
36. Wartwood, Sweet Wartwood

Chapter 35 - Wartwood, Sweet Wartwood

Darrel and Anne were so pleased that Marcy allowed them to go back with the Plantars. Marcy agreed to meet up with them once she's all equipped and ready to go, so long as they have the music box with them. Only then, will the group be ready to participate in the first temple.

The gang agreed to pursue their journey back to Wartwood without any stops. Darrel, Anne, and Hop pop took turns driving Bessie. But even with three drivers, they grew tired. Anne nearly fell off the fwagon a few times, and either Hop pop or Darrel had to get her back on.

Inside the fwagon, Cronaxx was fast asleep. But that didn't stop Tint, Sprig, and Polly from planning on what to do when they return to Wartwood. "Alright guys," said Sprig. "Check this out. According to this map, if we drive straight through the night, we'll be home by morning." The three amphibians were mostly excited about this fact.

Sprig was thinking about spending time with Ivy. Tint was thinking about spending time with others besides Darrel and Cronaxx. Polly was simply going to enjoy breakfast when they got home.

Suddenly, the fwagon stopped and the tired drivers climbed inside. "Woah! Where do you guys think you're going?" Polly asked. "We've got a schedule to keep." Darrel groaned, "Ugh! I'm sorry Polly. But, we're just so tired." "We've been driving nonstop for 20 hours," said Anne. "We just need to get some shut eye and we'll be back on the road by morning," said Hop pop.

"But we're so close," said Sprig. "Yeah. Can't you just power through one more night?" Polly asked. Tint looked into Darrel's eyes and said, "Actually, it's not a bad idea. Darrel's got the same eyes I had when I wanted to learn as much as possible in one day. The day after, I couldn't pay attention to my uncle's lesson."

"Thank you for understanding, Tint," said Darrel. Then, Sprig got an idea, "Oh, what if you guys sleep and we can take us home?" However, Hop pop wasn't having any of it. "Absolutely not. Amphibia changes at night. And not for the better, let me tell you. The nocturnal leech flies are bad enough, but I've even heard folks tell of evil spirits wandering these parts. Real spookums and such! Haven't seen any myself, of course, but you know, it could happen. Plus, neither of you read Bessie's driving manual! You're not driving, and that's final!"

And so, the three crash on their beds. Darrel climbed onto the top bunk and immediately fell asleep. He started dreaming of himself back at Wartwood. He was helping Hop pop weed his crops and planting new ones in the process. Then, he spots Anne riding on Clipper's back. The two wave hello, and Hop pop comes out asking Darrel for more help. "Could you get the package from the shed?" he asked. Darrel nodded yes and went to the shed. But as he opened the door, he started falling into a dark hole.

Down, down, down he went. Without any signs of slowing down or stopping. Suddenly, he heard dark moans and growls coming from the darkness. Then, his body started glowing red, just like one of the gems from the music box. He sees the box in front of him, then a red light fills the dark void.

Behind the box was a wall that had a monstrous frog carved onto it. It had sharp teeth, long limbs, and what looked like a crystal for an eye. The next thing Darrel sees is the eternal staff floating in front of him. He grabs it ,and then a brighter light fills his eyes.

Darrel wakes up from his long overdue sleep. However, he wasn't feeling as bright as he usually does every morning. Ever since they left Newtopia, King Andrias' change of tone was lingering inside Darrel's mind the whole journey.

He looked outside to see that the fwagon was moving and heard a ruckus outside. Darrel smiled, knowing that the kids went behind their back when they're so close to home. The fwagon stops, and he pops out to see the kids standing at a statue.

"Hey guys," said Darrel. Tint, Sprig, and Polly turn to see Darrel awake. "Look Darrel, we can explain," said Tint. Darrel puts up his hand telling him to stop. "Normally Hop pop would be disappointed in you guys disobeying us. But I'm not Hop pop, and the fwagon isn't damaged. So I'm going to let it slide as long as you guys get back in here."

