
37. Excess Exercising

Chapter 36 - Excess Exercising

Another day arrives at Wartwood. And with it, a whole new Darrel. With the gang back at Wartwood, Darrel started glaring at Hop pop. Hop pop felt threatened by Darrel's glare, but was completely unaware why he was glaring at him.

Darrel remembered that Hop pop made an agreement with him and the salamanders that when they returned to Wartwood, he would tell them what happened to the music box. However, since they got back, Hop pop continues to keep the box a secret.

The more Hop pop kept quiet, the more Darrel fumed with rage. Darrel's anger has also been a distraction to his magic training. Every step he took, quaked the ground. Every swing of his staff spewed boiling water. And every chant he spoke, sparked fire across the crops.

"Darrel, are you okay?" Tint asked. "No, clearly I'm not okay," replied Darrel. "I think I know what the problem is," said Cronaxx. "It's Hop pop, isn't it?" Darrel nodded, "It's been two days since we came back. And he's nowhere close to telling the others about the box!"

A small thundercloud hovers over his head. "It's driving me crazy that I'm keeping this from Anne. She's my girlfriend for crying out loud, and if I don't tell her, she's going to be upset." Cronaxx pats his leg, trying to calm him down. "Maybe you should get out of the farm for a bit, maybe focus on something else."

Darrel nods in agreement, "As long as I get away from the house." Darrel walks into town, hands in pockets and looking a bit stern. He looks over to Felicia's teahouse, and decides to head over there.

Darrel heads inside but finds the place empty, then again Felicia's teahouse isn't busy this time of day. "Oh good morning Darrel," said Felicia. "How are you doing?" "Not so good Felicia," replied Darrel. "I'm really stressed out."

"I may have just the tea to calm your nerves," said Felicia. "Please have a seat." Darrel takes a seat and waits for Felicia to arrive. The smell of tea leaves, and the textures of her cups and kettles, made Darrel a tad bit calm.

Felicia arrives with Darrel's tea which pleased him so well. "Where did you get all that china?" he asked. "I was quite an adventurer myself back in the day," replied Felicia. "I've had quite an adventure to Newtopia," said Darrel. "But I kinda liked the countryside better than the big city."

"So what's been troubling you lately?" Felicia asked. "Have you ever known what it's like to have someone you trust keep a secret from you? Especially if it's important to know?" Darrel asked. "Not exactly," said Felicia. "But Ivy's been lacking on her chores and her attention to detail, lately. That kind of behavior is difficult for me. But, if there's anything I've learned about being a mother, it's that you have to have patience. No matter how long it takes."

Darrel finishes his tea and pays Felicia. "Thank you for the advice Felicia," said Darrel. "I'll keep that in mind. And even though Ivy is rebellious and outgoing, she should be lucky to have a mom like you." "Why thank you, Darrel," said Felicia. "Have a good day."

The very next day, Darrel woke up from his slumber and decided to tend to Bessie for the day. He recalls what Felicia told him at the tea house and took her advice to heart. However, he was still pumped up on energy. So he needed to find something to burn it off.

Suddenly, he hears Anne and Polly chanting as they left the house. Anne was in her fitness gear and she and Polly were both wearing martial arts headbands "Muay Thai! Muay Thai! "Muay Thai!" Darrel smiled at Anne introducing Polly another traditional Thailand event. "Hey Darrel," said Anne. "We're Muay Thaiing!" Polly shouted.

"Yeah, I see that," said Darrel. "Anne's going to teach me some sweet moves," said Polly. "You wanna join?" Darrel nodded, "Sure, let me get ready." Immediately, Darrel rushes into the basement to put on his fitness gear, sportstape, and his karate headband. "I guess I've found my way to burn off my energy," he said.

He joins the girls outside and makes their way out to the lilypads where Sprig and Hop pop fought in the family challenge. Along the way, they come across Sprig, Tint, and Ivy, who were glitterbug hunting.

"Hey guys," said Darrel. "We're about to get into the spirit of Muay Thai." "What now?" Tint asked. "Muay Thai," said Anne. "It's a form of traditional Thai martial arts. My mom enrolled me in a class when she realized how high spirited I was."

Darrel shrugged, "When she was really young, she was very energetic. There were times when she annoyed her mom with her banging on pots and pans." Anne punches Darrel in the arm, "Stop it!" "You know you loved doing that," said Darrel in a cheeky tone. "Anyway, Anne's going to teach me and Polly some moves. Wanna join?"

"Oh man, that sounds awesome," said Ivy. "But Sprig and I can't. We're about to go glitterbug hunting." "I'd love to," said Tint. "But, I'm gonna join my Uncle soon for more of my personal training." "Suit yourselves," said Darrel. The three chant in the forest, "Muay Thai! Muay Thai! Muay Thai!"

The three reach the battle arena, standing on a lily pad. "Okay, listen well pollywogs," said Anne. "Uh, Anne, Darrel's not a pollywog," said Polly. Darrel shushes her, "I'm a pollywog when it comes to Muay Thai."

"Darrel's right Polly," said Anne. "This is both your first day. Now, Muay Thai is all about-" "Enough talk!" Polly jumped, whipping her small tail for an attack. In response, Anne blocked her attack and Polly fell down.

"Nice block Anne," said Darrel. "My instructor always used to tell me, 'jai yen yen.'" said Anne. "It means to have patience and a cool heart." Polly attacks again, only for Anne to dodge her.

"Alright, now it's my turn." Darrel swings his leg high, and Anne counterattacks his strike. Darrel stays on his feet as Anne jumps ahead to strike back. Darrel blocks her moves, and grabs one of her arms. Anne pulls back, and Darrel lets go of her. Polly stares in jealousy and amazement.

