
Guess it wasn't the end after all.

[Warning: This is indeed a sequel to He is Back (the crossover between DDLC and JJBA) but I've decided to also add in Kakegurui to the crossover. This is in Natsuki's POV and has heavy spoilers of "He is Back" along with JJBA and Kakegurui spoilers so, please, make sure to watch the 2 anime (and know about DDLC of course) before reading this! And also, make sure to check out "He is Back" (it's worth your time, I promise), but without further ado! Enjoy reading this!]


"Well, this is new." - I said to myself, looking up at my new school. I was a transfer student, of course. I had been expelled along with the other club members due to constant absence because of.. Someone.

Hyakkaou Private Academy.. I saw an ad about needing more students, but I didn't know much about it. It was a prestigious academy, I could see that just from its appearance. I swallowed in nervousness and walked through the gate. As soon as I got in, all I saw was people.. Gambling?

"Such fond memories, huh?" - I thought to myself sarcastically, thinking back to when I wagered my soul along with my nemesis's, just to get my dad and Monika back. I'm glad they're both gone, but I did miss her.

I shook my head, and looked around. I saw a black haired girl with someone..? Shit.. I knew I recognized that face anywhere. MC was here.. I growled to myself and the black haired girl approached me, holding both of my hands saying: "Hello! I'm Yumeko Jabami, it's great to meet you! I assume you're Natsuki?"

MC smiled at me and I looked up at Yumeko, confused, saying: "Yeah.. That's right. I assume MC must have told you about me?"

MC smiled. We then went to our class. I transferred to the 2nd year Flower Class since my dad thought it'd be better. What he didn't know.. Is that I would be bringing chaos with me, again.

"Nice to meet you all, name's Natsuki Gushiken Brando. Hope you accept me as a member of your class at some point!" - I said, smiling.

There was immediate chatter after I introduced myself.

"She's been the talk of town, wagered her soul in her first gamble before transferring here.."

"Brando? I heard that name somewhere.."

I smiled to myself and then the teacher said: "I'd like to assign one of you to take Natsuki on a tour of the school. Ryota, since you're the class president, would you do the honours?"

He smiled and nodded. I looked at the whole class and saw.. Monika? I then turned to Ryota, saying: "Thanks, Ryota.."

"No. Thank you!" - Ryota smiled at me.

A yellow haired girl then glared at me as we walked out of the classroom. We walked around the school, then to the atrium.

"Woah, the scenery is amazing.. I'm glad I transferred here."

I then turned to Ryota and noticed something around his neck and tried to get a closer look, saying: "What's that all about?"

Ryota backed away from me and replied: "Hey, uh.. Natsuki? You know how to gamble, right?"

"You could say so.. Why?"

"I see.. Here at Hyakkaou, gambling is our lifeblood.. Once classes end, you will see it everywhere you look. The students are filthy rich so the stakes are always high. Natsuki, you will be challenged sooner or later, so I'd advise you to be ready and–"

I smiled to myself and said: "Challenged, huh? Guess my gambling life hasn't ended just yet. I'll be looking forward to it."

The school bell rang and we went back to our classroom. As soon as I entered, a group of girls surrounded me and I was confused.

"Hey, Natsuki! Welcome to second year Flower Class!"

"So what school did you transfer from?"

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

I smiled and said: "Thanks.. I transferred from Doki Doki High, and yes, I do have a girlfriend actually."

Monika approached me and was about to greet me but the door opened, and I turned to the door. It was the yellow haired girl who glared at me earlier.

"So great to meet you! I'm Mary Saotome. I hope we can be friends."

"Yeah.. I hope so too." - I smiled at Mary.

"In that case, what are you doing after class? Maybe you'd like to do a little gambling with me?"

Ryota gasped and looked over at both of us while Mary was smiling menacingly.

I smiled at her, with one fist clenched.

After class, there was chatter about how Mary challenged me, the curtains closed, with us sitting in front of each other and I spoke: "Alright, Mary, what game are we gonna play today?"

