
Lucrada Chronicles: Origins

In the year 2108, the world has changed its definition of being normal. The people of the world gained unique abilities and magical powers. However, with this development, the corruption of the world grew. The spread of crime and murder increased all over the world. To fight the corruption of the world, the world’s governments decided to rally together and fight against this threat. They formed an army of people who have special powers, called SP User, and magicians to combat against the corruption of the world. They called this organization The World’s Army Association. Thanks to the power of the World’s Army Association, corruption has decreased in the world. As a result, the world became a peaceful place and began to flourish, however peace doesn’t last for long. The world on the outside looks normal, but it’s horrible and full of corruption. The corruption of the world spread to the world’s government and the army’s leaders. However, in this corrupt world, there is a righteous boy who dreams of leading the world’s army. However little that he knows, He would be the leader of the World's Strongest Team, The Amagiri Clan, or that he would change the world.

R_Lucrada · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 2

"Wedding bells echo throughout the skies of the capital today as everyone gathers around the castle to witness the most historic event in human history. Our young king, Sora Hasegawa, and his beautiful fiancé and our hero, Lucie Tachibana, are finally getting married. And we, at Magic Broadcast TV, will be bringing you the entire event." An announcer said on television. Lucie then turns off the television, trying hard to hold back her disgust.

"What's wrong, sis?" Miko, Lucie's little sister, asked her.

"Nothing… I'm just a little nervous." Lucie answered as she calmed down.

"Oh, come on, Luz. We both know there's something wrong. Just tell us." Akatsuki, Lucie's twin sister, said as she walks up behind Lucie, slightly fixing her beautiful, brown hair.

"Can fool you, can I? Well, there is something bothering me. Have you ever felt like something was missing in life?" Lucie asked. Akatsuki radiated an expression of guilt as she looked at Lucie with a cold stare.

"Yes, all the time while you were off doing god knows what with Reo and Anko." Akatsuki thought to herself with a worried look.

"What's the matter with you, Akatsuki?" Lucie asked.

"Oh nothing, Luz. I'm just happy for you."

"I'm capable of doing a lot with my SP power, Charm. Along with bewitching my enemies, I can also read minds like a book." Lucie explained. Akatsuki looked away. "Akatsuki, you didn't!" Lucie said, shocked.

"Didn't what? What did she do?" Miko asked, enthusiastically.

"Do you want to explain it to her what you've done, or shall I?" Lucie said into the mirror.

"What did you do, Akatsuki?" Miko asked.

"I helped King Sora tamper with everyone's memories and behaviors, including Lucie's memories of the ones she loves." Akatsuki said.

Flashing back two weeks ago, Lucie wakes up in her old bed, with a splitting headache.

"LUCIE! You're awake!" Miko yelled as she jumped onto Lucie, crushing her.

"Why?" Lucie thought. "Argh, Miko, what's going on?" she asked.

"What! Don't you remember? You and the Demon Swordsman were battling over the Pacific Ocean after he destroyed his hometown. And you were close to winning but the Dimensional Queen blasted you out the sky. Luckily, you washed upon the capital's shores." Miko explained.

"Oh really?" Lucie said, confused. "Why does that feel wrong?" she thought. Suddenly, Lucie feels a stabbing pain in her head, causing her to scream while holding her head.

"Lucie! What's wrong?" Miko asked, worriedly.

"It's nothing. Just a headache." Lucie answered as she held her head.

"Do you need some medicine? I'll get you some." Miko said before she eagerly ran out the room.

"Wow, she's eager. And was she always that big? She looks like she's like around ten now?" Lucie thought as she laid back down.

"Oh, I'm glad to see you're awake, sweetie." Her mother said as she and her father walked in the room. Lucie sighed.

"Hello mother. Father. How are you both doing today?" Lucie said.

"We're fine, dear. How are you doing? You gave us quite a fright when we heard you were fighting the Demon Swordsman. I'm happy you're not dead." Her mother said.

"Now Mitsuki, you shouldn't say stuff like that. Lucie might be adopted, but she's still a Tachibana. She won't lose so easily against that monster" her father said, happily.

"I guess you're right, Shawn. But I still want her to rest. At least till she gets her strength back."

"You heard her, Lucie. No moving. Call us if you need anything." Shawn said as he and Mitsuki left the room.

