
Lucifer's true love

A fanfiction from Tv series Lucifer After Chloe is killed while trying to put a mafia boss in jail,Lucifer is devastated. He doesnt leave his bedroom,he doesnt eat or drink anything and he seems to have lost his will to live. But his life is about to change when he finds a letter from his father,God. "Son,while I was on Earth,me and your mother had a little 'reunion'.The result is my final gift to you.". I will also post this story on royal road

eyaggelia146 · TV
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

The truth heals by hurting

-Johanna! Stop holding me and let me go see my brother.

-You can't.The doctors are examining him. He just came out of a coma. And to speak frankly,I should be in there as well.I am his main doctor after all.So you are going to wait here,patiently and most importantly,quietly,until me and my colleagues make sure David is doing ok.By the way,shouldn't you be calling your family to tell them the good news?

-Fine,I will wait.And I will call them after I have seen my brother. The last thing he needs in his fragile and disoriented state is a group of people all around him asking him questions. Especially,if they are strangers.

Johanna was about to answer Lucifer's last comment when the neurologist approached them.

-Michael,how is the patient doing?

-I have arranged for some more tests but our initial prognosis is that he is completely healthy. Which makes it all the more strange as to why he fell into a coma in the first place.Who is this man?

Johanna answered the question before Lucifer to avoid a hallway fist fight.

-His older brother.You don't need papers,I know their family personally. He has been coming here every day ever since David fell into a coma.And as you can see he is very anxious to see him.

-I don't know,Johanna,I think it would be best if we let him rest.

Johanna signaled him with her eyes pointing at Lucifer, who was barely containing himself,and Michael felt a shiver down his spine.

-On the other hand,I can't deny the positive effects the reassurance of a family member would have on the patient.Follow me,sir

-I know the way.

Michael was about to angrily chase after Lucifer when Johanna grabbed his arm

-Dont misjudge him.He has been through a lot in the past couple days.Can you talk to the supervisor for me and explain why we let him in,thus breaking the protocols?

-Maybe...if you agree to go out with me tonight.

Johanna smiled fondly and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

-We have been together for three months already.Why do you insist on asking me out like it is always the first time?

-Because every time I get to meet a new side of you.

-You charmer.Okay,pick me up at 7.

In the meantime Lucifer was already inside David's room embarrassing him,overjoyed.

-You are awake! Finally,you had me so worried.

He released his little brother and looked at him sternly.

-What have I told you countless times about worrying me? If my hair turns gray it will be your fault.

Lucifer quickly understood that his humor attempt made the situation worse instead of better because David probably took the joke more seriously than needed and now he was crying while looking at his fists grabbing the sheets.

-I'm sorry,I'm so sorry I know it's all my fault,I should have fought back but.....but...

Lucifer couldn't stand seeing David crying,the more so when he was blaming himself for something that wasn't his fault to begin with.When Lucifer got his hands on his kidnapper,his screams would be enough to shake the foundations of Hell.First he needed to know what the scumbag did to his brother but that wasn't his first priority now.He hugged his baby brother again but more tightly than before

-Shhh,Shhh,calm down,it's okay.Its not your fault,it never was and it never will be.

-But...Im the Angel of Death

-Then you know that your powers need to be locked up so you have more energy to collect souls.You couldn't fight back. You are forbidden from harming humans.

David seemed to calm down a little but not enough.

-But,David,why didn't you heal yourself?We found you injured.Those were simple wounds.You could have made them disappear in a second.

-.....I didn't want to.

Lucifer felt like he was struck by lightning.It hurt when he heard this.More than he ever knew words could hurt.He grabbed David's hand with both of his own and looked at him right in the eyes.


-Because I wanted to die.

Lucifer never knew how much inner strength he possessed until this moment.All he wanted was to cry but he needed to be strong, because David needed someone strong to place his trust.

-I know it may seem impossible right now but everything is going to be alright.But I need to know,David.I need to know what he did to you.

When David heard this,he violently released his hands from Lucifer's grasp and held his shoulders tightly.


Lucifer gently guided David's hands away from his shoulders and held them tenderly once more.

-I can't tell you how sorry I am that I am pressuring you right now that you have just escaped death but the sooner you face your fear the sooner your wounds will heal.Trust me,I made the mistake of waiting for the right time but it never came.You don't have to make the same mistake I made.I am here for you.You can trust me with anything.I promise you that there is nothing that I cant handle hearing.