"Just a little game our class arranged, called Ballot Rock-Paper-Scissors. Basically every student in this room draws either the symbol rock, paper, or scissors and puts them into the box so we can't see them. We will have three cards each and then we choose one card and draw it to play a classic game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. If our cards match once, we simply try again with the remaining cards. If we match three times, however, we call it a tie. Simple enough, right?"


"Unlike the normal game, you don't end up showing your whole hand. The fun of it is trying to read the other even though the game is stacked against you."

"Perfect then."

"Great! That's what I like to hear."

I saw that Ryota went to fetch the chips and the other students started putting the cards into the box after doodling the symbol on it. I saw Yumeko and Monika in the crowd along with MC and the other club members. I placed the bet, 2 chips, each had 120 chips anyway, so I was safe. My deck was rock, paper and scissors.

I then started thinking to myself, as soon as both got each three cards: "I'm guessing that this game is based around how well you can read your opponents moves.. The memories I have from that are far too familiar."

"Alright, we'll play our cards together.." - Mary announced.

"Rock.. Paper.. Scissors!" - We said in unison.

Her card was rock, mine was paper. I smiled and took her 2 chips, saying: "Let's keep it going, shall we?"

She nodded and asked: "What's your next bet then?"

"Heh.. I'd like to take a risk and say.." - I pushed 50 chips gently in front of me - "Fifty chips. How about it?"

"I didn't think you'd live on such an edge, Natsuki.."

"You haven't seen anything.."

The students placed the cards back in the box again, and we took our three cards. We drew once, both cards were rock.

"A draw." - I smiled and looked at my other two cards which were scissors while Mary and I said - "We've.. Got a.. TIE!"

I drew a scissors card, she drew a paper card. She smiled and excitedly said: "Haha, yes! I knew I could do this!"

I looked around at the students while they started putting the cards back in the box. RTTC came out momentarily to look inside the box to examine it and then disappeared as I kept a straight face. The both of us then took three cards from the box. My deck was two rocks and a card with scissors.

"I'd like to go back to two chips for this round." - I smiled, looking at my deck. Each of us placed two chips in front of us.

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

I drew scissors, she drew paper. I smiled and took her two chips.

"Winning some chips back, I see! What's your next bet then?"

"Fifty two chips. Is that alright with ya?" - I smirked, placing my last fifty two chips in front of me once again.

"...Yeah, that's quite fine. I like your style, Natsuki." - Mary smirked at me.

I looked into her eyes, keeping my smirk as we both said: "Rock, paper, scissors."

My deck was two rocks and paper. I looked down at it and placed a rock card, she placed a rock card as well. A draw. We played again and I played a paper instead. She played rock. As I expected.

"Oh poor Natsuki, looks like you've run out of chips! Let's keep going, hm?" - Mary smiled. I looked at her, with my arms crossed as she continued - "Don't tell me you're gonna chicken out now!? After losing a million yen, I would too!" - She started laughing maniacally.

"Nah, don't get your hopes up. Our match is just at the beginning." - I reached for my bag and pulled out a cupcake - "I'd like one more game, if you'd be so kind."

She laughed, replying: "Gladly! What's your bet?"

I snapped my fingers and a metallic bag landed on my hands. I opened it and cash came out, while I said: "15 million yen.."

"Wait.. Huh? Who walks around with that kind of cash? How did you even do that?!"

I smiled and crossed my arms, while my eyes started glowing red: "I assume you haven't heard of me, Mary.. Risks are part of gambling, right? I've wagered my soul in my first gamble, wouldn't you expect something like this from me? Madness is what makes gambling such a great thing! No one in their right mind like yourself would trust millions to a simple game like this! So what I'm saying here.. The more risks you take, the more you love to gamble."

I stood up and signalled her to take my hand, saying: "Take it or leave it, Saotome! I'm not a pussy."

Meanwhile, Sayaka delivered a document to the president of the student council, saying: "Miss President, the data we have on the transfer student who joined Year Two, Flower Class."

