
67. Newts, Salamanders, and Kill-A-Moths

Chapter 65 - Newts, Salamanders, and Kill-a-moths

Back in Wartwood, Sasha was preparing the next move by recruiting more amphibians for the resistance. While she was going over her map, Darrel and Anne were waiting for their next assignments. "So what do you think our next assignment's going to be?" Anne asked. "We'll find out shortly," replied Darrel.

"Alright, Anne, Darrel," said Sasha. "Step inside, I've got a mission for each of you." Darrel and Anne look to each other and walk into the briefing room. "Okay," said Sasha. "As you know, we need more civilians to fight with us in our army. And now that we've got frogs and toads on our side, all that's left are two more species to join us."

"The newts and the salamanders," said Darrel. "That's right," said Sasha. "Our informants tell us that the salamanders are finding sanctuary in the abandoned olm caves." Sasha points to the location on the map. "Darrel, I'll need you and Tint to go and convince them to join us."

"You can count on us," said Tint. "We won't let you down," said Darrel. "Good," said Sasha. "Anne, I'll need you and Sprig to recruit the newts. We've had reports that a group is secretly camped out in the woods outside of Wartwood somewhere."

"We're on it," said Anne. "Then get to it," said Sasha. "After this, we'll have plenty of fighters in the resistance to go against Andrias." "But that leaves us with another question," said Sprig. "How are we going to get up in the sky?" "Clipper can only carry a few of us at a time," said Darrel. "But we'll discuss this later."

The teams of two head out of the base and go their separate ways to recruit new fighters. Darrel and Tint travel back to quallerer's pass to find the abandoned olm caves. Anne and Sprig head into the forests to look for the squad of newts. Both teams looking at the same time will have a better shot at making new recruits faster that way.

At quallerer's pass, Darrel and Tint find the place abandoned. After the destruction of the drill-bot, Andrias took his mining facility elsewhere for his cause. "So how are we going to find the salamanders?" Darrel asked. "Leave that to me," replied Tint.

Tint takes a quick whiff from his nose and uses his magic to trace small groups in different locations. The magical aura creates visual salamander tracks leading to collapsed caves. Darrel and Tint smile knowing where to start looking. Darrel levitates a few boulders away from the cave entrance and the two start looking.

Meanwhile, Anne and Sprig were keeping watch for the pack of newts liberating supply crates in the forests. They see a caravan of supplies hiking down the trail, and are surprised to see willing subjects working for the tyrant king.

"Those newts and toads are wearing Andrias' armor," said Anne, looking through the binoculars. "How can anyone choose to be on Andrias' side?" "Ugh, those traitors," complained Sprig. Suddenly, Sprig spots something. Or someone. "Wait a second, who's that?"

They use the binoculars and find a small injured newt in the middle of the road. The caravan stops, showing guilt and concern for the child. But then, the group was ambushed by a band of newts. Archers at the ready, aiming at the caravan. Thanks to their combined efforts, the band of newts liberated the supply caravan and disappeared into the forests.

Anne and Sprig were surprised. "Wow, rebel newts!" "Awesome, let's see if they'll join us." But before they could, they found themselves surrounded by the rebel newts. Archers at the ready, Anne and Sprig try to reason with them. "Woah, we're on the same side."

Then, a newt laughed, "I'm on no one's side but my own." Anne and Sprig recognized that voice right away. They knew that newt was familiar somehow. "Wait, I know that voice," said Anne.

The newt jumps out, parkouring from the trees and landing in front of Anne and Sprig. That newt was their old babysitter, slash instructor, Tritonio. "Tritonio, I should have known," said Anne. She wasn't very happy to see him, considering he was a master thief.

"Well well well," said Tritonio. "If it isn't two of my best pupils. Still have my family sword, Anne?" "Why don't you come over here and find out," said Anne as she draws her sword to Tritonio. "Charming," he said. "Well we had a great 'ha ha' catching up. But we're in a hurry."

Tritonio calls his troops to relieve them of their supplies. "Typical," said Anne. "The world is falling apart, and you're still just looking out for yourself." "Mr Tritonio," called the young newt who staged his injury. "How'd I do?" "Excellent my little Jojo potato," replied Tritonio. "And I heard those soldiers say there's going to be an even bigger caravan passing through the woods at three o' clock."