The kids were quite relieved, until Hop pop and Anne came out the door as well. "What the heck in a handbasket is goin' on out here? You better not have disobeyed me!" Hop pop cried. He turns to see a sign telling the group that they're much closer to Wartwood. Meaning that they have disobeyed him. "Dang it! Of all the irresponsible, inconsiderate, juvenile…"

The three look to Sprig and Polly who are tired out of their minds, while Tint is standing by them. The two Plantars fall asleep and Tint carries them magically back to the fwagon. "I hope you guys learned your lesson," said Anne. "Oh, we sure have," said Tint. "Then I'll let this one slide," said Hop pop. "But, I'm still going to tell your uncle as soon as he wakes up." "Okay," said Tint.

The four look down the pathway and see Wartwood in their eyesights. "We're almost there," said Darrel. "I got to say Tint. I don't know what you guys did last night, but I bet you guys worked so well together." "Aside from my uncle, those two are the closest things I have to my best friends," said Tint. "And our adventures were, shall I say, fun." "They sure were fun," said Sprig who woke up for this occasion.

Road back to Wartwood (Original Song - Road to Rhode Island)

(Both) We're off on the road back to Wartwood

We're having the time of our lives.

(Sprig) (Take it Tint...)

(Tint) We're quite a trio of partners,

Just like the Three Musketeers.

'cept we're not six feet tall

(Sprig) Yes, and your tail doesn't reach your knees.

(Tint) (Give it time.)

(Both) We're off on the road back to Wartwood

We're certainly going in style.

(Tint) I'm with a frog who jumps the chance, who crushes on a girl.

(Sprig) How dare you. At least I don't bail on others just to learn spells that swirl.

(Tint) (Oh, really)

(Both) We've traveled a bit and we've found,

Like a soldier in Toad tower, we are Wartwood bound.

((Tint) Crazy travel conditions, huh?

(Sprig) First class or no class

(Tint) Whoa, careful with that joke, it's an antique)

(Both) We're off on the road back to Wartwood

We're not going to stop till we're there

(Tint) Maybe for breakfast.

(Tint) Whatever dangers we may face, we'll never fear or cry

(Sprig) That's right, until we're syndicated Disney won't let us die. (Please!)

(Both) We're off on the road back to Wartwood,

The home of that old campus swing.

(Sprig and Tint take a pause on singing as they dance a small routine)

(Both) We certainly do get around.

Like a bunch of traveling gypsies

We are Wartwood bound.

Or like a loving extended family

Who have no other places to go

We are Wartwood Bound..

Darrel, Anne, and Hop pop were impressed with the musical number. And so was Cronaxx, who woke up to the sound of their singing. "I gotta say," said Darrel. "You two would make an excellent singing duo."

Later that morning, when the sun reached the sky, the group was only a few meters away from the entrance to Wartwood. Hop pop took a whiff of the fresh air. "Ah, how i missed the old swamp air. The aroma of grass, a whisper of manure, and just a pinch of the humidity. You feel that humidity, kids?" "A pinch," replied Anne.

"We're almost back," said Tint. "Wartwood is just up ahead." The gang looks to see the town gates from across the small bridge. Sprig takes his fiddle out and starts singing.

Wartwood, O mighty Wartwood

I sing to thee Our noble history

A newt told a toad...

But don't let them Escape poverty

As Sprig started singing, the crowd got wind of their return. They gather around the fwagon and cheer for their return. "Heya, folks," said Hop pop. He was greeted by a hug from his love interest, Silvia Sundew. "Hoppy! Come here, city boy."

"Any luck finding a way back to your world kids?" Loggle asked. "We have a lead, Loggle," replied Darrel. "We're whittling away at it," said Anne. Loggle blushed in amusement.

Then, Wally came in from the crowd. "Well, if it isn't the Plantars. Haven't seen you lot in a long time. Definitely did not see you on your trip." Tint shrugged, "Yeah, yeah, don't make it obvious Wally." Wally laughed as he returned to the crowd.

Sprig looks around to try and find Ivy, but to no avail. He asked his mother Felicia if she's seen her. However, Ivy pops out of a disguise, "AMBUSH!" She cried. She jumps and tackles her sparring partner to the ground. The two were pleased to see each other again, and the crowd awed at their cuteness.

