
49. Hop Til You Drop

Chapter 47 - Hop till you drop

After the event at the supermarket, Darrel and Tint agreed to lay low for a while. The drive back home felt so quick to Tint, being that he has never been in a car before. Darrel sighed in relief that his family was safe, but was a little concerned with his magical abilities. Ever since he returned home, he started to lose touch with the Eternal Staff. And the staff started to fade its color.

When they got back, Jane and Amelia wanted to know what happened. The big brother explained to the two. They were upset at first, being out of the picture from the supermarket. But, they knew that it was for the best. Then, Tint decided the next time that they went out, they could come along. So long as they stay out of trouble.

The next few days passed and Darrel and Tint were relaxing in his bedroom, wondering what to do next. Tint looks to Darrel's computer and asks, "Hey Darrel, is that where you make your videos?" Darrel nodded, "Yes Tint, of course it is." "Why don't you show me how you make one?" Tint asked.

Darrel shook his head in shame, "I can't." He walks up to his computer and opens the Lock Screen on the monitor, asking for a password. "I can't remember my password," he said. "And even if I knew what it was, I don't know what video to make. So whenever I feel sad or lose inspiration, I strum on my guitar here."

Darrel takes his guitar from the corner of his bedroom and plays his Future Days song he played in Amphibia. "So what are we going to do about our magic predicament? My staff is barely colorful, and we can't even cast a ball of fire."

"I told you," said Tint. "My Uncle said that magic comes from emotions. But other than that, I don't know how to get our magic to work again." Darrel sighed in defeat. "But still, this is a nice world you have here."

Darrel nodded, "Indeed it is a marvelous world. But like Amphibia, there are also dangers in this world. What kind of world would we live in without problems to solve?" Tint was amazed by his words, and nodded in agreement. He looks out the window and takes his words into consideration.

After a few more days, Darrel gets a surprise call from his mother. "Hey Darrel, put me on speaker phone." Darrel pushes the speakerphone button, allowing Tint, Jane and Amelia to hear her. "Hi Mom," said Jane. "How's it going mother?" Amelia asked.

"You'll never guess where I am," said Sarah. Suddenly, the doorbell rings at the house. "Tint disguise!" Darrel cried. Tint rushed into the closet, then came out in his rain gear to hide himself from the public.

Jane opens the door to reveal their mother, finally checked out of the hospital, in a positive way. "Mom!" Darrel cried. "You're out!" The parents close the door and the family gets in for a group hug. "So what did the doctors say?" Amelia asked. "They were at first shocked," their mom replied. "They ran some tests, and all of them came out saying I'm as healthy as the average human. However, they did say they want to appoint a checkup for me. Just to make sure there's nothing wrong with me.'

"All that matters is that we're all here together," said Matthew. The family remains in a hug, and Tint smiles with joy. "Get in here," said Darrel. "You're part of our family the moment you healed my mom." Tint smiled and got in their hug.

The very next day, Darrel and Tint enjoyed a good breakfast and sat in the living room together. They watched television until noon. Then, Darrel got up from his seat.

"Hey Tint," he said. "I think it's time to plan our next move." "What should we do?" Tint asked. "I think we should help Anne and the Plantars fix Frobo," replied Darrel. "We're going to need all the help we can get."

Tint smiled, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. With Frobo reactivated, we can also get a glimpse of what's going on in Amphibia. All those mechanical robot soldiers work in sequence with each other. So with Frobo's eyes…"

"We can see Andrias' next move," finished Darrel. "Let's get to work!" "But we don't know anything about robotics, or technology," said Tint with a slump.

Then, Darrel got an idea. "I think now's a good time to recruit some help. It may be risky, but I want to trust them." Tint grew curious, "Who's them?"

