

(WARNING: In this chapter, the characters are going to be investigating the death of a minor. The descriptions of the injuries will be kind of graphic and there will be talk of sexual assault. If you're sensitive to stuff like that, I suggest you not read this chapter..)

"Mr. Mendes, I can't say that it's a pleasure seeing you again." Chloe, says.

I shift in my seat as Mendes keeps staring at me from across the metal table.

"Mhm, can't get enough of this place," Jordan speaks.

Supposedly, this guy was arrested multiple times for suspicion of dealing drugs. He didn't get convicted though since there wasn't enough evidence to prove that it was him.

"So, Jordan. You're a pimp?"

"Uh, that's what it looks like."

Chloe sighs in annoyance. She pulls out a picture of Tia and lays it on the table, sliding it to him.

"Do you recognize this girl?"

Mendes leans towards the picture and takes a hard glace at it.

"No." He simply replies.

"You and I know that's a lie. We have evidence that you pimped her out at the motel in Koreatown."

Jordan stays silent.

"Come on. You're going to prison no matter what, but we might lower your sentence if you give us some information about Tia." Chloe explains.

"Fine. Yes, I do know her. I bought her from the Silk Road a year back. She's been working for me ever since until she disappeared." He states.

"Disappeared? Did she run off or something?" I ask.

"No. she went to one of our rooms for another appointment. The maximum time a  customer is allowed with a girl is 1 hour. When she took longer than that, I busted into the room and both of them were gone."

Chloe and I look at each other in confusion.

"Are you trying to say that someone took her."

"Yeah." He simply states. "My boys and I went out looking for her. But, nothing. It's like both of them vanished. I paid twenty-fucking-thousand for her. I wasn't gonna let that girl just vanish."

"You know that she's-"

"Dead? Yeah, I know." He interrupts. "I found out when it was broadcasted on the news. It's tragic, I guess. If you think I killed her, you're very wrong. I'm not a bad guy, I don't kill people for no reason. Especially minors."

"You're not a bad guy? How about when you tried to rape me." I spit.

"A guy's got needs. Don't take it personally, cupcake." Mr. Mendes says, pursing his lips at me.

I gag in disgust.

"You mind if I step out for a second?" I ask Chloe.

She nods and I rush out of there immediately.


After the door closes. I resume the interrogation.

"So, do you know the name of the person that sold Tia to you and the name of the man that was last with Tia?"

"Not the exact name of the person who sold Tia to me, but I know their Silk Road username."

"What is it?"

"m.f.203" Mr. Mendes spits.

"How about the man who was last seen with her?"

"I'm not sure. You should be able to look at cameras hidden in each room."

My mouth becomes agape as he reveals this information.

"You've been recording guests?"

"Not guests, since no one comes there just to have a place to stay," Jordan explains. "Most of them check in just to fuck one of our girls or with whoever they brought with them."

"So, why do you record them?" He stays silent."You might as well tell me since you just confessed to recording guests without their consent."

Mr. Mendes groans.

"Fine. We record them so we can sell them to porn websites. It makes us a fuck ton of money, so why not?"

"Because it's very illegal, but I'm going to let the court decide," I say to myself. "What is the room number of Tia's last sighting and location of the camera."

"206 and in the microwave."

I take not of all of this on my notepad, putting it away once I'm finished.

"So, I'm going to go over the charges that are against you. This doesn't mean you will be fully convicted of these crimes. "

He nods.

"You are being charged withand "

Mr. Mendes stays quiet.

"Enjoy prison, Jordan," I say before getting up from my seat and walk out of the interrogation room.


As I sit outside waiting for Chloe, I stare into space from not knowing what to do. I've never felt so violated in my entire existence. Today marks the day where my hope in humanity as been tainted.

"Hey Yvi, why the long face?" Ella says, walking up to me.

"Hi, Ella. Nothing, it's just that this case is kind of messing me up."

"Yeah, Lucifer told me what happened. There are tons of creeps out there and we can't stop them all. Thank god they came in there when they did-"

As Ella continues to talk to me, I notice Chloe leaving the interrogation room and signaling Lucifer to go in and he does so. Once entering, he shuts the door. I hear the door lock and I immediately panic.


Hey guys! First off, I want to wish you guys a late Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah (to my Jewish readers out there). Also Happy Holidays to my other readers who practice a different religion or no religion at all. This will probably be the last chapter I'll be posting in 2019 so I wanted to say thank you so much for all the love and support I've gotten from you guys this past year. Over 85K in less than a year is absolutely crazy and that's all because of you guys. Have a very Happy New Year and I'll see you in 2020 my lil demons ;)
