
40. New Wartwood

Chapter 39 - New Wartwood

Morning began to arrive in the town of Wartwood. And with it a whole new day for the Plantars. Considering the fact that Marcy is taking up shelter in the fwagon. And that the group has recharged the first stone. However, not all of them are ready for a new day.

Ever since he felt a dark presence looming around, Darrel barely slept a wink. He was scared to even think about what was in his head. He tried many things to fall asleep, but they just didn't work. So he decided to walk it out.

Darrel walks around outside, looking awfully tired. Luckily for him, all that time he spent walking made his head feel so heavy. He enters Bessie's stable, trying not to wake him or Joe Sparrow. He softly lays down on the haystack and gently drifts off to sleep.

That is until Joe Sparrow and Bessie yawned to start the new day. Then, Marcy ran in the stables cheerfully saying, "First day in Wartwood!" She grabs Joe Sparrow and flies off into the town of Wartwood. "Keep it down," said Darrel. "I barely got any sleep."

But Marcy was too far away to hear Darrel's comment. Later, Cronaxx finds Darrel in the stables, and gives him a herbal tea to get his energy back. "Couldn't sleep?" he asked. "I felt a dark presence," replied Darrel. "It felt so real." "Maybe some time away from magic training will do you good," said Tint. "Sounds like a plan," said Cronaxx.

At the town square, Darrel finds Marcy sitting by the statue. "Morning Darrel," said Anne. "Morning Anne," said Darrel. "Think Marcy's having a bad time with the citizens?" "Only one way to find out," said Anne.

The two humans approach their friend. "Hey Mar Mar," said Anne. "How's your first day in Wartwood going?" Darrel asked. "Oh great guys," said Marcy. "Did you know this entire town is built on top of a swamp but never sinks? That's because the designers knew exactly how heavy to make everything."

"That's a cool fact," said Anne. "What else did you learn?" "I also learned that small communities like this don't take kindly to strangers," replied Marcy. She sits back on the pedestal and says, "which means, I don't have a chance."

"Don't take this the wrong way Marcy," said Darrel. "That's how the town is; slow to accept, slower to respect." The trio see an angry mob right next to them, ready to attack. "Yeah yeah, we get the point," said Darrel. "She's with us," said Anne.

The crowd leaves, but Anne and Darrel spot Polly among the crowd. "Polly! Are you kidding me?" Darrel asked. "I go where the mob goes, Darrel," replied Polly.

Darrel groans in disgust, and Marcy groans in disappointment. "They will warm up to you Marcy," said Anne. "It just takes time." "Time, or maybe a strategy," said Marcy coming up with a plan.

Darrel shook his head, "Uh Mar mar, I'm still going with the time option." "Come on, guys," said Marcy. "People are just another puzzle to solve. Operation: connect with Wartwood engage,"

Darrel kept shaking his head in defiance, "Marcy, people are more complicated than puzzles. I should know, that's why the only people I connect with are you guys and my family."

Suddenly, Marcy trips over and breaks the city statue, causing the citizens to hate her more. But, she fixes a concoction that helps stick the statue back together. Her actions cause Darrel and Anne, even some of the townsfolk, to be impressed.

"I can't believe it," said Darrel. "How did you do that?" "I took a sculpting class in Newtopia," replied Marcy. "You've been taking classes?" Anne asked. "I'm pretty much homeschooled when it comes to magic training," said Darrel.

"I did win the Newtopians over by improving the city," said Marcy. "I bet I could do the same here in Wartwood." "I guess that can work," said Anne. "Let's not go overboard with this," said Darrel. "I like the city just the way it is." "Nice!" cheered Marcy. "Come on guys, show me all the cruddy things wrong with this town." "Where do we start?" Anne asked.

Throughout the whole day, Anne, Marcy, and Darrel were looking for places to fix up the town. First, they filled up the potholes on the mud tracks. Next, they redesigned the streetlamps and made sure they were working for the night time. Then, they remodeled the fences, and gave them a fresh coat of paint.

Their renovations of the town started to amaze the citizens of Wartwood. However, they were still skeptical about Marcy's presence. "Nice dudes," said Anne. "The town looks great." "I gotta admit, it's like seeing a new Newtopia in these farmlands," said Darrel.

