
41. Friend or Frobo?

Chapter 40 - Friend or Frobo?

The next day, the group heads into town to relax. Marcy was riding shotgun with Hop pop, while the rest of the group rode in the wagon from behind. Polly, out of everyone, was most excited to spend the day however she wanted.

"This is so great," she said. "Our first day in forever with no responsibilities." She hops out of her bucket and sits next to Hop pop and Marcy. "So, what are we going to do?" "You'll see," said Hop pop.

The group arrives in front of a place called the seed store. Polly grunted in boredom, "No." "Yup," said Hop pop. "Oh, come on," said Polly. "Don't worry Marcy, we don't have to go into the boring old-"

"This is so cool!" Marcy cried, surprising Polly. "A store just for seeds? Why, we could be there for hours." "Don't tempt us," said Cronaxx. "I may not be very excited, but I am all in for this activity."

The three laughed it off, then Cronaxx spoke like he was giving a basic lesson to Tint. "The seed," he began. "All the magic of creation exists within these things. They start off as small and insignificant. But when you give them time and patience, they blossom into something beautiful. The rarest things in life where you get out what you put in."

Hop pop and Marcy head inside, and Cronaxx stays behind a bit in hopes to bring Tint and Darrel inside. He finds Sprig and Anne playing a game on her phone and Darrel practicing his powers on a seed.

"Now that the nerds are gone, you guys want to make mischief?" Polly asked the kids. "Sorry Polly," said Tint. "I want to see how Darrel's doing this." "It's not that hard," said Darrel. "Cronaxx's lesson is really paying off."

"Anne! Sprig!" Polly cried. "You know, in the past, I would've said yes," said Anne. "But I think I'm getting a little too old for that nonsense." "Sorry Polly," said Sprig. "But me and Anne have changed. We're different now."

"Speaking of different," said Tint. "Don't you think your voice is sounding deeper Sprig?" "I haven't noticed," said Sprig. "I think we should focus our energy on more mature activities," said Anne.

The kids continue their business in the wagon and Polly keeps complaining about the lack of mischief the group causes. Cronaxx looks to Polly and smiles, "You know, you kinda remind me of Tint when he was your age. All he wanted to do was cause trouble."

Before Polly and Cronaxx knew, they were walking around town telling stories about Tint. "He really did all that?" Polly asked. Cronaxx chuckled, "Of course he did. But, that's okay. Taking care of someone takes a lot of responsibility, something I'm familiar with. At your age, you shouldn't worry about that."

Polly still grunted out of boredom, "Just enjoy your youth while it lasts," said Cronaxx. "But mischief is no fun when I'm alone," she said. The tail whips a can into a pile of garbage and the bags start rustling.

Cronaxx and Polly grew curious when they saw bright lights beaming at them. Then the lights hid behind the bags. The bags begin shaking again and the two see what comes out. A large brass covered frog-robot with extended arms. "Monster!" Polly cried. "Oh my frog! Stay back!"

Just as Cronaxx defends Polly, the robot does the same thing. The two grow confused as to what it's doing. Then, Polly approaches the robot slowly. She squints her eyes and the robot does as well. Anything Polly does, the robot does as well.

Cronaxx and Polly chuckle at the gestures, "It's no monster, it's just a big tadpole," said Polly. Cronaxx walked up to the creature, "So, big guy, any idea where you came from?" The robot stood silent. "Not a talker eh?"

Polly climbs up on its shoulder and said, "This thing looks like one of the fighting games from Anne's phone. What are they called? A Robo! Except it looks more like a frog. I'll call him Frobo."

Frobo gives off an excited posture and Polly climbs down. "What else can Frobo do?" Cronaxx asked. Frobo takes Stumpy's diner and uses its extended arms to lift the entire building all the way up to the sky. Polly was impressed, but Cronaxx was uncertain.

Something about Frobo made Cronaxx feel very uncomfortable. He felt like he was trying to remember what he couldn't, and he can't help it. Frobo was triggering his long lost memories, and Cronaxx had to try and remember.

His memory was blurry, but all he could recall before he stopped remembering were beams of red lights surrounding the dark night. Then, one of the creatures with the red eyes stormed into his hut. He takes something in his hand and then a bright light fills the room. Then he felt a flying sensation and a slam to his head, blacking him out.

He catches up with Polly and Frobo, but keeps a close eye on them. The two cause mischief in the town, the start swinging from rooftops. Cronaxx tried the best he could to follow them, but his legs grew tired and he couldn't keep up.

Back at the cart, Darrel and Tint see Cronaxx return slowly. "Looks like ol' Uncle's been trying to run again," said Tint. "Cronaxx," said Darrel. "What happened? Where's Polly?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," said Cronaxx. "I'm in a world that's already strange" said Darrel. "Try me." "A giant robot is bonding with Polly in town square," said Cronaxx. Darrel and Tint laugh, "You're right, I don't believe it."