As the door closed, Lucie thought to herself. "Something isn't right. Since when have those two worried about me. I mean father was actually acting like a concerned father." She tried to remember the past few days. She, then, raised her hand like she like she was trying to catch something above her.

"Glad to see you're okay, Lucie." Mai said as she came through the window. Lucie screams, alerting everyone in the house. "Ssssh, be quiet. You'll summon…

"What's going on in here?" Shawn yelled as he burst open the door. Looking around the room, he saw nothing but Lucie. "Are you okay, Luz?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. I just had a nightmare. Must've been from the fight." Lucie said, nervously.

"Oh. Well, I have the perfect remedy for PTSD night terrors. I'll go make you some." He said before rushing off to the kitchen.

"Thank goodness. I thought he was going to catch me." Mai thought. "Anyway, are you okay? The entire Amagiri has been looking for you and Kasai. Ever since we felt you and everyone disconnect from your familiar pacts." She explained.

"Sorry, who are you? And what is the Amagiri? Wait, Amagiri? Isn't that the Demon swordsman's last name? You're his familiar. Where is he? I have some unfinished business with him. And this time, I'll end him for sure."

"What?" Mai said as she appeared in front of Lucie. Feeling Lucie and hers forehead, she checked for a fever. "You should be immune to regular human illnesses. And, never heard of Celestial illnesses that causes Amnesia." She said. Suddenly, she felt it. "Crap, it can't be. I don't recognize this kind of magic. It's something that combines all the race energy." Mai thought to herself. "I'll be back. Get some rest." she said as she puts Lucie to sleep. "Artemis, should be able to help." She thought before flying out the window.

Later that night, Lucie wakes up with Kana and her new guard sitting beside her.

"Glad to see you awake, Lucie." Kana said.

"Princess… How have you been?" Lucie said.

"I've been better. But, truthfully, I'm afraid." Kana replied.

"Of what," Lucie asked.

"Of losing those who important to me. I realized this when you were fighting Reo. You almost died fighting him. And the thought of losing my dearest friend was too unbearable." Kana said as she gripped her dress, holding back her tears.

"Yet, you didn't come to help me." Lucie said, bluntly.

"No, I did want to come help you, but my brother placed a barrier around the castle, preventing anything entering and leaving the castle grounds." Kana explained.

"Like you would've been any help." Lucie mumbled.

The guard slightly heard Lucie and tried to attack her. But, Lucie stopped him. "You're probably right. Anyways, I came here to give you something." Kana said as she held out her hand. Noticing her hands, the guard reached for a envelope inside his coat pocket, and gave it to Kana. "I, Princess Kana Haseigawa, hereby invite you and your family to the WAA Appreciation Ball held in the castle's ballroom. And we hope you accept the honor of being named World's Strongest warrior." Kana said as Lucie took the paper from her and looked at it.

"This says it's two days from today." Lucie said.

"Well, my brother is impulsive, and like to make decisions like this recklessly. I was hoping he would've changed that annoying trait once he turned twenty-one, but no. He still so impulsive."

"Twenty-one? How long have I been asleep?" Lucie said, excitedly.

"I don't know the exact time, but I think it's been two or three years." Kana said.

"Years!" Lucie said. "No wonder they were acting so differently. They were probably just happy I woke up." She thought.

"Uh, Lucie, about our fight two years ago." Kana said.

"Huh, what fight?" Lucie asked with a confused expression.

"Oh, right, you probably don't remember. Never mind, get better. And I hope to see you at the Appreciation's Ball." Kana said, nervously as she and her guard left.

"Okay, she's strange." Lucie thought before laying down. However, this time instead of sleeping, she stared at the ceiling. Suddenly, she felt a strange sensation in her eyes. Then, she saw the stars and comets above clearly. She saw how they connected to each other to make the constellations and how they created passages to worlds beyond any human's reach. Reaching up with her hands, Lucie thought close to touch one of the stars that seemed so close. However, she was stopped by the voice of a woman.

"Having fun with those powers? Good to see you're still the same girl my great-nephew fell in love with. And I also heard you took care of my daughters. For that, I am truly grateful and thankful to you."

"Who are y… Lucie falls asleep.

"That's good. Sleep, Queen Lucie." the woman whispers. "Don't want King Reo or Queen Anko getting worried. They could destroy the entire earth." The woman thought to herself as she gathers purple-colored energy in her hands. This energy is called dream energy, the life essence of a succubus, apart from magical and sexual energy. Succubae uses dream energy to manipulate the perception and mind of other beings. Minutes later, the woman discovered something with Lucie and immediately left angrily.

