
All The Way To Hell

Word Count: 847

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Demon Reader

Warnings: mild cursing, mentions of violence

A/N: This is a story I actually forgot to post here after I put it on tumblr lol, so enjoy!

Summary: You had always been a crafty person, well person wasn’t the right word. You were a demon, among the best and when you found a way out of hell, you just had to jump at that chance.


Your eyes scanned the busy streets of LA, so many people, so many new things. The landscape here was so much different from Hell. So full of color, of life, your emotions jumped between a sickening feeling to a fascinated one. You didn’t fail to notice the people staring at you, whispering as they pointed to your clothes. It didn’t take you long to realize what you were wearing made you stick out far too much for your liking. You needed new clothes.

You thought.

You looked around, locating your target. The man didn’t even notice you swipe his wallet, to preoccupied with his phone. You weren’t completely out of loop with modern day earth. You’ve gathered plenty from various souls hell loops. It was enough for you to function at least. You slipped into a clothing store. When you came back out you wore something more fitting to earth and had several outfits. You dropped the wallet to ground after taking out the remaining cash and started walking. It wasn’t long before you came across a night club with a name that spiked your interest.


Lucifer made his way through the crowds of people, a half empty drink in his hand and a smile on his face. He was walking in the direction of the bar, planning on getting a refill or maybe something stronger. He nodded to the bar tender, who went to get him another drink. Lucifer leaned against the bar, watching the people dance and mingle. The bar tender sat his whiskey down in front of him but a hand grabbed it before he could.

“Hello my king, you’re looking well.”

You smiled taking a sip of his drink as he stared at you in shock. Lucifer’s mind went blank as he tried to process the fact that you were sitting in front of him.

“Y/N, how did you get here?”

You shrugged handing him back his whiskey, sliding off the stool you were sitting on. Lucifer followed you after downing his drink. You were already halfway up the stairs.

“I got bored, hell has been  dull since you and Mazikeen left. So, I started exploring, found my own way out.”

“And LA just happened to be where you decided to go? Lovely coincidence isn’t it?” Lucifer smirked.

You let the door close on him, making him grunt. He was always so full of himself, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t find it endearing. You smiled as you waited for him to catch up.

“No, I just found myself in one of alleys not to far from here. It’s not like, there’s a fucking path to hell. At least I didn’t pop up in the ocean.”

You didn’t miss the skeptical look he gave you.

“And now that you’re out, just what do you plan on doing during your little vacation my dear?”

You knew what he was really asking was what trouble you were going to cause.

“I’ve never tortured a live human before, maybe I’ll see what it takes to kill one.” You joked.

Lucifer’s eyes flashed red, and you raised your hands.

“Joking, I’m . I just want to experience new things.”

Now that caught his attention, he smiled like the Cheshire cat and you briefly regretted telling him that.

“New things? Darling you’ve come to the right place, LA is the city of reinvention or, so I’m told.”

Lucifer looked like a kid in a candy store. You had forgotten how excitable he could get and it brought a smile to your lips. You let out a small squeak when he grabbed your arm and started pulling you along.

“Where are we going?”

“You said you wanted to experience new things did you not? Well who better to help introduce you to the finer things of earth than the Devil.”

You raised an eyebrow. You had mostly expected him to be angry or annoyed that you had left hell without his permission. Or to demand you return. This was definitely not on the list of reactions you thought he would have.

“And you’re not angry my king?”

Lucifer groaned and turned to face you. His expression made it clear he was annoyed and for some reason, you found that humorous.

“Bloody hell… none of this king business, we’re not in hell darling, here I’m just Lucifer.”

You nodded and waited for him to continue, knowing there was probably more.

“And do try not to kill anyone, most humans are surprisingly innocent, even if they are a bit self centered.”

“Oh so, they’re you?”

The look of offense on his face made you laugh loudly and Lucifer muttered something under his breath.

“You’re an absolute hellion did you know that.”

You gave a mock bow, making Lucifer chuckle. You linked your arm with his and Lucifer raised an eyebrow but otherwise didn’t seem to have any problem with that.

“Now show me how the Devil parties in LA.”

Lucifer grin was nothing short of mischievous.

“With pleasure my lovely little demon.”