Then, Mayor Toadstool comes in to disperse the crowd. "Simmer down now, come on. Simmer down." "Good to see you again Mr. Mayor," said Darrel. "Good or not, the market stops for no one," said Mayor Toadstool. "Y'all can welcome back the Plantars after business hours."

"How about we all meet at my restaurant tonight, have a town dinner for the Plantars?" Stumpy asked. "We're in," said Hop pop. "I can't wait for some authentic swamp cooking."

Stumpy takes out a piece of paper, points his meat cleaver hand on the image and says, "And I can't wait for that Newtopian Coral hand fitment. Thanks for picking it up for me."

Hop pop and Polly suddenly realize they forgot something really important. Something that even Cronaxx and Tint weren't even aware of. "Say if we're all going to be together anyway, why not bring all the gifts from our wish list?" Mrs. Croaker asked.

The crowd was pleased, but Sprig, Anne, and Darrel were confused. "Wait a minute, I don't recall any which list," said Darrel. That statement got the crowd's attention, but Hop pop calmed them down. "Great idea Mrs Croaker."

At that very instant, Hop pop and Polly dragged the group back into the fwagon. The five confused members watched Hop pop and Polly knock on their floor boards as if they were looking for a trap door.

"Okay, what's going on with you two?" Cronaxx asked. Hop pop finds the secret compartment, and in it is a list. "So, remember when Hop pop and I went to get to the fwagon?" Polly started.

Polly and Hop pop explained that along the way, they were asked by the people of Wartwood to get them souvenirs on their journey. So they made a list and stored it in the secret compartment. Eventually, they forgot about it throughout the whole trip.

The rest of the gang were disappointed by their forgetfulness. "I'm so sorry you guys," said Polly. "Please don't get mad." "It's okay Polly," said Anne. "You're just a baby. But you!" She points angrily at Hop pop. "How could you forget about something important, Hop pop?"

"Look, I'm sure we can find some way to bury this so no one finds out," said Hop pop. "Truth is like the sun," said Cronaxx. "You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away."

"He's right," said Darrel. "Lying will only make things worse." "One thing's for sure, we have to lie," said Sprig. Now Darrel, Anne, Tint,and Cronaxx were next to be surprised. "Are you out of your mind?!" Darrel asked. "Ivy asked for a red seashell from the Newtopian coast, to match my blue moon shell," explained Sprig.

Anne awed with sweetness, but Darrel was not having it. "Sprig, Ivy would be more disappointed if you betray her trust." "Darrel, Ivy can't find out about this," said Sprig. "Wait a minute, can't you use magic to bring the artifacts here?" Polly asked.

"It's not that simple," said Cronaxx. He creates a vision orb that shows them what could happen if they used magic for a situation like this. "If we were to magically give you guys what you promised the people of Wartwood, especially if they're one of a kind, they will magically vanish from where they were before."

"And that would be stealing," said Darrel. "Which is bad." Sprig, Hop pop, and Polly groan in disappointment. "Aw come on! There's got to be something we can do." "I bet if we put our heads together we can come up with a plan," said Hop pop. "Oh yeah," said Darrel. "And we better hurry or you might forget." "IT WAS ONE TIME, DARREL!" Hop pop cried.

Back at the Plantar House, the fields were covered with tulips. And inside, Hop pop and the rest were trying to find a way to get out of their situation. After a few hours, Hop pop came up with a solution, "Okay, we agree on the concept. Fake empty gift boxes that get tragically destroyed by some kind of monster."

"But what monster?" Anne asked. "But nothing too dangerous, we don't want anyone to actually get hurt." "How about this?" Sprig asked as he showed them a page from the book of monsters. "The Chickalisk: A beast that eats golden treasure, doesn't eat Amphibians, won't attack unless threatened, and can be called to any area with a ritual."

"Where did you get that book?" Cronaxx asked. "Maddie gave it to me," replied Sprig. "Well this Chickalisk is promising," said Tint. "Gifts get destroyed, no one gets eaten, and Hop pop doesn't get blamed." "Hey!" Hop pop cried.