"Great recon work Jojo," said Tritonio patting his head. "But Mr Tritonio, how will we get past the collared beasts that guard the caravan?" Jojo asked. "Ugh, not those things again," said their buff newt. "Those were such a pain last time."

Sprig knew what they were talking about when they mentioned collared beasts. "They're easy to take down once you know the trick," he said. Tritonio was most pleased, "So you've dealt with them before? What am I saying, of course you have. You are the smartest, bravest pupils I've ever had."

"You're just buttering us up so we'll help you," said Anne. "And it's working," said Sprig. "Come on Anne let's help them." Anne was unimpressed, not letting go with what Tritonio tried to do to them in the past. Eventually, she gave in. "Fine, but only if they join the resistance afterwards. And no backstabbing, double crossing, or other such deception." "You wound me, Anne," said Tritonio. "But you got yourself a deal. Come my friends, to the secret hideout."

"Wait," said Anne. "Before we go, what's up with the tights?" Tritonio looks down at his green tights and flexes in front of the two. "Reduces friction, we run faster, and we look amazing," replied Tritonio. "I shouldn't have asked," regretted Anne.

Back at the abandoned caverns, Darrel and Tint dive deep into the caves to find the group of salamanders. Their trail takes them down to the point where they find crystals glowing in the dark. Darrel and Tint were most pleased with the view.

"This is amazing," said Darrel. "Don't let your guard down," said Tint. "Salamanders can be tricky." The two continue down the cave, until the crystals are high enough to see their reflections.

Before they could go any further, Darrel stops and looks at his reflection. But his reflection looked much different. He looked much older, in his late twenties. He was wearing normal attire like everyone else in Los Angeles. He looks down at his left hand which has a burn scar in between his middle and ring finger. And on his ring finger was a wedding band.

He looks up to see an older Anne standing by his side, smiling. Tint looks to see Darrel smiling at his future self. "These crystals reflect on different universes," said Tint. "That reflection shows a happy future for yourself."

"So it's not my future?" Darrel asked. "Of course not," replied Tint. "Your future isn't set in stone. No one is. Your future is whatever you make it. So make it a good one." Darrel smiled and nodded.

After a few more turns in the caves, they find an active campfire with a large group of salamanders. Trying not to scare them off, Tint calls from a fair distance. "Excuse me." The salamanders turn to their attention and gasp.

"Who are you?" asked one of the salamanders. "We're representatives of the Resistance," said Tint. "And we seek those we need to join our cause." The Salamanders weren't easily convinced. "No," they said. "We're seeking the Olms for sanctuary." Suddenly, the group was ambushed by another squadron of salamanders. They blew moon dust around the camp, knocking them all out.

Back in the forests, Anne and Sprig join Tritonio and his merry men for a pre-ambush feast. Their base consists of pitched tents, a crow's nest, a bonfire, and training equipment. Sprig was eating freshly cooked food and a giant newt sat down next to him. "So why do they call you Little Louise?" Sprig asked the big newt. "You're gigantic." "That's the joke," replied Little Louise. "Ehh, I don't get it," said Sprig.

"And voila," said Tritonio. He and Anne were going over their plan to ambush the caravan. "We ride away from the caravan victorious." Anne was mostly impressed with going over their stealthy strategy. "Wow, you have a real talent with strategy," she said. "Too bad you're a no good backstabbing scallywag."

"You'd be a scallywag too if you grew up like me," said Tritonio. He explains to Anne and Sprig that he wasn't always a criminal. When he was young, he was poor, alone, and had no one. He had to learn to survive by joining other street urchins in the city. Eventually, those urchins abandon him when things get rough. He had to pay a hefty price for their wrong doings.

"When things get bad, it's always everyone for themselves," finished Tritonio. Anne was shocked at how Tritonio would see things. Even at a time when everyone is terrified of their king's plans for world conquest. "You're telling me if push came to shove, you'd even leave these guys in the dust?"

"It is the law of the streets," said Tritonio. "No loyalties, no attachments." "My boyfriend would never agree with you if he was around," said Anne. Tritonio suddenly snapped back to reality with what Anne said. "Sacre bleu! A boyfriend?! It wouldn't happen to be Mr. Whiz Kid, would it?"

"As a matter of fact, it is," replied Anne. Tritonio looked to his sundial and realized the caravan was coming soon. "It is almost time! The caravan will be arriving in just a few minutes." The gang of newts, Anne, and Sprig set off to put their plan into action.

