
Lucifer's true love

A fanfiction from Tv series Lucifer After Chloe is killed while trying to put a mafia boss in jail,Lucifer is devastated. He doesnt leave his bedroom,he doesnt eat or drink anything and he seems to have lost his will to live. But his life is about to change when he finds a letter from his father,God. "Son,while I was on Earth,me and your mother had a little 'reunion'.The result is my final gift to you.". I will also post this story on royal road

eyaggelia146 · TV
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21 Chs

Lucifer finds out

By the time Amenadiel hung up,Linda had managed to calm Charlie down a bit.The poor boy was still shaking but he had at least regained control of his breathing but Linda was still trying to comfort him.

-Dont worry, sweetie. Lucifer will be here in a while and he find a way to deal with this. You wont believe the connections your uncle has to the police.We will have David back with us before you know it.In fact,I believe that when he is back he will complain that you made it a bigger deal than it needed to be.

Linda's attempt to lighten up the mood was unsuccessful,to say the least. Amenadiel suddenly took her arm and pulled her away from the couch, leading her to the kitchen for a private talk.

-Linda,you and Charlie need to leave.


-You know why. Lucifer will not take the news calmly.You really trust Lucifer not to reveal his true form in front of Charlie in his anger?

-You are right. This is neither the time nor place for Charlie to learn the truth about his family.

-It is more than that. Charlie is emotionally unstable right now. I fear what the shock would do to him.Thats why I am telling you to get him out of here.Go to the park,to the mall,anywhere but here.

Linda folded her arms nervously and avoided meeting Amenadiel's gaze.

-Whats wrong,Linda? Why are we even discussing this? It would do him good to get some fresh air and walk to clear his mind.

-This is not what he will understand.

Amenadiel looked at her questionably,giving Linda the opportunity to explain.

-Charlie is feeling guilty right now and believes that David being abducted is his fault.If I tell him that we need to leave,he will think that we are trying to hide him from Lucifer because he will blame him. It would be like confirming his fears.

-You are right but it is something we will be able to handle.Charlie having a heart attack by discovering that his uncle is the Devil,will be much worse.


At that time everyone in the house heard,with terror,the sound of keys turning on the lock,the door slowly opening and saw Lucifer stepping in the house, obviously irritated.

-Amenadiel. This better be important. And by that I mean,the end of the world should be coming otherwise I will be very angry. One of my new clubs is at risk of losing his good reputation unless I correct the mistake my useless employees made when they ordered the drinks and you decide to suddenly call me at that time to come here.Charlie? Whats wrong? Why are you so upset?

Lucifer didnt notice at first,due to his own whining,Charlie who was looking at him with an expression of terror,like he was about to be killed. Tears were threatening to fall from the young boy's eyes and it was a miracle,considering his shaken state,how he managed to stop them. Lucifer sit besides him in the couch in an attempt to comfort him but Charlie stood up quickly and Lucifer noticed that his knees were shaking.

Amenadiel understood that it was only a matter of time until Charlie loses the last ounce of his mental strength and collapses,telling Lucifer everything about David.And he decided he did not want Lucifer to learn the bad news in this manner because it would only worsen his reaction.

Linda seemed to have thought the exact same thing bacause she hurriedly left the kitchen and gently held her son's arm,urging him to follow her

-Linda? Its so good to see you. When did you return?

-Lucifer,I am afraid something terrible has happened. I believe that Amenadiel should be the one to break it to you. Charlie,why dont we go for a walk and leave these two alone?

-But,mom,I was there. I saw...

-And you are going to tell Lucifer everything. I am sure every little detail will prove to be extremely useful but for now you need the fresh air.


Charlie followed Linda reluctantly out of the house but Lucifer could see signs of relief in his nephew's eyes. Like the boy was somewhat glad he wouldnt be here when the storm broke out.

When they left, Lucifer almost run to Amenadiel and looked him straight in the eyes.

-Start talking. Now. I have never seen Charlie so upset. That added to the fact that he should be in the field trip with David means something very serious has happened

-I need you to be calm when you hear this. Or as calm as you can be.

Lucifer lost his temper at that point and grabbed Amenadiel by the collar of his shirt.

-I am calm,as you can see. Now,I will ask one last time:What has happened?

Amenadiel sighed and turned his eyes away from Lucifer's

-David was kidnapped on his way to the museum. Some guys in a van,thats all we know for now. Charlie was too upset to explain further. Im sorry,Lucifer. We will get him back dont worry.

Amenadiel hadnt finished talking when Lucifer let him go.By the time he finished explaining,Lucifer was staring at him with a blank expression on his face,like he was still processing what he had just heard and it scared Amenadiel.

He was ready to shake his brother when he noticed Lucifer's hand was turning black. Oh no,this was bad. Lucifer was transforming to his most ancient and deadly form. A state of black energy filled the misery, hatred and pain of every condemned soul in Hell. Amenadiel had never seen it before,only heard of it.By what he did know was that if Lucifer completed this metamorphosis not only their house but the whole city could be turned to ash.

He dediced to stop it so he grabbed Lucifer by the shoulders firmly and made sure he was looking at him.

-Lucifer,calm down. I know you are upset but destroying all of the city will not help anyone. Especially David. Please,try to take a few deep breaths. They are mortals. What is the worst they can do to him? He will be home soon and unharmed.

The black aura started to disappear and Amenadiel felt a brief wave of relief washing over him, thinking he had succeeded in calming Lucifer down but when he looked up again and saw the murderous look on his brother's face he grew scared once again.

-I hope you are right. Because if I find one scratch or bruise on our little brother I will send them to Hell personally and make sure their screams of agony keep every human on Earth from sleeping at night.

Amenadiel took a step back and realized that Lucifer wasnt making empty threats.He was surprised when he saw his brother heading for the door.

-Lucifer,where are you going?

-You told me it was a van. I know whose help to ask first. Tell Charlie to text me the details as soon as he returns.

-Wouldnt it be better if you were to talk to him in person?

-He is too shaken up for that and my presence will not help make things better.In the end,I doubt he would be able to talk without crying,let alone remember facts with accuracy and small details.

Lucifer didnt wait for Amenadiel's reply and closed the door behind him as he left and started walking with only one thought in mind.

The hunt had just begun.