

No one messes with LUCIFERA.... She's a devil.

Xtystar13 · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

37. Complicated


After having his breakfast, The driver drove him and his mother to the hospital where Isabella was admitted. "Bella are you alright?" Tina walked up to her while Aaron stood still beside the door.


"Aaron..." Isabella called out and smiled innocently. "Aunt told me you passed out are you alright?" Isabella asked. "Come here, why are you standing by the door? " Tina asked. Aaron slowly walked up where is mom and Isabella were and took a nearby seat. Isabella took Aaron's hand in here and smiled meekly. "Are you alright?" Aaron slowly asked. "Yes I'm fine. Just had a little cut" Isabella replied

Aaron looked at Isabella's head which was neatly wrapped in pure white bandage. "Don't be sad it was just a mere fall, don't worry after I've healed we'd got out for a slight vacation. Hmm?"Isabella requested. "Alright"Aaron replied. Isabella pulled him by the collar and kissed him then turned away embarrassed. "Haha" Aaron chuckled as he watched Isabella's face turn red in embarrassment. "Are you laughing at me?" Isabella picked up a pillow behind her and hit Aaron with it.

"No way. Why would I laugh at you?" Aaron slightly pinched her cheek. Watching as Aaron took the initiative to pinch her gently on her cheek felt like a dream come true. She felt she had finally met her prince charming. Isabella blushed at his intimate action. "Are you shy?" Aaron asked. "You never pinched my cheek you only pay my head" Isabella said. "Hehe. do you like it?" Aaron asked once again. "Yes" Isabella smiled. Aaron leaned over and gave her a light peck on her lips


Lilian returned home expectedly. Mr Williams was shocked to see his daughter suddenly back. Wait why didn't Sniper call him that he was releasing his daughter?. "Oh my Lily you're back" Mr Williams opened his hand wide. "Dad"Lilian threw herself into his arms and burst into tears. "Dad I missed you". "I missed you too my Lily" Mr Williams stroke Lilian's hair affectionately. His daughter was back and he was so happy.

"Why are you suddenly back without informing me?" Mr Williams asked. "I just wanted surprise you"Lilian said and faked a smile. "Daddy loves the surprise"Mr Williams said as he gave Lilian's nose a little tap... "Go freshen up come downstairs to eat, I know how tired you'd be from the journey"Mr Williams said with a smile. "Yes dad" Lilian nodded and went upstairs.


Early that morning Albert's chopper landed infront of a very big mansion. Ace got down with Alison by his side and they walked straight to the mansion. When Peyton found out they had arrived she abandoned what she was doing and ran out to meet them.

Upon seeing Peyton running towards them. Ace opened his arms wide for a big from his mother but she literally dodged his hand and hugged Alison instead leaving Ace speechless. "It so glad meeting you dear" Peyton broke from the hug and said. she stared at Alison sweetly. "Aunt" Alison called out.

"Call me mom. C'mon let's go in. I know you'd be hungry" Peyton held her hand and walked her in. The food had been served on the huge dinner table which was at the center of the dinning hall. Ace who was waiting to be served got nothing. "Ehm, mom. What of my food" Ace asked confused. "Who's your mom? And who told you, you were eating? I only got this prepared for Allie"Peyton said harshly.

"But your highness...". "Here eat this and make sure you finish it" Peyton cuts into Ace's statement as she handed him a plate with a huge cover on it. Ace opened the food just to see BLACK BEANS the food he hated the most.

Authors note

Hi guys it's me Xtystar your star girl. I hope your enjoying the story. I'm sorry for the late updates and typographical errors. I'd try my best to get over it. Thanks.... Love ya.