Meanwhile, back in the caves, Darrel and Tint wake up from the moon's dust effects. They find themselves in an ancient cave, and inside were the other salamanders living and thriving in the dark. Thanks to their climate conditions, their eyes gave a milky appearance and their skins were moist.

"Where are we?" Tint asked. The two had spears in their faces as a response. "I don't know," replied Darrel. "But these guys do not look friendly." "Then let's give them a glimpse at what we can do."

Tint got up and created a ball of light, which made the native salamanders turn away in fear of bright lights. Then, a brighter light appeared from one of the native's huts. This hut was much bigger than the others. Darrel quickly assumed it was their leader's hut.

The natives escorted the two to the leader's hut. Inside was an elderly salamander, as old as Cronaxx. She wore purple robes, and her skin was dark brown with light green spots. She sat like she was meditating, and saw Darrel and Tint enter her hut. She gestures to her people to leave them, and she casts fire balls to light the room. Darrel and Tint were most fascinated.

"She's the master of the Arcane arts," said Darrel. "Can you believe it, Tint?" "Actually, I can," he replied. The chieftess was shocked at hearing Tint's name, so she decided to approach the two travelers. She waved her hand, showing a magical aura surrounding Tint. His aura glowed orange, which made the chieftess cry a bit. She points to herself, revealing her magical aura to be orange as well.

"Tint? Could it be?" asked the chieftess. "I never thought I'd see you in person." Tint was most confused. "Should I know you?" The chieftess shook her head. "No, you weren't even born." The next thing she said shook Tint to the core. "But the family never forgets. Not even the sister of your old teacher." Tint whimpered the next words coming out of his mouth, "Great Aunt Alexphia?" Darrel was as surprised as Tint was.

Back at the caravan, two mind-controlled snakes were pulling the caravan. Anne and Sprig run in front of the caravan, stopping it in its tracks. "Hey slime-for-brains," Sprig called out. "The dumb-dumb convention is two miles that way."

"That is so rude," said the driver. "Guards!" The snakes hiss at the two and give chase into the forest. As they left, Tritonio's gang surprised the driver. They knock him out and signal Tritonio that it's all clear. Tritonio shoots his arrows at the locks, and the gang opens it. But when they looked inside, they found a squad of robots waiting for them.

"It's a stage," cried Little Louise. The robots grab the gang, except for Tritonio. He watches them get beaten up and take them away in the stage coach. Anne and Sprig fend off the snakes, but know what just happened. "Tritonio, you have to help them," said Anne. Tritonio looked back at the coach and sighed in defeat. "Farewell my friends." He takes his leave, leaving Anne and Sprig disappointed. They finish off the snakes, break free from their mind control collars, and retreat back to camp.

Back in the caves, Tint had his head wrapped with a lot of questions. "Aunt Alexphia? You've been here all this time? You're in charge of this tribe?" Alexphia stopped Tint in his tracks and answered as many questions as she could. "Yes, I've been here for hundreds of years, and the tribe found me, accepted me and I worked my way up to be chieftess."

"This is great," said Darrel. "Because we need all the help we can get. The resistance needs more fighters against the king, and-" Alexphia raised her hand to stop Darrel from talking. "I'm afraid there's not much I can do."

"Why not?" Tint asked. "We need your help." Alexphia smiled, "Because I'm not built to fight. I'm on my last legs and the tribe must follow a leader. According to tradition, the chief or chieftess must pass down their role to the next in line. I can't fight in the resistance, but you can."

"You're saying that Tint gets to be chief of this tribe, they'll follow him wherever he goes?" Darrel asked. "Exactly," said Alexphia. "But, I worked my way to be chieftess. That means Tint will have to as well." Tint looked down to his hands and thought of Cronaxx's greatest lesson. 'A wizard knows no such word.'

Tint looks back to Alexphia and says, "What do I have to do?" "You must take the Trials of the Night Salamanders." She claps her hand twice and escorts Tint to the start of his journey. Darrel stayed behind because this journey was Tint's and his alone. "So, Burning Star. Would you like some tea?" Darrel turned in surprise. "You know the prophecy?"

Back at Tritonio's camp, Tritonio was seen packing up as much as he could and leaving everything else behind. Anne and Sprig try once more to convince him to save his group. "Tritonio! Come on, we can still save them!"

