

Seth prides himself for being able to protect his friends no matter what price he pays. But when strange developments begin to happen to him and everyone around him, Seth is desperate to find out anything. His quest for answers only bring up more questions and soon, signs point to something beyond his and everyone's own world of understanding. Seth is willing to do what must be done for his friends, but just how far is he willing to go, or rather, how far has he gone?

WaywardEddie · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 4 Developmental Stage

Seth remained silent as he shut the door to his room behind him. Before, at Michael's, he had been so frozen in shock at the numerous scars that he could see from just looking down on his torso, he was unable to speak. No one else wanted to even mention just what his back had looked like in comparison. It was then that Michael made the executive decision for Seth in suggesting everyone was to go home for the day and let Seth figure out what the next step was.

That was based upon the assumption there'd been any step to take. As much as Seth was stuck speechless, he wasn't unable to hear Michael's suggestion. It wasn't as if anyone else was ready to object, after all, with what had been displayed to them all by him, Christie and Liz, everyone silently left. Christie herself was given a lift by Jin back home as she wanted to give Seth space to think without any distraction. Even Terra had remained absolutely quiet.

Now back home, Seth had been rattling his mind with all sorts of questions about himself now. Just what on this green Earth had he been doing to earn this many scars? More to the point, as he examines himself in the mirrored sliding door to his closet, how could he have been able to move normally after enduring all the injuries he had? Judging from the scars, they hand't been minor cuts or stab wounds. These were major, and combined with their placements, the would've been fatal. Just like Liz. Another mystery that had no hints to the answers that would provide him peace of mind.

To take his mind off the stresses of his own and, by extension, Liz's injuries, Seth went to his desk, and began surfing the web. He determined to find anything that may have given him even a slight answer. Even in cyberspace however, he could only search for so much, as the best thing he could think of to search was any strange or potentially supernatural incidents. Of which had been unsuccessful. All he'd ever find are the typical dated supernatural stories and rumors.

If anything, he was slightly convinced maybe aliens had something to do with the strange developments to him and the girls. But that led to a new question that startled him.

Why just them? And then another question that filled him with dread:

Was it only just them?

The prospect of the others somehow being involved hadn't crossed Seth's mind as he desperately searched for clues about the entire circumstance. With that question in mind, he was anxiously debating if he should even discuss that possibility with everyone else, or just between him and the girls.

Seth had been so engrossed in his own self contained state of delegation that he hadn't paid attention to the time on his computer. It was four in the morning. Yet, Seth hadn't felt even the slightest sensation of fatigue, nor drowsiness. If anything, he felt as alert as he'd been all day.

Even as Seth agreed on a personal level to give himself a break from his own unsuccessful madness of searching for answers, he did not feel any need for the necessity of sleep. Stepping away from his computer desk, the one sensation Seth felt was hunger. It wasn't demanding, but it was prevalent and he knew at least he should grab a satisfactory snack.

After quietly milling about his home to the kitchen pantry and back to his room, Seth simply stood in his room as he devoured some leftovers from dinner that he unknowingly skipped on with his family.

After a brief moment, Seth decided to make good on the time he clearly had and just simply wash up for the day ahead. He'd worry about any ill effects of sleep deprivation later. As he rummaged through his closet, he saw something odd in the darkest corner of his closet, just away from the dresser that'd been stored within.

What Seth grabbed and placed in the center of his lit room, had been a slightly worn vest and a pair of baggy shorts that had metal plating sewn into the sides. Those items hadn't been what struck Seth odd. It was the pair of snow white steel clawed gauntlets, greaves and sabatons that came with. With the gauntlets in particular, he noticed a large spike jutting out centered over the end of the main part that protected the arm near the wrists.

Out of sheer curiosity, Seth grabbed one of the gauntlets and fitted it onto his arm, fastening the black leather strap near the elbow to secure it in place. Seth was shocked to feel just how comfortable the armament was, as if it was made especially for him. He then remembered the small vision he had of himself. The equipment he had laid out before equipping the gauntlet were the very same pieces he had seen in his vision.

Without a second thought, Seth equipped the second gauntlet, securing it quickly. After a quick few movements of his fingers and jostling his arms in their new metal clad casings, Seth brought both metal fists together at the knuckles.

"Well, well, 'bout time you found those things..." Seth heard his own voice speak to him.

Just like before, the world around Seth seemed to have stopped along with his body, but he was still actively thinking and hearing.

"What's happening to me? To us? Is it just me and the girls, or are the others somehow mixed up in all of this, too?"

"Whoa, easy on those jets, man! I can only give you snippets at a time, otherwise it can cause some unwanted backlash."

"What do you mean, backlash? What aren't you telling me? Why do I have these? What was I doing in that vision!?"

"At this point, I'd be rolling my eyes in disappointment... I said I could only give you snippets, remember? I practically said it not fifteen seconds ago... But since you're so eager to learn more, I can at least show you something more before I give you some... Answers..."