"Mai, we have a bigger problem than you thought. Meet me at the Amagiri's capital compound." She said, telepathically.

"Aunt Kara? How did you… Never mind, I'll see you there." Mai said.

Floating above the Amagiri capital compound, Kara looked at the compound with a confused expression.

"Wow, this is a bit small for a king and his queens. Let alone his familiars." She thought.

"That's because you haven't seen past the barrier. It's a lot bigger than you think." Mai said as she appears beside her.

"Good to see you again, Mai. How is my least favorite niece?" Kara said as she hugged Mai.

"Wow, Auntie! Least favorite niece? Isn't that a bit harsh?"

"I'm joking. You know I love all my nieces the same. Even, Hinako." Kara said. However, Mai didn't believe anything she said. "Anyway, let's head in. We've got to discuss about Lucie's condition." She said as she landed, passing through the barrier easily.

"Okay, I'll forgot it." Mai said to herself as she followed. Once inside the barrier, they landed in front of a large building with four people standing front of it.

"Mother," Artemis said.

"What! Artemis, you've grown so big. The years must've been great to you."

"See you haven't changed, mother." Artemis said.

"Mommie!" Saiya screamed as she rushed Kara, knocking her down.

Struggling to catch her breath, Kara sat up and hugged Saiya tightly. "Woah, you can't be my baby girl. You've so big and strong. See your sister took good care of you."

"No, your grandnephew took care of her years after you abandoned us. And, even now, you're ignoring me for your youngest. But what else is new?" Artemis yelled before storming off.

"Artemis, wait!" Kara yelled as she chased after Artemis.

"Saiya, let's go find your mother and sister." Mai said.


The next morning, Lucie wakes up and gets up of the bed, energetically. After stretching, she rushes to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Once there, she seen that nobody was there at the table. She looked at the fridge and saw a note left by her mother.

Your father and I took Miko to a doctor's appointment. Should be back in a couple of hours. Love, Mom

"Well, I guess I'm home alone. What to do?" Lucie thought. Suddenly, the doorbell rings. "Who could that be?" She says as she walks to the door. Once she opens it, she sees a group of unknown girls. Excitedly, they screamed "LUCIE!" as they rushed her. "Uh, who are you?"

"What are you serious? How could you forget about your friends?" One of the girls said.

"Even though, you left us to be with your fiancés." Another girl said.

"Fiancés?" Lucie said with a confused expression.

"Oh, you know, the demon swordsman and the dimensional queen, Reo Amagiri and Anko Namikaze." Another girl, teasingly, said.

"WHAT!!! Me, the Demon Swordsman, and the Dimensional Queen? That's impossible!" Lucie said, shocked.

"Really? You were all over him in the WAA Academy. You've seemed pretty happy."

"What!? I don't remember anything like that?" Lucie said.

"Huh, you must have a serious case of amnesia. No wonder you don't remember us. But how did you get it?"

"I assumed I got to this after fighting the Demon Swordsman and the Dimensional Queen." Lucie answered.

"Fight? The Reo and Lucie we know wouldn't fight each other, but only as sparring partners."

Suddenly, Lucie experiences a sharp, stabbing feeling in her head, causing her to fall unconscious. Worried, they rushed her to her room.

"Jas, go get me a damp towel for her head."

"Okay," she answered before leaving the room. Suddenly, Lucie spontaneously engulfs herself in flames and transforms into her plasmatic form. Then, she reverts back to her regular look.

"Woah, since when can Lucie do that?"

"I don't know but look. Her hair became red."

"Wonder what happened?"

Lucie slowly woke up afraid. "What's going on? Where am I?" She asked as held up her hand.

Knowing what she could do, the girls tried to calm her down. "Lucie, do you remember who you are?" A girl said softly.

"No, who are you?" Lucie answered.

"Hey, I got the towel." Jasmine (Jas) said. Screaming, Lucie threw a fireball at Jasmine. Luckily, Jasmine was able to dodge it.

"What the heck, Luz!" Jasmine yelled. Then, she noticed Lucie was afraid of her own fire. "Hey Dee, what's wrong with her?" Jasmine asked.

"We don't know. She was fine one minute, then, her hair changed colors and she ended up like this." explained.

"Changed colors? Which ones?"

"It was red, yellow, and orange like a fireball." Devon (Dee) answered.