"And risk capture ourselves? No can do kids," said Tritonio. "The rules of the streets, remember? No attachments, no regrets." Tritonio's eyes tell a different story. He wanted to help them, but he stuck to his guts.

"But what about the resistance?" Sprig asked. "Oh come on Sprig, you know I wasn't going to do that!" said Tritonio. Then he turns tail and walks away. But the next thing he knew was that his family sword came flying past his head and hit the tree.

"Dios mio!" He turns to find an angry Anne, standing against his decision to run away. "Look dude. If you want to abandon your friends who you clearly adore, that's your call. But it kills me to see you leave like this. And I get it, you grew up on your own. We do what we need to do to survive. But for a master thief, I gotta say I'm disappointed in you."

"How so?" Tritonio asked. Anne replied, "You're leaving the best loot in the world on the table. Friendship, comrades, someone you can count on. By throwing those things away, you're only robbing yourself."

Anne gives a drawing of Tritonio, made by the young Jo Jo, and he starts to cry again. "Come on Sprig," said Anne. "We have a very merry band to save." She takes her sword back and they make their way to the captured newts. "Right behind you," said Sprig.

Back in the caves, Tint started the Trials of the Night Salamanders. Darrel was in the throne room drinking herbal tea with Alexphia. "I have faith that he's going to pass the trails," he said. "Of course he will," said Alexphia. "I was going to pass down the tribe to him anyway. The trails are just for show." The two laughed and remained silent for a bit. "So, how come Cronaxx hasn't talked about you?" he asked. "I heard Tint mention you once, while I was sick. But that was it."

Alexphia sighed, "Let's just say we weren't always seeing eye to eye." Darrel listened carefully. "But it didn't change the fact that we were still family. When we were young, we trained side by side together." She creates a memory orb and shows Darrel a younger version of herself and Cronaxx.

"We were inseparable, powerful, and the best. But Cronaxx took pity with our brother Cyrus. He didn't have magical abilities, so he took time to find other ways to be as special as us. Cronaxx believed he was as special as we were, he just needed a special push. When he found his place making technological advances, I was impressed. But the more time Cyrus made inventions, the more time Cronaxx spent with him."

"I soon discovered the Eternal Staff in the wizard archives." Darrel shows her the staff, "You mean this thing?" Alexphia was surprised, and amazed. "Where did you find it?" she asked. "Out in the marshlands," replied Darrel. "It was sticking out of a mushroom and the whispers told me to take it. I grabbed the staff and that's how I got magical abilities."

"There's something you need to know about the Staff," said Alexphia. "That staff was made by the first wizard in all of Amphibia: Elim the Eternal. They were the first Olm to unlock the secrets of magic in the world of Amphibia. To keep his discoveries under control, he harnessed their powers and contained them into a large crystal. The magic thrived on the collective emotions of all they stand before it. Elim was the one who shared its glory to the people."

"As they grew together, the magic developed their consciousness on its own. But then one day, a powerful king wanted all that power to himself. He wanted eternal life, but Elim, as the king's appointed grand wizard, warned him that that kind of power would destroy all he swore to protect. They planned on the king's betrayal, so they sealed away their soul in the staff and it disappeared."

Darrel was most amazed, "Wow, that's amazing. No wonder I could hear the whispers. They were calling to me…" "Because he knew you were one of the four stars the prophecy spoke of," finished Alexphia. "You were worthy of their staff because of your heart."

Just as Alexphia finished her vision orb, she suddenly jolts and falls on her back. "Alexphia!" cried Darrel. She started breathing heavily, "Tint's finished his trials. Bring him to me."

On the surface, Tritonio's gang was brought up to a robot judge who accused them of treason to the crown. Anne and Sprig spring into action and rescue the merry band of newts. Just as the robot judge looked like he was getting the upper hand, Tritonio swung in to save the day. Thanks to the combined efforts of the newts, they destroyed the robot and retreated back to camp.

Tint returns to Alexphia's hut victorious, only to find her slowly fading from life. "Aunt Alexphia," he said. "You can't die. I just found you." Alexphia slowly touched his hand, giving him reassurance. "Do not grieve," she said. "Soon, I shall be one with the magic of this world."

"Alexphia will always be with us," said a familiar voice. Cronaxx appeared from behind them in his ghost form. "Alexphia, I'm so sorry my dreams kept us apart." Alexphia smiled, "We're family. We have our destinies, our dreams, but nothing will change the fact that we're family. I have already forgiven you, and Cyrus."