"I know a couple of guys from school. They were close to being friends, but they were great classmates of mine. One's fascinated with remote controlled cars, but he is great at tinkering with a few things. The other is sensitive, but he means well. He's very handy when it comes to tools. And when I say Handy… You'll know what I mean. We were a great team of three when it came to the science fair. We tried to make a robot out of car parts. We almost pulled it off, but we didn't give up."

"You think they can help us fix Frobo?" Tint asked. "We have to try," replied Darrel. "It's not like we have any other choices of who else we can trust."

Tint grew weary, he didn't want to be caught by the scientists in Darrel's world. But if there's anything he learned about his time training under Cronaxx, is that life gives you risks worth taking.

"Okay," said Tint. "So how do we find them?" Darrel looks to the tv screen that shows the city mall and smiles. "I think I know where they could be." Then, he called his sisters. "Jane! Amelia! It's time for an adventure!" Jane and Amelia raced down, geared up and ready. "We're going to the mall."

The Loyalitat family drive down to the mall together for the first time since Sarah got sick. Sarah took the girls to get some food at the old court. Matthew took some time to browse at the hardware store. Darrel and Tint went to the hobby shop where they got a popular line of remote controlled cars.

"Is this the place?" Tint asked. "His father is usually at the front register, he hangs around at the mall from time to time," said Darrel. The two reach the front register to find a man in his late thirties manning the front desk. His name tag reveals itself as ' .'

"Mr. Munroad?" Darrel asked. Mr. Munroad perked up, "Darrel is that you?! It's been so long." "Indeed," said Darrel. "Have you seen Ivan? I need to speak with him." Mr. Munroad points to the direction he went. "He's down on the first floor with his friend," he replied.

Darrel smiled, "Thanks, Mr. Munroad." And he and Tint leave the shop and make their way to the first floor of the mall. They reach the small fountain in the middle of the mall. There, they find Hop pop, in disguise, gazing at the coins in the water.

"Hey, Hop pop," said Tint. "What are you doing here?" "Hey there you two," said Hop pop. "Did you know that there are free copper coins in this fountain?! And they're ripe for the taking!" Darrel shook his head, "Actually Hop pop, they're-"

Before Darrel could explain, he spotted two boys walking up to the fountain. One of them has brown hair, freckles on his face, wearing a blue striped t-shirt and jeans. His left arm is shown to be a robotic prosthetic. The other boy is shown swinging a model car in the air. He has black hair, wears round glasses on his face. He is wearing a brownish orange sweater with a wrench and hammer on the front.

"There they are," said Darrel. He and Tint rush off to meet the two boys. Then, Hop pop smirks, taking the chance at getting coins from the fountain. However, he was being watched, and not by Anne.

Darrel waves to the two boys, "Jake, Ivan!" They perk up and see Darrel waving to them. "Darrel?!" Jake cried. "You're back!" "I can't believe it!" Ivan exclaimed. The three exchange high fives and bro-shakes. "How's that arm holding up, Jake?" Darrel asked. "It's got more surprises than you'll ever know," Jake replied.

"So where were you all this time?" Ivan asked. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," said Darrel, "And trust me, you wouldn't believe it." "Try us," said Jake.

Darrel looked to his surroundings and signaled the two to follow him and Tint to a safer place. They walk to a quiet place in the mall and Darrel takes a deep breath.

"If I tell you guys what's going on, would you promise me that you'll keep this a secret?" he asked. "Why is it a secret?" Ivan asked. "Darrel, are you sure we can trust them?" Tint asked. Darrel nodded, "Go ahead,"

Tint was prepared to take off his mask and headphones. When suddenly, "BANG!" They hear a loud noise, and feel shaking across the ground. Then they hear screaming. They see a giant egg rolling around the mall, and the crowd begins to scatter. "Is that a pink child riding that art sculpture?" Jake asked.

Darrel suddenly jumped, "Pink?" He asked. He looks to see the disguised Sprig rolling on top of the egg. "Oh no,"said Tint. "We gotta do something!" Darrel turned to Ivan and Jake, "Think you guys can help us?"