She took it and said: "Yet another girl to join my garden of Eden.. This will be interesting."

Mary then said: "No, I won't be taking part in this crazy ass offer!"

"Aww.. Don't tell me you're gonna chicken out?" - I smirked, sitting back down. I read her mind as she thought: "You arrogant brat, who was born in some rich family.. Underestimating me is a bold move.."

She sat down and I looked at her, while still reading her mind, as she thought: "Little girl, we're talking about fifteen yen! Doesn't matter anyway, I will win all that money. Of the 30 students standing here today, aside from her friends watching this, 21 will do as I damn well please. This time, there are hardly any scissors, so the remaining cards are rock and paper. As long as I draw paper, I'll have this in the bag guaranteed!"

I took my cards, she took hers. She looked at her deck and smirked. I looked down at mine, two rocks and scissors.

"Are you ready for this last match?" - Mary finally spoke.

I looked up from my deck, softly asking: "Tell me Mary.. Do you think I'm oblivious?"


"If I were to guess by the cards I've had so far, I'd guess some people in this room are helping you.. 10 maybe? 20 or so to assure your victory. Your method is flawed. You made the same exact move when there was a ton of money on the line, and you didn't think of the possibility of suspicion? You will never deceive anyone properly unless you're ready to take higher risks."

"Enough." - I smiled as she continued - "Unless you are gonna continue with these wild accusations, I'd suggest you pick a freaking card already." - She then thought - "She's not able to read my moves, as long as I throw in a paper card, I am assured to win!"

I smiled and said: "Sure, whatever."

"Rock.. Paper.." - I said calmly, as RTTC looked behind me to see Ryota signalling to Mary what move I was gonna make, although she didn't look at him.

"SCISSORS!" - She played a paper card.

"....Scissors." - I showed her my scissors card.

"S-Scissors? That's- THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!"

"Nothing is impossible in this world, honey.. That's what happened. You lost. And subtracting to what I lost to you, let me see.. You owe me.. 12.6 million yen. I'd appreciate it now." - I said, my eyes glowing red, with a smirk painted on my face.

"I- I can't-"


"I-I'll pay you in a few days, I promise..!"

My eyes went back to normal and I sighed, smiling, saying: "Yeah, that's fine. I had fun anyway, so take your time." - I walked away, with my bag in hand.

Ryota went after me, along with Monika and my friends.

"Hey, wait up!" - Ryota spoke, catching up to me.

"Hm? What is it?"

"How did you figure Mary out..?"

"I'm half vampire. But you can't tell anyone. I read her mind, and she basically exposed herself. I just had to put up an act so I didn't fully make it out that I read her mind. Logic was also part of it.. And I figured I'd be the center of attention because I was new and was one of the gamblers.. But no.. They were looking at you, you were signaling the cards to Mary too."

"You figured me out too.. How did you even end up with scissors?"

"Luck of the draw! I saw through her plan, but my luck was on my side on that one."

"So… You burnt through 2.4 million yen just to figure her out? For the risk itself?"

"God no.. I mean, it's not like I didn't have more money anyway.. I only take big risks when either my pride is bruised or someone I care about needs it."

"Jeez.. I'm still drowning in debt, I owe Mary five million yen! I can't even pay back any of it because when I tried to gamble, things only got worse.. What am I even on about, I'm leaving, sorry.."

"Hey, don't worry about that. Take this. It's 5 million yen." - I took out some money from the bag I had.

"What?! No, Natsuki, I was part of Mary's scheme, I couldn't possibly-"

"Shush and take it before I regret it. Besides, no game is fun without something to be discovered underneath. Take it, and pay Mary what you owe. I'll be going home now."

"Hey, Natsuki wait up!" - Sayori smiled, hugging me from behind.

"Did you call me your girlfriend..?" - Monika asked me.

"Yeah, who else, dumbass?" - I smiled at her.

I smiled while Ryota looked back at me, and then looked at the money I'd given him, thinking: "This girl is definitely not normal.. She's.. A compulsive gambler."