"You're getting pretty good at Muay Thai, Darrel," said Anne. "Muay Thai? I thought this was a dance class," he mocked. This made Anne blush in embarrassment. "Oh you wanna see real Muay Thai? Bring it!"

The two humans go at each other with more punches, kicks, sweeps, and lunges. They were focused and patient, until Darrel lost his balance for a second. Anne took that as an advantage and sideswiped him and pinned him down.

"And Anne wins the match!" Polly cried. Darrel and Anne smirked at each other. "Well done, young pollywog," said Anne. "You lasted longer than I anticipated." "Well that's because I have a great teacher who taught me patience is key," said Darrel. Anne kisses him on the nose, and the two get up from the ground.

Suddenly, Darrel hears a distant voice coming closer. "Ivy Hibiscus Matcha Sundew!" "What was that?" Polly asked. "Sounds like Felicia," said Darrel. "And it sounds like Ivy is having another fit about her tea shop."

"Yeah yeah," said Polly. "I want to have a go now. Darrel, take five." Darrel nods and sits on the log. Polly takes another crack at Muay Thai, only for Anne to dodge her attacks again. "Not bad, Polly. But you still lack patience."

Suddenly, Ivy, Tint and Sprig come rushing in, knocking Anne down. Felicia came up not too far behind them. "Ivy Sundew, I've had it with your disobedience!" "Well, I've had it with your nitpicking, your rules, and your tea lessons!" Ivy shouted.

Darrel could not believe that what Felicia said was true. Her relationship with her mother was stubborn. Felicia sighed, "I can't believe I have raised such an ungrateful and disrespectful daughter!" Feeling insulted, Ivy fired back. "Oh, yeah? Well, then, maybe I don't even wanna be your daughter!"

That statement made everyone gasp, and it ticked Darrel to the core. He takes his hand and telepathically lifts Ivy with a firm grip. Ivy felt like she was being squeezed by his magic. "You take that back Ivy!" Darrel shouted. "Your mother loves you, no matter what!"

"Darrel, please," said Felicia. "I'll handle this. This is between us." Darrel closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You're right, I'm sorry." Darrel lets Ivy go and she regains her strength. "I'm sorry," said Ivy. "It's just that, I wanna see the world, you know. Get my hands dirty, learn martial arts, things like that."

Then, Felicia had an idea, "Martial arts, eh? Fine, you don't have to take tea lessons anymore. If you can beat me in a martial arts fight. Three rounds. And you only need to win one."

Ivy could not believe what she was hearing, her mother was challenging her to a fight. Thinking she was going to win against a teahouse shopkeeper, Ivy accepted the challenge. "This is going to be easy," she said.

Soon after, the two frogs geared up for their big fight. Polly, Anne, Tint, Darrel, and Sprig sat on the sideline. Anne rings the bell and Darrel says, "Hajimeru,"

Ivy rushes over to swing a punch on her mother, only for her to jump out of her way and leap to the other side. The kids were surprised by the move, not knowing she would learn something like that in the teahouse.

"Must've been a lucky dodge," said Ivy. "Here I come!" Ivy charges at her mother again, only for Felicia to dodge her attacks and then makes her move by tapping Ivy on her cheek. "And Felicia gets the boop," said Polly. "Round one to Felicia!"

"Woah, where did you learn those moves?" Anne asked. "Oh, I picked them up from my travels," replied Felicia. Darrel perked up, recalling what she told him the other day. "What travels?" Ivy asked. Darrel simply started the next round, "Hajimeru,"

Ivy charges at Felicia again, and Felicia dodges like before. She quickly grabs Ivy and taps her again. Ivy could not believe that she was losing, and the match was just getting started.

"Two for Felicia!" Polly announced. "It's the third and final round," said Sprig. "Whoever wins this, wins it all," said Tint. The two fighters get in position and Darrel smiles. "Hajimeru."

Ivy goes after her mother again, only for the same thing to happen again. Ivy attacks, Felicia dodges, and Felicia pins Ivy to score the point. Ivy struggles to get back up, to no avail. "She shouldn't have rushed it," said Polly. "Now you're getting it," said Anne.

Ivy knew she wasn't going to win, "Finish it." However, Felicia said, "Fold the swan napkins." Ivy was confused, until she moved her arms like she was folding the swan napkins at the teashop. She, even Darrel, was surprised. 'This is almost like that martial arts movie I saw with Dad,' he thought.

Eventually, Ivy listened to her mother by performing the moves she would make with her tea chores. Then, she tapped her mother, winning the round. Ivy was impressed, "Mom, where did you learn those moves?" "I was a little bit of an adventurer myself back in the day," replied Felicia. "Where do you think my exotic selection of teas comes from? Or my frog china?

Ivy was stunned, "I-I had no idea." "Ivy, you think I don't see you, but I do. You want to travel the world, and I get it. But you have to be patient, because it's dangerous out there, and I just want you to be ready before we go. After all, all of these tea exercises were to prepare you for when I take you on my next tea-gathering adventure."

Ivy gasped and hugged her, "You're the best mom ever! I still can't believe you used to be some kind of world traveler." Felicia chuckled, "Oh, honey. Where do you think I met your father?" "Mom, please!"

Darrel smiled at Ivy's gestures to Felicia, thinking back to his mother. Sure there were times that it seemed like she was making it difficult for him. But those times were just to help him prepare for what comes next. Plus, she wanted to make fond memories with him.

Then, Polly comes in for an attack. Anne dodges her, but hits Darrel square in the face. "You caught me off guard, Polly," said Darrel, rubbing his jaw. "Impressive." "Technically, I was going for Anne," said Polly. "So that was her fault." The group laughs it off as they return to the farm.