Jake and Ivan smiled and nodded, "Anything we can do to help." "Get all the people on this floor either out of the mall or onto the second floor," said Darrel. "After that, come up with a way to stop that egg!"

The group split up and Tint and Darrel chased after Sprig. "Sprig!" Tint cried. "I may have touched something!" Sprig replied. "Hang on Sprig, we'll get you down!"

"Darrel! Tint!" The two turn to see Anne rushing down the escalator. "Anne! Thank goodness you're here," said Darrel.

"Look Out!" Anne takes Darrel and Tint's arms and pulls them out of the way of the oncoming egg. "Thanks, Anne," said Darrel.

Then, another familiar scream was made. It was Polly rushing out of a Construct-A-Carnivore store with angry moms and toddlers chasing her out. "Gangway! Angry Moms coming through!" Polly cried.

"Polly?!" Darrel cried. "What's happening?!" Anne was about to explain to Darrel and Tint about what was going on. But then…

"Help me guys! Help me!" Hop pop cried. They turn to see Hop pop running from mall security with his skin all green and his pockets full of coins. "Hop pop!?" Anne cried. "Why are you green?"

"It must be the fountain Anne," said Darrel. "I caught him gazing at the coins in the fountain, that he must've jumped in. The green skin means that there was chlorine in the water.

"He's right!" Screamed Hop pop. "The cursed fountain did this to me! You were right Anne, everything has its price!"

"Okay, Darrel, Tint, first things first, we got to clean up this mess," said Anne. Darrel and Tint nodded.

"We've got your back!" The three turn to see Jake and Ivan at the ready with a couple of remote-controlled cars. "We've cleared out this floor of any other shoppers. You're all clear. Go get your friends."

Darrel, Tint, and Anne split up to grab the Plantars. Darrel goes after Hop pop running away from security. Tint goes after Polly running away from the angry mothers. And Anne goes after Sprig who's still rolling for his life.

Jake and Ivan use the remote-controlled cars to help them stop the rolling egg. The cars go at full speed and flip over onto their backs, exposing their wheels to the sky. Just as the egg rolled onto the cars, the egg slowed down when the wheels went in reverse.

Sprig was relieved as soon as Anne grabbed him and they got off. "Hey Jake, Ivan, thanks for the help," said Anne. "Anytime," said Ivan.

Tint raced to Polly's side, with the mothers still chasing after her. "Tint, do something!" Tint looked to his surroundings and found a trampoline, a flagpole, and a daycare center with a ball pit. He grabs Polly and jumps on the trampoline. He grabs the flagpole, and Polly screams with joy.

They make their way to the second floor. Tint grabs another disguise, and gets Polly in the ball pit. "No matter what happens," said Tint. "Stay down." Polly did as she was told, just as the mothers came up to where they were.

"Looking for a couple of troublemakers?" Tint asked in a low voice. The mothers nod, and Tint points them to the far side of the mall. The mothers race off, and Tint and Polly sneak away and out of the mall.

Hop pop ends up running into a corner with the security guard behind him. "I've got you now!" Darrel walks up behind the two. "There you are. I've been looking all over for you Uncle Hank," he said. Hop pop was confused, "Wha?"

Darrel gets on one knee and whispers, "Play along." "I'm so sorry sir, has he caused you any problems today?" The security guard replied, "He's a wish stealer. I caught him stealing coins from the fountain."

Darrel shook his head, "That's what happens when Uncle Hank doesn't take his medication. And I told you that you can't be swimming. You know you're allergic to chlorinated water. Now we have to get you home and soak it all off."

He turns to the security guard and returns all the coins Hop pop stole. "I'm really sorry sir," he said. "You won't have to worry about him after today." "I hope not," said the security guard. "Make sure he gets his medicine, and put his shirt back on. He looks like he's starting to ooze."