Suddenly, the group hear a giant splash, then see a blast from where they're standing. "What was that?" Tint asked. "Let's check it out!" Sprig cried. As the kids got out of the wagon, Darrel turns to see Cronaxx with an uneasy look.

"Cronaxx, are you okay?" Darrel asked. "I'm telling you, Darrel," said Cronaxx. "What I saw, is triggering my long term memory somehow. I don't know why, but it must mean something."

Darrel picks up Cronaxx and joins the others. They find the crowd running away from the source. They find Polly in the crowd, and then see Frobo. "What is that thing?" Frobo shoots laser beams from its eyes and hits the buildings.

"Is that some kind of crazy frog robot?!" Anne cried. "Uhh, maybe," said Polly. "Well whatever it is, it's going to the junk pile," said Darrel as he got his staff in hand.

Just as Frobo was about to attack the crowd, the four got its attention. "Hey scrap heap! Over here!" Tint cried. Frobo marches towards them, and Anne and Sprig attack. They dodged and lunged at the rogue robot, but Frobo overpowered the two and threw them by the haystack.

"Anne! Sprig!" Darrel cried. Angry seeing his friends attacked by a machine, Darrel uses his powers to damage the clanker. But suddenly, his powers rendered useless and deflected off of Frobo's chest plate.

Darrel and Tint were most surprised. They just kept using their magical abilities on Frobo, until they were punched square in the face and thrown at the same haystack where Anne and Sprig are.

Just as Frobo was about to finish them off, Polly yells at everyone to stop. Everyone, including Frobo listened to her. "Frobo, I know you're just trying to protect me. Everything you did today was because I asked you to. And now I'm asking you to stop."

Frobo showed no reaction, but was able to say one word, "Polly." The robot smiled and Polly was happy her robot friend understood her. "Well then," said Toadstool. "Now that it's calmed down, LET'S TEAR THAT THING APART!"

Polly defies the Mayor, "NEVER!" "Actually, I think there should be another way," said Darrel. "Yeah," said Anne. "After all, Polly really likes him." "Anne, Darrel, I know this town is no stranger to crazy at this point," said Stumpy. "But, come on!" Toadie cried. "It destroyed most of the town. Who's going to answer for this mess?"

"I will." The town turns their attention to Polly, feeling shocked and confused. "This wasn't Frobo's fault, it was mine. I taught him how to do all this. I'm sorry about the damage, I'll do what it takes to fix it all up. But leave Frobo alone, he's innocent."

"Frobo, say you're sorry." Frobo closes his eyes and utters his second word, "Sorry." "Uhh," groaned Toadstool. "I guess we've already accepted three monsters." "Yep," said Loggle. "I mean, what's one more at this point?"

Tint smiles at his formidable foe. "I guess you're one of us now," he said. Frobo turns his head and scans Tint. Then he said another word, "Brother." This word shocked the group, but mostly Tint. "Brother? How is Tint your brother?" Darrel asked. Frobo simply touches his chest plate, then Tint's heart.

Back at the seed store, Hop pop and Marcy walk out to find the town in ruins again. "WHAT IN TARNATION!?" The two see Frobo behind the crater he created. "Oh My GOSH!" Marcy cried out in excitement. "Is that a robot? Where did it come from? What is it made of? Can I have one?"

"What's a robot?" Hop pop asked. "Kinda hard to explain," said Darrel. "So, I know this is a lot to take in," said Polly. "But can we please keep him? I'll be his big sister. I'm ready to take care of someone."

"I'm not so sure Polly," said Hop pop. "Sure seems dangerous." "Maybe this'll change your mind," said Darrel. "Frobo, initiate farming protocol." And at that instant, Frobo raked the ground, planted seeds and a picket fence, watered the plants and grew flowers.

Hop pop was impressed, "Welcome to the family Mr. Frobo!" The gang return to the farm with their new artificial friend. But, Anne, Darrel, Sprig, Tint, and Cronaxx fall behind. A lot of questions came to their minds.

"Wow. First underground computers and now a robot?" Anne asked. "Do you guys think that thing is what got built in the ruins of disaster do you?" "It's a possibility, Anne," said Darrel. "What I don't understand is why did Frobo call Tint his brother? How are they related?"

"I don't know," said Sprig. "What do you think, Cronaxx?" They look at Cronaxx who shows a blank look on his face. "Cronaxx?" "Uncle?" He just walks away unresponsive back to the farm.

Cronaxx returns to Hop pop's study and rubs his head throughout the whole night. All those feelings, those images of the robot, the red eyes, dove deep inside his mind. Like it was trying to tell him something. Whatever it was, it was not friendly. "There's something about that bot, and I don't like it."