"Thanks guys," said Marcy. "But I still haven't done enough, I need to go bigger." "Did someone say bigger?" asked a familiar voice. Mayor Toadstool arrives in Wartwood with a hot air balloon version of himself and lands in front of the humans.

"Never seen that balloon before," said Anne. "Spared no expense," said Darrel. "Marcy, meet Mayor Toadstool," said Anne. "He's like the Monopoly man had a baby with a piece of fried chicken." "Or a gentle bald giant who works as an unpopular barber," said Darrel.

"Those better be compliments, you two," said Toadstool. "So, you're the local toad?" Marcy asked. "Right on the money, uh huh," replied Toadstool. "And speaking of money, are you the one who's been making all these delightful little improvements to our town?"

Marcy said yes, making Toadstool smile with an idea. "Gotta hand it to ya, I find your work mighty impressive," he said. "How'd you like to help me make some bigger improvements? I have the mind to turn this poor dump little town, into a real money making tourist attraction."

Marcy beamed with delight, thinking this is her one shot of earning the town's trust. "If I make this town super successful, then people will have to accept me." "Yeah, sure whatever," said Toadstool. Toadie gives Marcy the plans and Toadstool instructs her to look at them.

"I'm not so sure about this, Marcy," said Anne. "Any plan of the mayor's is sure to go belly up." "Anne's right," said Darrel. "And besides, if anything goes wrong, Mayor Toadstool will find every right to blame you. You want his plans on your conscience?"

Marcy thought for a second and said, "You're probably right guys." And so the trio return to the Plantar farm to settle for another night. Luckily for Darrel, he was able to sleep throughout the whole night without any nightmare to wake him up.

The very next morning, Darrel wakes up feeling bright and cheery. "Looks like someone woke up on the right side of the bunk bed," said Anne. "I gotta say Anne, helping out Marcy was a good way to ignore the dark images from my head," said Darrel.

"Hey guys," said Tint. "You need to come out here, Wartwood has changed." Darrel and Anne follow Tint, and the rest of the group into the town square. Along the way, they find the buildings constructed as classy as the ones in Newtopia.

"What in tarnation is going on here?" Hop pop asked. "This place looks closely related to my favorite amusement park," said Darrel. "Oh no, she didn't," said Anne, realizing what's going on. The group sees a performance in the center of town, and Marcy and Toadstool run up the stage.

"Good morning ladies and gentle frogs," said Marcy. "And welcome to New Wartwood!" said Toadstool. "Your city is new and improved. Thanks to the work of myself and Mayor Toadstool."

"Gone are the days of stump stores of Wartwood, replaced by newly imported Newtopian marble," said Toadstool. "Feast your eyes on the new clock tower," said Marcy pointing to the giant toad that looks with every tick of the clock. "And finally, may I present the new and improved town square statue!" Marcy and Toadstool unveil the statue, revealing it to be solid gold and muscular.

"And there's more to come," said Marcy. "I don't think you all realize what you got here. So why don't you just ruminate, whilst I illuminate your possibilities."

A Town Like This - Marcy Wu (Original song - A Friend Like Me)

Well Toad Tower had them Four Armies

Newtopia had a thousand years

But Wartwood you in luck 'cause up your sleeves

You got a brand of help that never fails

You got some power in your corner now

Some heavy ammunition in your camp

You got some punch, pizzazz, yahoo and how

See all you gotta do is say my name

And I'll say

Welcome to New Wartwood!

The food? You can't resist

Let me take your order

Jot it down

You ain't never seen a town like this

Ha ha ha

Life is your restaurant

And I'm your maitre miss

C'mon whisper what it is you want

You ain't never seen a town like this

Yes sir, it prides itselves on service

Wartwood's boss

The king, the shah

Say what you wish

It's yours! True dish

How about a little more Baklava?

Here look at column "A"

All down to column "S"

I'm in the mood to help you dudes!

You ain't never seen a town like this

(Wah ah ah! Oh My)

(Wah ah ah! No No!)

(Wah ah ah! My my my!)

Can your town do this?

Can your town do that?

Can your town pull this, out its little hat?

Can your town go, Poof!

Well, looky here

Can your town go, Abracadabra, let 'er rip

And then make the sucker disappear?