-This you won't be able to handle.You will hate me! I know you have only seen me as a responsibility,a job and I must admit that you did brave efforts of not showing it in your behavior while you were raising me but it was promptly obvious.I can live with you not loving me,I learned to live with it a long time ago but you despising me is not something I can't handle.

Lucifer couldn't speak.He couldn't move either.Why did he keep making the same mistakes over and over again? When will he learn? When would he stop hurting whoever mattered the most to him? Why whenever he fights his own egoism and doubts,he ends up losing precious time that doesn't come back and memories he never got to have but that was only his fault?When the vicious circle ends?As Chloe used to say,now is always the best time for change.

-Lucifer? Say something.Im.....

Lucifer literally launched himself at David , crying but then put each of his hands on each side of his little brother's face.

-Listen to me and listen carefully. You have nothing to be sorry for.I am the one who should be sorry for more things than will ever know and I am.I can't turn back time and give you what my attachment to the past deprived you but I can give you from now on what you wanted your entire life and you always had it.My love for you.Because I love you.More than I can express and more than I can admit.I can't tell you the whole story but you came into my life at the best and worst possible time.You saved me when I didn't want to be saved.I know you probably don't believe me and think that I am only telling you this so I will make you open up to me but I swear to you that it is the truth.Just give me another chance to prove it.

David was shocked and Lucifer was right.Under normal circumstances he wouldn't believe Lucifer for the reasons he said but three phrases awoke inside him and wouldn't leave his mind.

"Lucifer loves you more than his life"

"I don't want to get up"

"We never do but we always must".

Maybe it was his weakened mental defenses,maybe he was more desperate and broken than he cared to admit,maybe the sweetness of finally having what he cried for silently in his sleep was too much to resist.Whatever the reason may be,David believed his big brother and he let his last painful defense fall down. He screamed and literally dived into his brother's loving arms that quickly closed behind him, shielding him from the world,and let all of his pain reach his lips.

-He raped me! At first he tried to beat me up but he was unsuccessful and that got him mad and he....he....

-Shh. Don't say anything more.

Lucifer released David and started playing with his black hair but his little brother continued shaking, anxiously waiting for his big brother's reaction.

-Lucifer? Are you mad?

-With you? No! By all means,no! We will get through this.I promise you.Together.But you need to rest now.I already tired you enough.I will call Amenadiel and Charlie to tell them you are awake.Will you be okay with them visiting?

-I think so but I am not ready to tell them what happened yet.

-Of course.It is your choice and yours alone.But Amenadiel's torture already broke him and he confessed.

-No! I didn't want Amenadiel to know! What will he think of me?

-What I think too.That you are very brave and very strong and that we are very proud of you for holding on and coming back to us.Shh,now,you need to sleep.

-I don't want to. I will see nightmares,I know it.

Lucifer smiled at David and guided him to lay down.

-I can do something about it.Close your eyes.

David obeyed and he soon heard the soft voice of Lucifer singing the all familiar lullaby he hadn't heard since he was a baby.

"When the sun comes down

When the moon comes up

When the birds hide in fear

For the moon wakes their terrors

But the moon will protect you

Will guide you to sleep,away from danger

For in you she sees a friend

Sleep,my boy,enjoy your sleep

Let the night lead you to travels

Beyond this world

And when the morning comes

Dont be sad

For the sun will light all your days

As a favor to the moon

Sleep,my boy,sleep"

By the time Lucifer finished singing, David had already drifted into a calm sleep and Lucifer was crying,thinking how many times he missed the chance of singing this song as he exited the room and nearly stumbled upon Johanna.

-Lucifer! How is he?

-He has a long way to go to heal but the first and hardest step has been made.I have to go.Call me if anything happens.

Johanna nodded and wanted to tell Lucifer about the tests' mix up and David's real condition but he ran away while he was talking to the phone before she got the chance.

-Amenadiel? David is awake.

-Really? That's amazing news. When?

-About half an hour ago.He is sleeping now but I believe that it will do him good to see you and Charlie when he wakes up.

-I agree.Did you talk about...?

-Is George alive?

-Unfortunately,yes.And he said some other things that we need to discuss. About you.

-I don't care what he has to say about me.Kill him.

-What? Why? Don't you want to deal with him yourself?

-Of course I do.Thats why I am telling to end it.

-.....You will torture him in Hell,will you?


-It will be done.Then we need to talk.

-Yeah,yeah whatever.

Lucifer hung up before Amenadiel had a chance to answer.He then drove to the nearest bar where he ordered a drink and let himself cry, uncaring to people's stares. Every time he thought he couldn't fail in another domain,life loved to prove him wrong.