Cronaxx nodded in acceptance, knowing his sister is at peace. "It is time," she whispered. "Darrel, keep that staff with you. All you need is in your heart. And Tint, my tribe is now your tribe." "I'm not ready," said Tint. "I have much to learn before being a leader." "You have everything you need," said Alexphia. "And you are never alone. You have friends who claim you as family. They will stand beside you, when you complete your final test."

"I'll do my best," said Tint. He smiled at Alexphia, who smiled back at him weakly. "I know you will," she whispered and slowly closed her eyes. Tint was sad, but didn't weep. He only knew his aunt in tales from his uncle, and only saw her once. "Goodbye, Aunt Alexphia."

Then, Alexphia's body vanished into thin air, and her spirit joined with Cronaxx. "Did you think I was going anywhere without my brother?" she laughed. "This isn't goodbye, unless the king is stopped."

Darrel and Tint smile. "We are at your service Tint Tormak," said the night guard. "What is our first move?" "Gather all the salamanders you have brought down here," said Tint. "We return to the surface by sundown."

Around nightfall, Darrel and Tint lead the group of salamanders to the resistance camp. The frogs were most surprised with their sudden arrival. But, they didn't protest, at the moment. Darrel and Tint watch them from afar and smile at their progress.

"Hey Darrel," cried Anne. "We got the newts to join our rebellion. And Tritonio is leader of the group." "Excellent," said Darrel. "We got the salamanders to join our cause as well. Let's go tell Sasha." The two humans head to the ridge overlooking the camp, and find Sasha there.

"The Newts and Salamanders have agreed to join our fight against Andrias," Darrel told Sasha. "Tritonio is our top Newt Strategist," said Anne. "That's awesome, you two," said Sasha. "Now come follow me, Hop pop just found something really interesting."

They follow Sasha to Hop pop, who has found a mysterious door. "Oh there you are," said Hop pop. "So I got lost while looking for the bathroom, and found this strange looking door." The door is shown to have no handle, a gold P in the middle, and a mail slot below the letter.

"There's no telling what could be in there," said Sasha. "Trouble is we can't figure out how to open it." Cronaxx looks to the door and finds a strange imprint under the letter P. It looked like the letter L. 'No, it can't be,' he thought.

"That mail slot looks to be book sized," said Tint. "Sprig do you think..?" "Maybe," said Sprig. "Hop pop, have you tried sliding the family tome into it? The one that had the calamity box drawings inside?" "It's worth a shot," said Hop pop. "Let me go get it!"

Hop pop comes back and inserts the tome into the mail slot. Causing the door to open, revealing itself to be a small room. Locked and preserved for all time. With a few cobwebs here and there. Cronaxx was shocked with familiar senses.

"Cronaxx? Are you okay?" Darrel asked. "This was her room," he said. "This was Leif's room." "Who's Leif?" Sasha asked. "Sprig, Polly, and Hop pop's ancestor," replied Cronaxx. They find an envelope with a piece of paper inside. Sprig reveals to the group that the note is blank.

"Well this is disappointing," said Sasha. "It's not blank," said Cronaxx. "There's a hidden message in the note." "How do you know that?" Sprig asked. "Because I've seen this trick before. We only need to obtain Andrias' glasses to see the message."

"Our family sure is mysterious," said Hop pop. Anne turns out of the room and calls for the others. "Come on guys. Let's get out of here and head to the cantina. I am starving." "I could go for some food now," said Darrel. "I would keep that paper safe if I were you," Cronaxx said to Sprig. Sprig nodded and stuffed it in his pocket. Then headed to the cantina with the others.

The next day, the group was having trouble with wild creatures that have been scavenging their food supplies and taking off what they could eat. The frogs had to come up with a plan to stop them once and for all.

They set up a trap for the creature and waited it out. "If this keeps up, we'll be out of food soon," said Sprig. "Dibs on eating Loggle." "You'll have to catch me first," said Loggle in response. "It's got to be a critter," said Soggy Joe. "With all the destruction of natural resources, the wildlife has been forced to find food from outside the forests."

Darrel hushes the group and senses something coming. A gust of wind passed the group, then the food stash was ripped open. The group gave chase, and Darrel called on Clipper to tackle it down. He takes the creature down next to a cave where the creature was supposedly going.