Right then, Seth's vision was replaced again with sights and views of a land unknown to him with all manner of unidentifiable creatures and humanoid figures he was actively fighting. As if strapped into a first person simulation, Seth was only along for the ride as enemies began to surround him. As quick as they showed up, they were soon mowed down by some invisible force cutting them apart. Appearing right before him had been the unmistakable face of Liz, but she'd been adorned with armor like a knight and wielding a sword in each hand. As quick as she appeared, she was gone in a blur. The view changed again, and again, showcasing not just Liz, but Christie, in a angelic armored dress with white feathered wings as she wielded her light like a weapon. Michael and Gabriel both had been hulking titans in their own armor as Michael swung a massive skull clad battle ax and Gabriel held a meaty maul that appeared to be a massive block of granite, adorned with metal, securing it onto the haft it was placed upon. Jin, with flaming katanas, looked like some mix of a samurai and a knight. R.J. was dressed like an assassin with a white hood. Ian appeared like a stereotypical ninja with some strange teleporting ability, Avery wielded a powerful long bow firing arrows that seemed to strike with the force of a tank shell alongside with Zeke's own bladed bow with arrows imbued with some strange elemental energy. Even Hennessy was there, with the appearance of what Seth could only describe as a viking with a massive circular shield and great ax. Then there was Seb, wearing what looked like half a ghillie suit, but the hood was a bear skull and two more were on his shoulders as he went about with only a combat knife, stripping dog tags seemingly out of nowhere from enemies he gutted of which seemed to make up his chainmail, if it could even be called that.

The vision didn't end with just them, Seth saw someone else, someone whose face he couldn't see clearly, but she had been wearing similar equipment as he did. The part of the vision he saw with this unknown female had been under the dark of night, as it almost looked like he was sparring with her. And she was enjoying herself.

The vision ended abruptly there.

"What... What was that?"

"Remember how I said you haven't been quite you for a long time? I meant it. Also, I sorta lied about no one else knowing that part of you. The others know, they just don't remember it."

"Why is that? Why are you showing me this now?"

"Its all part of a larger scheme of things. A very domineering power didn't want you all to remember anything you went through. All the same, even I had to admit, somethings needed to be known, since, you aren't exactly the same person you used to be."

"Still didn't answer my second question..."

"Getting to that. I'm showing you that much, since I wanted to let you know, some things are worth remembering, such as your ability to hold your own. Then there are the things you shouldn't ever remember."

"And the girl? Who was that? That wasn't Terra, I know that for sure."

"Oh really? What gave it away? the fact her chest is three times the size of Terra's? Hope you didn't try to look too much into that, you naughty Seth, you."

"Quit screwing around!"

"That girl is someone who mattered enough for you to take an interest in. In all actuality, I didn't mean for you to see her. Since, for the record, no one else really knew her prior."

"Prior to what?"

"That's a question to be left unanswered."

"So what can I ask then?!"

"How can I know, I'm not you."

Seth growled with his thoughts as he tried to quickly come up with a question to ask himself that knows all but reveals little.

"Is this permanent?"

"It is."


"We never learned."

"Who did this?"

"Same as before."

"What do we do when we learn of all of what we can do?"

"Now that's a question for you to answer! Which is all I can tell you for now. Time 's up, and I'm afraid we'll talk to each other another time."

"Hey wait, I'm not done!"

The world around Seth began to flow as normal. Seth cursed to himself at the sudden departure of the voice that belonged to another him that knew more.

The answers he was given only created more confusion and frustrations. How is he supposed to relay this to the others and not have them feel just as confused and lost? Seth had almost considered keeping silent on the matter, but his devotion to helping his friends figure out what has been happening practically slapped him across the face.

For the time being, Seth simply grabbed a backpack from his closet and stowed the gauntlets in them. As he went about his morning as normal, dropping Terra off at school, Seth eventually met up with Liz once again in the parking lot at the college campus. As Seth expected, she was quick to ask how he was doing, given what had happened yesterday.

"Honestly, I've gotten over it... Mostly," Seth said half-heartedly as he remained in his car.

"'Nuff about that, hop in, we got more things to talk about."

Liz quickly enters Seth's car and the two head off to their usual diner for lunch. It was there that Seth told her the development in regard to him, to include the mystery member of the group.

"And you're one hundred percent positive that it wasn't Terra?" Liz asked "I know what you said, but since I haven't had a vision like that yet..."

Seth quickly chomps down on a fry before speaking.

"Well, for one, she had longer brown hair and well... Bustier is a term I'd use to differentiate the two..."

Seth looks away wistfully through the window the two were seated next to.

Wether preemptive or just coincidentally, Seth's statement earned a bit of a suspicious glare from Liz that he'd outright avoided.

"Really? That's what you focus on? Didn't know Zeke was rubbing off on you," Liz said accusingly.

Seth sighs as he finally meets her glare.