So don't cha sit there slack jawed, buggy eyed

I'm here to answer all your midday prayers

You got me bona fide, certified

You got a girl for your chare d'affaires

I got a powerful urge to help you out

So what-cha want? I really wanna know

Y'all got lists that's three miles long, no doubt

Well, all you gotta do is rub like so - and oh

Welcome to New Wartwood, stop now and make a wish

I'm on the job, you small nabobs

You ain't never seen a town, never seen a town

You ain't never seen a town, never seen a town

You ain't never seen a town like this

You ain't never seen a town like this

The crowd roared with applause and whistles. Then they went exploring, shopping, and browsing in the town as marching music played in the streets. Mayor Toadstool and Marcy couldn't feel any happier with their accomplishments.

Anne and Darrel, however, were uneasy. "Mar mar," said Anne. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" "Isn't this great?" Marcy asked them. "We've completely transformed the place. Now everyone will have to accept me."

"That's not how this works," said Anne. "People will accept you, when they accept you." "Yeah," said Marcy. "Look guys, you found a way that worked for you. And I found a way that worked for me."

While looking at the buildings, Darrel suddenly realized something. "Marcy, did you say that Wartwood was built on top of an entire swamp?" he asked. "Yeah, why?" replied Marcy. "Exactly how heavy are these buildings?" Darrel asked.

Then all of a sudden, the ground started to shake. Then cracks formed from the ground, surrounding the city. "What the heck is going on?!" Anne cried. "Wartwood is sinking!" Darrel shouted. "Marcy and Toadstool must've built so much over the swamp that the weight can't take it!"

"I for one, refuse to learn anything from this!" Toadstool called out. Then, he retreats, leaving his town in peril. "Typical Toadstool," said Tint. "What do we do now?"

"Well, they're not going to like me after this," said Marcy. "But, I can at least make sure that everyone lives. Come on, guys!" Marcy reaches out to Darrel and Anne, and the two take her hands. "Right on," said Anne. "All the way," said Darrel.

Marcy calls out to Joe Sparrow and the three evacuate the townsfolk. Then, they use Joe Sparrow and Darrel's magic to lighten the load of Wartwood. They throw away all of the Newtopian marble, the head of the new clock tower, and finally the golden statue.

Wartwood stops sinking and resurfaces from the water. Joe Sparrow lands and the three humans climb off. "We did it guys," said Marcy. "Total success!" However Darrel taps her shoulder, giving her a nervous look. "Uhh Marcy?"

He points to the townsfolk with disappointed looks on their faces. Sure Marcy saved them, but she was the one who almost caused the city to sink in the first place. Marcy knew what she had to do. "I think you know what to do here," said Darrel. "I know," said Marcy.

She looked to the townsfolk and said, "I'm so sorry everyone. I mean, you all are really important to Anne and Darrel, and I know how much you love them. And, I guess I wanted you to like me too, but I took things way too far."

Mrs. Croaker approached the apologetic human and said, "Marcy was it? I think I speak for all of us when I say, we're all pretty mad at you." "To be fair, I shoulder just a bit of blame here," said Mayor Toadstool. Mrs. Croaker tells him to zip it and turns back to Marcy.

"You're a walking disaster who doesn't know when to quit. You nearly destroyed the town and killed us all in the process. In other words, you're just like Anne and Darrel when they got here."

Marcy perked up, "Huh?" "They're not wrong," said Darrel. "When I first got here, my magic created a light show in Stumpy's diner. No one got hurt, but it did cause a loud ruckus." "We didn't trust Darrel or Anne when they arrived," said Wally. "But eventually we grew to liking them. And we would do the same with you."

The whole crowd laughed, and so did the three humans. "Just be patient, and I'm sure you'll fit in eventually," said Mrs. Croaker. "Fair enough," said Marcy. "Thank you everyone, I'll do my best. In the meantime, at least let me clean this mess up."

Marcy jumped straight to work, fixing up shops and houses throughout Wartwood. "I gotta say, she's pretty amazing," said Wally. "Yep, she's one of a kind," said Anne. "The best of the best," said Darrel.

Like to give a shoutout to an anonymous reader who gave me the idea to include a fan made version of 'Friend Like Me' in this chapter.