
Lucy Reaper

The realms of Darkness and Light were always at each others necks, never winning or losing a major battle. That is until the Light did something unforgivable. Now a strand of the darkness must live in a world where the consequences of the light start to seep through without knowing what she truly is.

Fluffis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Behold Your New King! King-

Camilo groaned as he shifted around.

'Bedding…? Everything feels sore…goodness me…I don't want to open my eyes. I fear that heaven might not be what it is.', he thought.

Camilo opened his eyes. He was laying in a hospital bed inside a medical tent. As he went to sit up straight, he winced and held his side. He chuckled to himself as he felt the pain gently throb. It was a good reminder that he was still indeed alive.

He chuckled to himself, "I'm still alive fucker…I won." He sat there for the moment remembering everything that had happened. His fight with the king. The king's last and final stand. The king's death and his final words.

"Foolish king…I won't let your reign affect the world anymore…god I didn't miss the feeling of pain", he mumbled to himself as he got up carefully from the bed.

He smiled as he opened the flap of the tent, feeling the warm sun on his skin. The clear, golden yellow of the sky shining down on him as the white clouds flew by gently, a warm breeze passing by. He looked around, seeing where he was, was one of the camps the rebellion set up. He saw civilian celestials running around carrying medicines and other things to give to medics or whomever, he some standing around chatting and hugging. It gave off such a happy mood despite the many tents around, filled with injured celestials, civilians, rebels, or those who were dead. A medic then walked up to Camilo. They wore the white gowns along with a yellow cross on their caps and on their chest.

"So, you've finally awoken. Took you long enough, everyone was on their nerves worrying sick that you might die. Lucky bastard.", the medic said a smiling on his face.

Faos chuckled, "I wouldn't go down easily now. How long has it been?"

"It's been a week. There's been a ton of changes and especially relating to you and your guild. I suggest you head over to the main camp already. They might be there already."

"A week hm…so I suppose the castle is still in shambles. And what do you mean changes?".

"Well, someone has to be the new ruler. A king needs his guard."

Faos smiled once more.

He thanked the medic and walked down the beaten path looking at the luscious field the camp was set up in. A week he had been asleep and he much to catch up on, and he didn't know what will happen now with the previous king dead and buried. He pondered over the thought of his guild having a role in the Monarchy.

He smirked, 'It worked didn't it…years of planning and now it will finally bear its fruit.'

As he walked to the main area of the camp, he saw several people still hungover, drunk, or drinking still from the festivities that lasted all of the week. Food and drink were scattered, and it was messy. But people still cheered and celebrated despite the weeklong celebration and all were happy. Those that were awake (and stable), saw Faos.

They cheered in his honor. They hugged him, shook his hand, celebrating with happy faces. Faos couldn't care less. With a fake smile, he shook hands, celebrated with the people, and talked about his battle with the king, hyping himself up and painting a picture the common folk can relate to.

All without caring about them. Once the wave of congratulations ended, he looked around for his guild, or at least a few people from his guild that could help him navigate all that he missed. He walked around looking for any white cloaks, a sign of hunter's guild.

'The guilds might be obsolete now. It might help me.', Faos thought.

As he turned a corner, he saw holes. Deep holes with piles of dirt right next to them and bodies covered in white cloth.

'Those who have fallen huh…indeed a sad event.', He put his hand onto one of the cloths.

'Your death will not be in vain. I'll fix the previous king's rule even if it means killing another one.'

As he got up, he saw his guildmates huddled over a grave. Their white cloaks flapping with the breeze. As he walked up to them, he saw that there was a significant amount missing. 'Did they die?', he thought to himself.

"Well now, why the long faces. We've won a war. I say that's cause for celebration now isn't."

The surviving members of the guild quickly turned around seeing the face of their leader, smiling and alive. All in all, about ten of them had survived. They started with 50. Each of them looked as if they've seen a ghost.

"What? Did you fools think I was dead or something! I would never be taken down so easily. Thought you would have more faith in your guild master."

They erupted into cheer and hugged him. Only one didn't, lowering their hood. It was a young woman about 23, with green hair and yellow eyes sunken in with the sense of death and sadness in them.

"Harriet, this is a first, you never let your hood down.", Faos stated with a snicker.

Harriet looked down clenching her fist, "You moron…"

She ran up to him and punched him in his gut. As he let out a gasp she stepped back and shouted at him, "How could you fight the king on your own! You idiot you could've died! No, you were dead to rights! You lucky man never do something as reckless as to that ever again!"

Faos chuckled.

"You got it."

Harriet sighed and wiped away her tears, "The high council wants to see you…I've heard you've gained a very high position.

Faos smirked.

'Now I've truly won you pathetic king.'



Balloons were quickly tied up, children held tightly onto some, and music rang throughout the streets. Food and drink were shared despite the shortage of it. What did it matter? They had a new ruler. They could worry about it later. People danced under the glow of the midday sun with the clear skies and happy clear clouds. Laughing and cheering echoed the street as if it was the same day the reapers were exterminated. The ruined castle being rebuilt slowly, being the only eyesore in this festival.

The stage set for the new king was brilliant. A marble stage, with lines and exquisite designs, carefully carved into the four pillars holding up the gleaming white arch making up the roof. The steps being draped in a deep dark purple, golden trimmings lining the edges of the soft velvet carpet. A golden throne stood in the middle, it's padding also the same dark purple color. The building almost glowed in the sun. The marble shrine to a new era. A new king.

Trumpets bellowed through the city, signifying the start of the coronation. As the majestic music played throughout the glorious city of the celestial capital, Faos smirked. His guild lined the path towards the throne, one of the high council members already waiting for him at the marble shrine. This was it. He took his first step, feeling euphoria, content, and most of all,


Draped in a purple cloak, soft as the clouds and dark in color, it complemented the midnight-colored armor he wore under the cloak. His spear in his hand, the weapon that took down the pathetic king. He walked down the beautiful carpet laid out for him, the heavyweight of the armor making every step he took just as powerful.

'I've won.'

Knights, civilians, royalty, and the high council from the ruined castle watched on as the new ruler walked, his presence being known to everyone. As he shook the hand of the third high council member, he turned to face the crowd.

'I never did name my celestial weapon…'

As the council member stood forward, they clear their throat, "Residents of this great kingdom, we start a new era of history. It is with great honor and dignity that I see another coronation of a new ruler. One that will bring a new era of change and peace! Behold your new king! King Camilo!"

As the crowd erupted into cheers Faos lifted his spear into the sky and smiled.

'I think I shall name it…Vicissitude'.