"Clipper must've taken it down at its lair," said Tint. The creature coughs up the bugs near the cave entrance. Darrel squints his eyes to get a better glimpse of the creature. "Clipper, stand down." Clipper crawls off the creature, and the creature turns around, showing itself.

Darrel gazed in shock, "No way." The creature reveals itself to be a Coastal Kill-a-Moth. And not just any Kill-a-Moth. "It can't be.." "Domino 2!" Anne cried. Remembering the moments she had with Domino 2 made Anne feel choked up inside.

"I haven't seen her since she flew off months ago," said Anne. "What should I do? Should I approach her?" "Let's figure out why she's stealing our food," said Darrel. "She didn't steal it just to eat. She had more than she could consume in her mouth."

Darrel slowly approached the giant moth. "Domino 2?" The beast looked down at the wizard, and growled. Suddenly, Darrel heard beeps from a couple robots from above. And the robots ambushed Domino 2. She tried to fend them off, but they captured her and flew off.

"Domino 2! NO!" Anne cried. The robots take Domino 2 to an electric cage, not far from where they are. Darrel looks down at Anne and instantly hugs her. "We will get her back," he said. "Even if we have to do it ourselves, I promise."

Then, Clipper looks up to the cage, then flies after the robots. "Clipper! Don't! It's too dangerous!" Darrel cried. "Why did he leave?" "We'll find out when we get there," said Anne. Soggy Joe and Sprig were surprised, "What!?" "Anne, she's a vicious animal. Not your buddy," said Sprig.

"Domino 2 and I still have a connection," said Anne. "I can feel it." "And I get it," said Darrel. "I don't know what I'd do if Clipper gets caught again." "But she's been living in the wild for months," said Sprig.

Then, the two humans hear a strange noise coming from the cave. They go over to investigate, only to have cute reactions on their faces. They find a litter of Kill-a-pillars nesting in the cave. "Domino 2 has kittens," said Anne. "That might explain her excess of food in her mouth," said Darrel.

"Hey little cuties," said Anne as she offered them to crawl on her arms. "Now we gotta do something," said Darrel. "We gotta look after them until we can get Domino 2 back." "What!?" Sprig cried. "Absolutely not! I thought you would be against this, like what happened the last time!"

"That was before we knew Domino 2 was a mother," said Darrel. "It's just until we can free Domino 2 from her prison." Sprig and Soggy Joe weren't having it. "No way, no how. Not in a million years."

"Fine," said Darrel. "Then you leave me no choice. Anne?" Anne presents the kittens to Sprig and Soggy Joe. Soggy gives in in an instant, but Sprig holds his ground. But when Anne joins in on the cute look in their eyes, Sprig caves. "Fine!" He cried. "But I have a feeling the rest of camp isn't going to like this."

"They won't even be inside the camp," said Darrel. They'll be outside with someone to watch over them." "Don't be so dramatic," said Anne. "They're gonna love it."

But the camp didn't love it when they explained the situation. "It's just for a few minutes," said Darrel. "In and out before you even know it."

"What even are those things?" Sasha asked. "They're Coastal Kill-a-Pillars," said Tint. "Dangerous Amphibivores." "They're monsters," said Hop pop. "They're cute as can be. And once they transform into adults, they'll eat us all for breakfast!"

"I lost my Uncle Magnus to one of those things," said Grime. "Found his bones in a giant pellet." "Read the room, guys," said Polly. "This is a hard 'NO'." "Guys," said Anne. "I get your concern. But their mother is Domino 2. She was my baby precious, and she's been captured by Andrias' robots. All you gotta do is watch over these kittens for a couple of hours."

The group remains firm with their previous answer. Then, Darrel stepped in, "Come on guys! Anne has done so much for all of us. For all of you. Can't we just do this one thing for her?" Sprig steps in to back up Darrel. "It's just for a couple of hours, then we don't have to see them again."

The group gets a closer look at the kittens and eventually give in. "Fine, we'll do it," said Miss Croaker. "But you better hurry back young lady." "Yeah," said Hop pop. "We don't want to take care of these little savages any longer than we have to."

"I'm more of a dog person," said Sasha. Then, one of the kittens jumps on Sasha's face, biting and scratching her. Until she ripped it off, showing claw marks. "Make it quick!" she commanded.

