Chapter 3 - Eagerness to Destiny
Darrel woke up the very next morning to the sun shining on his face. He stretched his arms and legs, getting ready for a new day. For a while, he thought he was still out in the marshlands fending for himself. But after carefully looking around, he was grateful he was given shelter by the salamanders.
Darrel walks into the kitchen to see Cronaxx preparing breakfast. Tint was setting the table, very eager to eat what his uncle was cooking. "Good morning, guys," said Darrel. Tint waved, "Good morning Darrel!"
"How did you sleep, fine fellow?" Cronaxx asked. "I slept well, much better than the last few days since I arrived here." Darrel replied. Just then, his stomach growled. "So, what's for breakfast?" "It's my favorite, Springtail omelette," said Tint.
Cronaxx cooks up the omelettes after Tint prepares the table. As Cronaxx poured the mix Darrel got a glimpse of what the Springtails were. At first Darrel was disgusted by the texture, but his stomach told him he had to eat something.
Tint looked at Darrel with concern, "Are you okay, Darrel?" Darrel nodded, "I'm fine Tint, it's just that bugs are not usually what humans eat. But, I'll have to eat something if I'm ever going to get back home." "How did you survive out there, anyway?" Tint asked. "I survived only with fresh water and what snacks I packed in my bag. But, I couldn't bear to eat the insects."
Cronaxx nods, "One cannot think well, love well, and sleep well, if one has not dined well." Darrel smiled at his words of wisdom and Cronaxx gives him his portion of omelette. Darrel takes a piece of omelette and takes a deep breath. "As I always say when I eat vegetables, 'Hakuna Matata.'" Darrel takes a bite and finds the omelette satisfyingly delicious. "Crunchy, yet satisfying."
As the three finish up breakfast Cronaxx and Tint prepare to hear Darrel's story. "Why don't you tell us how you got here," said Cronaxx. "Start from the beginning." Tint said. Darrel smiled with a satisfied stomach, and cleared his throat. "It all started a few days ago. I was hanging out with my friends, and my girlfriend, at the time." He takes out the two photos and shows them to the salamanders.
"These are my three friends from school." He points them from left to right. "This is Anne, Sasha, and Marcy." Then, he shows them the second photo. "Sasha is my girlfriend. I fell in love with her back in elementary school. But as time went on, she started to act more influential to others. In a negative way."
Tint could see the hurt in his eyes. "But, you still love her?" Darrel looked at the photo with gloom. "Yeah, I suppose so. Anyway, it was Anne's birthday. And Marcy found a strange music box at a thrift store. Sasha suggested that would be her perfect gift. So perfect, that she convinced her to steal it from the shop."
Cronaxx glared hearing that part of the story. "Now that was terrible."
"It gets worse," said Darrel. "Because I didn't stop her, and I paid the price: by ending up here. She opened the box and there was a bright light in our eyes. I blacked out, and when I woke up, I was lost in these marsh lands. I survived by drinking what little water and food I had packed in my bag, until I ran out. So I had to find a fresh spring until Tint found me."
Tint nodded at Cronaxx, then Cronaxx turned to Darrel. "So you got here by a strange music box? What did it look like?" Darrel finds a piece of parchment and a quill pen and tries to draw a picture of the box. "I haven't used a quill pen, but I'll try." He started drawing to the best of his ability with the tools that were given to him.
Darrel finished drawing the box. It looked edgy from using a quill pen for the first time. But it almost looked exactly like the box Anne had. "The box looks like this," said Darrel. "It looks a little edgy, but that box looks oddly familiar somehow," said Cronaxx. "Do you know what it is, Cronaxx?" Darrel asked. "Maybe, if I saw the real thing I could probably recognize it."
Darrel sighed, "Well, I don't have it with me. The last person who had it was Anne. And I don't know if she's out there or somewhere else." Darrel looks down to his empty plate. Tint grabbed his shoulder and said, "Darrel, I promise we'll do everything we can to try and help you get back home."
Darrel smiled, "You really mean it?" "That's what friends do," replied Tint.
Darrel smiled and hugged his new Salamandrian friend. Cronaxx patted his shoulder soon after. After they cleaned up their plates, Darrel decided to help the salamanders by cleaning up around the hut. Cronaxx was most pleased with his work.
"I must say, Darrel, you do such a marvelous work cleaning up," said Cronaxx. "Thanks Cronaxx," said Darrel. "My mom gave me daily chores around the house. She always tells me and my sisters that we all have an important part to play in our family."
When Darrel got to the kitchen, Tint saw him spruce the place up like it was a permanent home. "Wow, Darrel. The kitchen looks amazing!" Darrel smiled, "This wasn't the first time I cleaned in a kitchen." "When was your first time?" Tint asked.
"About two months ago," replied Darrel. "Sash and I decided to eat at Anne's family restaurant..."
Sasha took Darrel to Anne's family restaurant. She wanted to treat him to dinner, and a surprise. So Darrel, after paying for dinner for her many times, was under the impression that she wanted to pay for dinner this time. They took their seats and they talked until their food arrived. "Gotta say, Anne, this food is devine!" said Sasha. "Yeah Anne, there's nothing my mother wouldn't kill for exquisite taste like this," said Darrel. "Thanks guys, that means a lot," said Anne.
It wasn't until they got the check that Sasha announced my surprise. It was supposed to be Darrel's first dine and dash. Sasha bolted, leaving Darrel behind. He hesitated to follow her because the Boonchuys worked so hard to make them the food. He never felt so betrayed before.
