack spent his time organizing his belongings, packing up his apartment, and saying heartfelt goodbyes to his friends. The farewell was filled with laughter, tears, and promises to visit each other in the future.

Finally, the day arrived for Jack to leave the city behind. He stepped onto the train that would take him to his new destination, a mix of emotions flooded his heart. Excitement for the unknown, gratitude for the memories he had made, and a touch of sadness for the chapter he was closing.

The train pulled away from the bustling city, carrying Jack towards his countryside haven.

He gazed out of the window, watching as the urban landscape gradually transformed into rolling hills and picturesque scenery. A sense of peace settled over him, reassuring him that he was making the right choice.

Arriving at his new town, Jack took a deep breath and embraced the fresh country air. It felt like a warm embrace, a welcome from the universe. He knew that this was where he belonged, where he could find the serenity and fulfillment he had been yearning for.

With renewed enthusiasm, Jack began to immerse himself in the charms of his new community. He connected with the locals, joined community events, and explored the natural wonders that surrounded him. As he settled into his new home, he couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the journey that led him here.

In his tranquil countryside haven, Jack discovered a different kind of joy—one that emanated from simplicity, connection with nature, and the freedom to live life on