"We'll be back before you know it," said Darrel. "We'd get there quicker if Clipper hadn't flown off to the birdcage." "Still think this is a terrible idea," said Tint. "Then would you rather come with me to make sure Clipper doesn't get recaptured?" Darrel asked. "Sold on that," replied Tint. "Let's make tracks."

The four friends make their way to the mountaintop to see the prison close by. Darrel looks over and finds Clipper overlooking the cage. 'Why are you concerned about Domino 2?' he thought. "Another one of King Andrias' robot bases," said Anne.

"Looks like they're using the moths to generate power," said Sprig. "And not just moths, dragonflies too." Darrel looks to see dragonflies flying alongside the moths. "No wonder Clipper came here," he said. "Some of his children must be inside."

"And look," said Anne. "Mind control collars." The two look closely and see that the moths and dragonflies are wearing the collars as well.

Then, an alarm goes off, then the moths instantly fall asleep. "Okay, what's the plan?" Tint asked. "We'll wait for the moths to fall asleep," said Anne. "Then, we sneak in and free my baby precious."

"Wouldn't it make sense if we freed them all?" Darrel asked. "I mean nature should not be treated like a cog in a machine." "Besides," said Sprig. "How are we going to find Domino-" "She's right there," Anne points to Domino 2's location. "Let's move."

The four sneak inside the cage, with Darrel and Tint breaking all the collars they can find. It wasn't an easy task since the moths and dragonflies were asleep. But they managed to pull it off. There were only two more collars left to break. One on Domino 2 and one on a pink scaled dragonfly.

Darrel unsheathed his hidden blades, only for Clipper to bang on the cage, and wake up the moths and dragonflies. Domino 2 and the pink dragonfly shot straight up from their slumber and Anne and Darrel hung on for dear life. They break off the collars and the two humans fall in front of them.

Clipper squeezes his head into the cage, and gets in front of the pink dragonfly. Domino 2 stares down at Anne and rushes in to cuddle with her friend. Clipper nuzzles his head onto the pink dragonfly, then Darrel realizes something. "Clipper, that's your mate?! No wonder you were in a rush to get here. This was where they took her and separated you two." "But I thought she was gone," said Sprig. "Me too," said Tint. "But then again, Clipper was healed with magic. So Clipper's magical traces must've-"

"We don't need to go any further than that," said Darrel. "It's magic, that's all we know." Darrel goes to pet Clipper's mate. "You really gave my friend a bright future," he said. "Thank you." "So what should we call her?" Tint asked. "How about, Costa? She's got bright pink costa on her wings," replied Darrel.

Domino 2 takes out the toy mouse from its patch of fur and gives it back to Anne. "Domino 2, you didn't forget me," said a tearful Anne. She goes over to give Domino 2 a belly rub. "Alright," said Darrel. "Let's not celebrate until we're all out of here."

Darrel and Tint climb up onto Clipper, and Domino 2 lifts Anne and Sprig. "Hold on, Anne," said Darrel. "For what?" she asked. "I think Domino 2 is going to give you your first flight on her."

And with that, Domino 2 starts flying. She, along with the other moths fly around the cage. Clipper and Costa fly close together and Costa clicks her teeth to the dragonflies. "This is incredible," said Tint. "I know," said Darrel watching the moths and dragonflies. Anne, Sprig, and Domino 2 fly around the cage, until Anne pushes down the lever that opens the gate.

"Darrel," said Anne. "The kill-a-moths are flying with Domino 2." "I know, and the dragonflies respond to Costa's command." "Almost as if…" "They're the leaders of their pack!" They said simultaneously. "So not only did Clipper get a mate," said Tint. "But he was chosen by the queen of dragonflies to be her king."

"Amazing," said Anne. "Marcy did say something about animals like this. If Domino 2 is the Alpha moth, then by taming Domino 2, we tamed them all." "Let's get them back to camp," said Darrel.

The moths and dragonflies reach the base camp, alerting the frogs looking after the kittens. "It's okay," said Darrel. "They're with us." "They are?" Sasha asked. "And with their help," said Tint. "We may have a way to reach Andrias' castle."

"We've got Air cavalry!" Sasha cried. The frogs cheered, until Sprig and Tint were halfway eaten by one of the moths. "Okay, but can we train them not to do that?!" Sprig cried. Darrel couldn't help but laugh at the last moment. Unaware that from this point on, things are going to get serious.