Not wanting anymore trouble, he stayed in his seat and told Mrs. Boonchuy what happened. She was really angry with him, and punished him for not paying. He was forced to work for the Boonchuys until the debt was settled.
However, it wasn't all bad. Anne stood by his side and showed him what he's supposed to do. Sweep the floors, wash dishes and pans, even scrub the bathrooms. At first it was back breaking work, but he eventually got used to it. Anne helped keep his chin up all the way. Darrel felt grateful that she had his back.
One day, as things got slow in the restaurant, Darrel and Anne decided to talk while washing dishes. "You know something Anne? Your mom is tough…" "I know, I am sorry, Darrel," said Anne. But Darrel smiled, "For what? Doing a great job? I don't blame her for being upset. She works hard trying to provide you, and I took advantage of her. I already apologized, and I'm going to work hard to earn her trust."
While not looking, Darrel accidentally dropped a chef knife in the sink. And as an idiot, he grabbed the blade and it slit in between the fingers in his left hand. "OW!"
"What happened?" Anne asked. "I dropped a chef knife in the sink and tried to grab it." "Hold on, I'll get the first aid kit. Just keep it under running water."
While Anne got the first aid kit Darrel feels the stinging in the running water. She came back, and helped Darrel by cleaning his cut and patching it up. She took his hand and kept a cloth on his cut.
Darrel looked into her eyes, and genuinely smiled at her. What Darrel didn't know was that he had a tint blush on his face. Sasha never did anything like this to him before. "Thank you, Anne. You're a great friend," said Darrel. "You're welcome Darrel. I was happy to help," replied Anne.
The two hear footsteps approaching, and Anne was about to let go of his hand. But Darrel wanted her to hold on just a little more. Mrs Boonchuy walked in and Anne explained what happened. She was grateful that Darrel wasn't more badly hurt.
(Flashback Ends)
Tint and Darrel continue cleaning by dusting the bookshelves from top to bottom. "Wow, that was really nice of Anne to help you out," said Tint. Darrel looks to his left hand revealing a small scar in between his fingers. "I don't think Sasha would've done that for me."
Tint climbs up on one of the bookshelves to reach the far back of the top shelf. But, he sudden;y loses his grip and slips. "Darrel!" Tint cried. Darrel turned in surprise and shock. "TINT!"
Just as Darrel reaches for Tint, Tint suddenly stops falling. Darrel and Tint stare with their jaws dropped. Darrel's hands were glowing a bright red and Tint was floating under a bright red cloud. "Tint, what's happening to me?" Darrel asked. "You're performing magic, Darrel!" Tint replied.
Darrel was scared and confused, "What do I do? How do I get you down?" Tint kept his eyes on Darrel trying to give him assurance on what to do next. "Darrel, look at me. Just lower your hands slowly, it'll get me down."
Darrel took a deep breath and listened to Tint's advice. He lowered his hands slowly, not wanting to hurt his new friend. The red cloud disappeared as Darrel brought his hands down.
Darrel stood with amazement. "How did I do that? Humans can't perform magic like that." Remembering something he read in a scroll, Tint came up with an idea. "Raise your hand as if you're calling someone." Darrel did exactly that, and the Eternal Staff flew into his hand.
Tint smiled in amazement, "It's the Eternal Staff, it has given you magical abilities." "You mean, I can do magic?" Darrel asked. Just then, Cronaxx walked in. "Exactly, Darrel. I think I know another spell you should try to perform. Reach out your hand, pretend you're holding a ball and close your eyes."
Darrel closes his eyes and reaches his hand out. The staff glows bright white and forms an orb of light surrounding his hand. Tint watches in amazement that an extraordinary creature, such as a human, can also perform magic.
Darrel opened his eyes and said, "This is so awesome! I wish my friends could see this." Cronaxx keeps looking at the orb and smiled, "Congratulations Darrel,you have mastered the basic vision spell."
Darrel looks at the orb and begins to see two blurry figures, one small and one large. He looks in shock. "Wait, is that…?" The orb diminishes its light to reveal Anne and a frog running through a forest. "Anne! She's alive!"
"And she's here," said Cronaxx. Tint and Darrel looked to him with shock. "WHAT?!" they cried. "I've traveled across Amphibia for a very long time. And this part of the world is located near the city of Wartwood," said Cronaxx.
Darrel smiled in excitement. "If Anne is there, then that means Sasha and Marcy are in Amphibia too!" "We can find them in no time!" Tint cheered. Cronaxx calmed them down, "Well now, hold on, we'll need to decide who to find first."
Darrel had to make a choice at that moment. He didn't hesitate when he decided, "We find Anne first. She was the last one with the music box, so maybe she still has it on her."
Cronaxx then shows the map of Amphibia, "Then that'll be a problem, because the valley is surrounded by mountains that are impenetrable this time of year. It'll clear up in a couple months, but I assume you want to get to her now."
Darrel nodded, "More than anything." "It'll take some time to get prepared. Can you wait for a couple more days?" Tint asked. Darrel nodded, "I assume I'll need to learn more on how to control my magic abilities?" "Exactly." Cronaxx replied. "But don't worry, the staff will help you as long as you're willing to listen. Are you ready, human?"
Darrel smiles with pride, "Yes I am. I'll do anything to find my friends, and get back home." Tint offers his hand to Darrel, "Then let's get started."
Darrel got really excited. He's not the only human in Amphibia. If he can regroup with Anne, he and his salamander pals can get more information about the music box. And who better to learn about this artifact than from a wizard himself.