Darrel takes Hop pop and regroups with the others; they all leave the mall and take a breather at the dumpster. "That was close," said Tint. "Guess we failed our trials," said Sprig. "Oh you think?" Polly asked sarcastically.

"Wait, what trials?" Darrel asked. Anne sighed and decided to tell Darrel everything.

She explained to her that Sprig kept trying to touch everything he could get his hands on. Polly had a short fuse, no pun intended, and Hop pop was too gullible to be scammed by other humans.

When Anne couldn't handle keeping them out of danger, Mr and Mrs Boonchuy smirked, because it sounded like Anne was being a parent. They told her to be patient and ease them into the world. So Anne came up with an idea.

She challenged them to go through trials without failing, or they can't leave the Boonchuy house ever again. "But, I'm the one that failed. I shouldn't have put them through this in the first place," said Anne. "Too much too soon?" Darrel asked. "Yep," said Hop pop. "But don't feel too bad Anne. Turns out we could stand to learn a few things about your world."

"I just really thought throwing you into the deep end would work," said Anne. "I mean it worked for me in Amphibia. What about you Darrel?" Darrel slightly looked away with a yes and no kind of look. "Not exactly," he replied. "I almost ate a very toxic fruit that could've left me brain dead."

Tint nodded, "He's right. There was also the time he was practicing fire magic. He nearly set the roof on fire." The Plantars laughed, "That's not all bad," said Sprig. "Anne barely survived."

"Yeah, there was that time she was looking at her phone and she walked right into a pool of quicksand." "Guess that's what happens when you fix your face onto a screen," said Darrel. "Or when she was napping outside and a swarm of skull suckers tried to carry her away?" Sprig asked.

"I don't remember that last part," said Anne. "Of course you don't Anne," said Darrel. "You were asleep. And besides, that was probably before we even teleported to Wartwood."

"Anne, we were always looking out for you," said Hop pop. "Even if you didn't always notice." Anne smiled, "Thanks guys, I had no idea. And I'll try to do better about easing you into this place." Just then, they hear a couple of voices outside.

"Darrel?" "It's us." Darrel looks out to see Jake and Ivan outside the dumpster. "You guys okay?" He asked. "Yeah," said Ivan. "But I think it's time you told us what's going on." "We overheard what Anne said about Amphibia. What is that place?"

Darrel looks to Tint who nods again. This time with confidence. "Okay, guys. My new friends here are not what they seem." He points to Tint who takes off his mask and his headphones revealing his salamander head.

Jake and Ivan gasped, "Is that?" "An anthropomorphic salamander?!" Darrel nodded, "Yep, I was stuck in Amphibia, his homeworld, for nearly six months. But so were Anne, Sasha, and…Marcy. And we need help getting the Plantars back home."

Ivan and Jake look at them with shock, the fact that they're asked to help beings from another world was so much to bear for the lives of only two humans and their families. But their shock slowly turned to excitement.

"Of course we'll help you," said Jake. "This is the most exciting thing I've heard in all my life." "So, what can we do to help?" Ivan asked. Darrel and Anne smiled. "You sure we can trust them?" Anne asked. "Of course," replied Darrel. "As long as they promise not to tell anyone else."

Jake and Ivan nodded, "We promise, this never leaves the vault." Darrel smiled knowing that they've got more allies on their side. Sure it's not a lot of people, but one small step at a time is all they need.

Sprig looked at Hop pop and said, "I think we need to get Hop pop to a shower." Hop pop and the others perk at his sight. "Oh yes please," he said. "My skin is burning." Darrel grinned, "You better believe it ain't easy being green." The group of friends laugh it off and they proceed to get Hop pop back to the Boonchuy's house.

Happy New Year Everyone! Is what I will say when the clock strikes midnight. Hahahaha. But yeah, I'm back writing on this story. Sorry I took so long with the writing. But being it was the holidays and all, I couldn't focus on this. And with New Years coming up, I've come to a new resolution. You'll just have to wait and see.