
Chapter 001.

He awoke to the sound of a woman's voice, unable to make out her words he stared at her, confused.

"Hello? Where am I? Who are you?" He spoke. No answer, yet he received a cold piercing glare by the woman. Almost as if he were in trouble. "System restart. Launch." Spoke the woman in a monotone pitch, before he had time to question it he was blinded by a bright yellow light."Yo? You good? Anyone home?" An unknown voice spoke softly, "Hey i think he's waking up now" which came from a woman's voice. He came to his senses, feeling the cold floor on his back. He was in a cave, surrounded by unusual corpses, green? He was surrounded by miniature green corpses, as he looked around he saw a party of 3 people, A bold man with toned muscles, clearly a result of his combat with a plenty amount of scars lining his arms, his dark hair and beard intimidating him. A woman with long black hair,