"Not to mention, her body was like the surface of the sun."

"Huh, I knew about her hair changing, but I don't know about her becoming living fire." Jasmine said.

"What's going on with me?" Lucie asked worriedly.

"Don't worry. Your SP might be reacting to your amnesia in a bad way. Just breath slowly and try to calm down. We'll find someone to help you." Jasmine said.

"Okay, I'll try." Lucie said, scaredy. Closing her eyes, Lucie slowed her breathing. As time passed, she calmed down to the point she entered a Zen-like state. Suddenly, Lucie glowed.

"What's going on now?" Jasmine and the others thought. Lucie, then, opened her eyes and a wave of energy.

"Are you okay, Luz?" Devon asked.

"Yeah, but I don't remember you all. Sorry about that." Lucie answered.

"Guess we'll just have to reintroduce ourselves." Jasmine said.

"Right, I'll start. I'm Roxy 'the Iron Maiden' Lindal."

"I'm Jasmine Davis and this is my older sister."

"Devon Davis,"

"That just leaves me, Rana Tachibana. I'm one of your distant cousins."

"Oh really. That makes me happy to know that I have friends like you all. Especially in my own family. For a second, I thought you all hated me." Lucie said, smiling.

Rana looked at Lucie and had a flashback to when she overheard her uncle and father talking about Lucie and her abandoning the family name. "Luz, I know for a fact that your family loves you." Rana said.

"They don't show it." Devon mumbled to herself. Jasmine, Roxy, and Rana looked at Devon. "What!? Am I wrong? You saw how Adam treated her. He never treated Akatsuki and Miko like that."

"Well, Akatsuki and Miko are blood related. He sees Lucie as their act of kindness. Complete a nobody." Rana said.

"Well, that nobody is one of the most powerful women in the world." Devon said.

"Not to mention, she attracts the most powerful men in the world."

"What?" Rana said, shocked.

"Yep, ever since high school, Lucie has caught the eye of every noble and powerhouse boy that is interested in women. Including Reo and Sora."

"What! The king?" Lucie said.

"Huh…Sora became king?" Devon and the others thought.

Two days later, Lucie and Kana are shopping for formal dresses to wear at the WAA Appreciation Ball that night. One after another, they wore different color dresses of different styles. Unable to decide, Lucie began to worry about the big night.

"Luz, are you okay? You don't look so good." Kana said, concerned.

"I'm fine… just thinking about tonight."

"Right… you must be nervous about seeing my brother." Kana said, grinning, while looking at a white, puffy dress.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Lucie said with a confused expression.

"Oh, come on, Luz. You and I both know that you and my brother had a thing for each other since the day you met in high school." Kana said as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Lucie uncontrollably laughed loudly. "You think I have a crush on your lame brother of a king. Never in this lifetime." She said as she tried to catch her breath.

"Wow, you're really trying hard to hide your true feelings for him."

"You're delusional. I don't like your brother. He's too much of a spoiled, annoying brat if you ask me."

"I'm not a spoiled brat!" Kana yelled, angrily.

"Huh," Lucie looked at Kana.

"I mean.. He's not a spoiled brat." Kana said, trying to play it off as a joke. Even though she was curious about that outburst, Lucie chose to ignore it. Suddenly, a girl bumps into Lucie, causing them to fall over.

"What the heck?" Lucie yelled.

"Im so sorry. I just can't slow myself down when I'm so excited."

"Woah… I mean it's alright. I know what you mean. I'm the same way." Lucie said while getting up. Then, she extended a hand to the girl.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Slow down." Another girl yells as she walks over to them.

"Yukio?" Kana said, confused.

Yukio nodded. "That's right. Yukio Ama… Amano. Yukio Amano, and she's my sister, Azarel Amano."

"Oh, that's a unique name. What country are you two from?" Kana said, curious.

"Uh, we're visiting from Tokyo, Japan. We heard many stories about the capital of the world, and we just had to see it for ourselves."

"Oh, tourist. Well, welcome to the capital, huh. From the princess of the world, Kana Haseigawa.

"Woah, Momma K. She looks so young and arrogant. Wonder what changed her." Yukio said telepathically to Azarel.

"She never talks about her past. And her being an artificial being like a homunculus makes it difficult to read." Azarel replied.

"Yeah, but she's human now. So, it should be easier to read." Yukio said, smiling.

"You do remember that they have telepathy magic. They'll notice if we poke inside their mind. Besides, we're here for something more important."