"Well it's what the other me said, but that's besides the point," Seth said very curtly to avoid keep Liz focused on the more important aspects of his story so far. "The point I'm making here is, whatever is happening to us, may not be as isolated as I'd hoped."

It didn't take Liz long to realize the implications behind Seth's words, and realize that there may be an untold number of other people going through the same thing. However, the biggest question of why still remained.

Seth decided to only speak about certain aspects of his visions and the answers he obtained to the others. In the event everyone else started having their own visions, Seth would then open up more in hopes there would be more answers than questions.

Which led to Liz asking Seth what he planned on doing in the meantime. Seth was surprisingly quick to answer when he told Liz he was going to explore the capabilities his body had now, albeit carefully. He even suggested the same to Liz as well.

It was only after they went separate ways did Seth wonder just how he'd gauge his own ability. He'd rather not have to randomly stumble upon a small group of thugs to pick a fight with. An extreme though, but something he'd consider, should he be willing to face Christie with whatever injuries he'd endure. It was then an idea came that he was less than enthusiastic about carrying out.

Zeke may not have been as big as Gabriel, Michael and Seb, but he did frequent a fighting gym that hosts its own sparring ring.

Seth figured he could convince Zeke to help him out on the premise he'd be able to smack him around. The part Seth wasn't so fond of. While Zeke and Seth were still on good terms as friends, Zeke wouldn't pass up an opportunity to punch Seth in the face.

Much to Seth's chagrin, Zeke was more than happy to oblige Seth in his request, and had him meet up with him, prepared and ready for the session.

It was early afternoon, sometime after Seth brought Terra home, that he met up with Zeke, a little too excited to see Seth as well. It'd made him very uncomfortable. Seth hadn't brought much other than a simple hoodie shirt and basketball shorts with his plain shoes, but Zeke had been completely dressed to impress in terms of gym attire with thermal shirt and legs underneath his shorts and shirt and had shouldered a duffle bag that looked packed with anything and everything related to the gym.

"Oooooh boy, I've waited for this moment for too long!" Zeke said ecstatic as Seth walked up to him.

Zeke quickly wrapped his arm around him, giving him a playful squeeze only to be surprised at Seth's dense muscle mass. overly impressed, Zeke began to understand just what kind of body Seth suddenly inherited.

"Let's just hurry and get inside... I'm not looking forward to this," Seth said begrudgingly. "But this is something I need to do."

The pair make their way into the already populated gym and Zeke leads Seth to a counter where a receptionist sat and asked about the sparring ring availability, to which they were both told it was currently in use for another twenty minutes, but they would be next if they signed up for it. Seth agrees and the pair then head elsewhere in the gym to the punching bags for Zeke to test Seth's strength.

After giving Seth a pair of punching gloves, Zeke gets Seth to simply give a couple punches to the bag before telling Seth how to punch, as he saw he'd only been just carelessly jerking his arms forward at the bag. Truth be told, Seth wasn't eager to be punching an inanimate object. He wanted to be able to go toe to toe with a living being to see how well he could truly fight. But after an annoying lecture from Zeke about proper punching form, Zeke stood behind the bag and told Seth to strike it again, but with his whole weight behind his fist. Seth gave a wry smirk before he took a more appropriate stance and gave a single heavy straight punch into the bag.

Zeke had expected Seth to have some real force in the blow, but what he experienced was anything but normal. The blow was enough to knock the bag a few feet away from Seth and send Zeke back even further, almost knocking him off balance.

"Holy shit..." Zeke muttered quietly standing and staring back at Seth who was cross armed and giving a very unenthusiastic look.

"You good man?" Seth asked.

Zeke, having been excited to have the opportunity to even smack Seth around, suddenly felt dread cascading over him. With that much force into a single blow, Zeke was sure Seth would certainly fracture- no... Break his bones more than his own. When he looked at Seth, he was in disbelief that someone his size and stature could possess such strength. This was beyond peak physical fitness...

"Zeke?" Seth called out, breaking Zeke's trance.

"Huh? Oh yeah... Yeah I'm good, just... a little shook. Yeah... Shook... That's a word..."

It then agreed instead of sparring, Zeke would just carry some punching kits for Seth to work with.

However, after patiently waiting twenty minutes, the pair found the sparring ring was still being used by the same people as before. While Zeke expressed some complaint about the men in the ring, Seth had instead been observing the movements of the man who clearly was overmatched with his sparring partner.

The fighter was clearly well build having been topless in his shorts, and clearly well trained, too. He was pressuring his partner greatly, who'd been the only one wearing protective training gear on his head, keeping him in a corner, pelting him with jabs to his sides and head. The only moment when the sparring partner moved from his corner was when the superior fighter didn't throw any blows, as if he was playing more than fighting.

Regardless, Seth saw his movement, and he was able to read them perfectly, as in how to properly protect himself from the blow, and how to counter it. As Zeke argued with a man on the ringside about the issue of time and how they were abusing it, an idea popped into Seth's head, one that created an excited grin across his face...