
Meet Rakanisha, The Most Admired Girl

From a very young age I felt great attachment in culture, ethics and ancient history which has always been a reason. places, of sometimes new cities while sometimes the ruins of a civilization. Though a scholar by heart, I am a Cardio Surgeon by profession. Sometimes my profession makes it hard for me to fulfill my lust for exploring the unknown world or the world which appears to he very simple but have some complexity in disguise.

"Oh wait!" I have talked a lot but I have not introduced myself yet. My name is Lu Rakanisha. Its a story but it is a true one. I have always been a joyous person. Though my primary education was from a ordinary school and I belong to a normal family, I am a renowned person in my field, one of the best female Cardio Surgeon in the World.

Everyone of us have ups and downs in life so as I too but some memories and persons make the life wonderful. To begin this magical, humourous and tragic story I need to to go back twenty years. Twenty years ago I was born on a Spring day in the month of March.

A little girl was being raised by her parents with love and care, and yes you are right, the girl is me. In my initial days, I used to play with other kids untill my mother to came to call me. I used to play marbles with boys while hide and seek with girls. Though I was naughty, I have always been good in academics.

Years went by and finally a day came when I was promoted to High School. There I excelled in all cultural activities. Once there was to going to be a Debate Competition where I met Andrik first time. Though we were in the same class, we never met each other before.

He was going to take part in the Debate competition as that year I decided not to participate in the same. I saw a teenage boy standing in one corner of the hall, quite indecisive about what to do next. Seeing his condition I could not control myself from going towards him. Even though he did not asked me for any favour, I gave him a pleasant smile and a frank gesture and said "Believe in yourself, you can make it."

Aadrik said, "Thank you, Rakamisha for motivating me. "

I said, "How do you my name?"

Aadrik said, "The whole school knows about you, it's not only me", with a sweet smile me.

I asked him his name and then he went for competing as soon as I wished him "All the best!"

He competed efficiently and secured the second position and soon came to me for expressing his gratitude.

Aadrik: "Thank you, Rakanisha, again."

Rakanisha : "I did nothing, it was you who did it all."

After this short conversation I left but he stared at me till I was completely out of his sight. Months went by and we did not meet each other.

Soon we met each other after a year in the school bus as I had shifted to a new place and he also used to go to school by that school bus. I was sitting by a window seat when he get in and I was looking at a cuckoo who was sitting on a tree branch.

As soon as he saw me, his face radiated. He came towards me and said, "May I sit here Rakanisha?"

I turned my head and said "Yes, Andrik, there is no problem."