"You're right."

"Hey, are you two okay?" Lucie asked, noticing Yukio and Azarel was staring at Kana intensely. She, then, started snapping in front of their faces, breaking them from their trance.

"Huh, what?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking how amazing it is to meet the world's princess, Kana Hasegawa, on our first day in the capital. We're so lucky." Azarel said.

"Aww, aren't you two just the sweetest things?" Kana said, sarcastically.

"Kana, wasn't that too rude for the world's princess?"

"Oh, come on, Luz? The rude ones are these two. They're lying to us." Kana said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Think about it. We're in the middle of a crisis with a former WAA soldier. We locked our borders to make sure no one might be allied with get in the capital. So, no one can get into the capital without the royal family knowing it. So, who are you two?"

"Trust me, you wouldn't believe us if we did tell you." Yukio said.

"Try me," Kana said as she summoned a ball of fire to her hand.

"Okay, well. Let's just say we're here to solve a big problem." Azarel said as she summoned a black orb to her hand.

"Woah, Z! That's going a bit overboard… don't you think." Yukio said.

"No… I think that this is definitely necessary." Azarel said before slamming the orb to the ground, causing a dome of black energy to surround her and Yukio."

"No, you don't!" Kana yelled as she blasted the black dome with all her firepower. However, the dome withstood the fire with ease.,. as if it was absorbing the fire into itself.

"Now what?" Yukio asked.

"No choice. We have to fall back and try again later." Azarel said.

"Okay, when I give signal, let the Omen Barrier down." Yukio said.

"First, never call it that again. Second, what are you planni… No! Yukio, we're not doing that. Anything but that."

"Come on, Z. I've gotten a lot better at using this spell." Yukio said as she gathered a ball of mysterious energy. "Now!" She yelled as she threw the ball at Kana and Lucie instantly exploding in front of them, disorientating.

"Huh? I thought…

"No time to think about it that. Run!" Yukio yelled telepathically. Immediately, Yukio and Azarel disappeared while Kana and Lucie were trying find their way out. As the smoke cleared, Lucie and Kana saw nothing was destroyed.

"What just happened? Where did they go?" Kana asked, confused.

"Don't know. I think we were hit with an illusionary spell." Lucie replied.

"Really, but it felt so real. Hell, I really thought we were going to die."

"Yeah, die." Lucie said as she, nervously, thinking back to what happened. In the split second of the explosion, Lucie was able to absorb most of the force and fire from it. "What did I do?" She thought to herself.

Meanwhile, Azarel and Yukio arrive at an abandoned building in the city of Tokyo.

"Got to love our Primordial DNA. We went from the capital of the world to Japan in seconds without a portal." Yukio said excitedly.

"Yuki, are you insane? You used the illusionary fire spell. You know mom can't come into contact with those flames! You know as well as I do the havoc mom can cause when under the influence of those flames!" Azarel yelled worriedly.

"Yeah, I know. But it should be okay since she hasn't awakened to her Karma Powers yet." Yukio answered.

Azarel sighed. "I'm not talking about her Karma powers. I'm talking about her Celestial, Jan-gu, and every other power she has. She is literally the most powerful human in five-hundred universes." Azarel said worriedly.

"Riiiigght, mom did say something like that. Something like she experienced many different changes when she was younger. I thought she was trying to give me the puberty talk, and I didn't want to hear that from her."

"Can you stop joking around? This is serious. Momma Lucie might be in trouble or worst."

"Don't worry about it. We would've noticed if something happened to her. Speaking of, did you notice that mom was different?"

Azarel nodded. "It's like she was being attacked by a mind manipulation spell. Someone is trying to control and manipulate her mind."

"What! Mom is in danger. We need to…

"Calm down. You know we can't heavily influence people and their lives, not unless there's a major problem. One wrong move and we could erase you from existence."

"Yeah right, there's nothing in existence that can erase a Primordial. Not even another Primordial. Besides, we're not influencing Mom's life. We're stopping the bastard that dares to mess with my mother." Yukio said looked for the origin of mind manipulation spell.

"I know you're angry, but we have a mission that takes our priority." Azarel said.

"Right," Yukio said as she calmed down. "But we're going to save mom as soon as we're done."

"Fine, but we're only going to released and protect her from the mind manipulation magic." Azarel said as she opened a portal.

"That's fine." Yukio answered as she followed her sister into the portal.