"Cronaxx, is it okay that we use ancient eldritch magic?" Anne asked. Cronaxx was hesitant, "I don't feel comfortable using dark magic to lie. But, I'll do this since I know what to do." Darrel placed his hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, most of us are uncomfortable. Besides, I have a feeling that they're going to tell the truth by the end of the day."

"Okay," said Cronaxx. "If we're going to perform this ritual, we need a few things." Cronaxx takes the book and points out the items. "First thing we need is the horn of a sky goat. Who's arcane note pierces the air. Next, we need cursed obsidian to amplify the dark energy. And finally, we need candles for the dark vibe of the ritual." "Uh, that's not in the book," said Polly. "You want the ritual or not?" Cronaxx asked. "Yes, sorry," said Polly.

The gang grabs the materials and prepares the dark ritual in the fields. They wore dark robes and surrounded themselves by the dark circle. "Play the forbidden note," commanded Hop pop.

Sprig takes the horn and blows a dark ominous note. Then, Anne drops the cursed obsidian to corrupt the sacred message. A large column of red light shot up to the sky, then diminished within seconds. The summoning was complete.

Shortly after, the group arrive at Stumpy's for the dinner celebration. Darrel and the Salamanders enchant the empty gifts to give it a gold like texture. The group mingles with the citizens, but only Darrel and Cronaxx felt uneasy knowing what's going to happen.

"You know I just realized something," said Darrel. "What's that, Darrel?" Tint asked. "It's-"

Just then, the town feels the ground shaking. A distant screech was heard, and then the giant Chickalisk arrived, scaring the town. The creature spots the golden treasure and proceeds to eat it.

"The Chickalisk is eating the gifts!" Tint cried. "We should probably leave it alone until it's finished," said Hop pop. Just then, Ivy stepped up on the table.

"No way! You guys did something nice for us. Are we going to let some chicken get away with this? Would the Plantars?" "NO!" The crowd responded. Ivy leads the charge, "For The Plantars!"

Darrel, Tint, and Cronaxx sighed in disgust. "Well, if you can't beat em. Join em," said Darrel. "For the Plantars!" The crowd lunges to attack, then the Chickalisk pushes them back with its wings.

Anne helps Darrel get back up. "We've got to be careful," she said. "You're right," said Darrel. "We don't know what this creature can do."

The crowd proceeds to charge again, only for the Chickalisk to shoot laser beams from its eyes and turn a portion of the town into stone. "This doesn't look good," said Tint. "Cool," said Maddie.

Tint turns to Maddie, "Maddie, can they be cured?" "Sure they can," she said as she takes out pouches of magic powder "I should probably have enough for everyone."

"For Wartwood!" Hop pop shouted. Anne and Darrel lead the charge and Maddie cures the petrified frogs. "Everybody split up! We got to surround it!" Anne cried. The crowd agreed and flanked the creature.

After a few more hits from the Chickalisk, the creature started breathing fire from its mouth like a dragon. The fire spreads to the empty gifts, burning them to ash. Mayor Toadstool gathers the townsfolk for one last line of defense. "Everyone! Chickalisk formation!"

The townsfolk gather together and connect with each other to form a Chickalisk. Anne provided the beak on top, and Darrel casted a spell to make them look like another Chickalisk.

The Chickalisk squawks a bit, then takes off, leaving Wartwood. The crowd cheered for their victory. However, that victory was short lived. The creature may be gone, but the damage was left behind.

"That creature burned all the gifts you guys worked so hard to bring back for us," said Mrs Croaker. "If only we had fought harder," said Ivy. "I guess we let you guys down."

The townsfolk groan in shame, then Darrel moans in disgust. He takes his staff and smacks Hop pop upside his head. "Tell them the truth!" He shouted. "Or I will."

Knowing that Darrel is on the fence with this big lie, Polly gave in. "Me and Hop pop forgot the wish list and didn't get you guys anything!"

The town gasped, then groaned at their deceit. "Why am I not surprised?" said Mayor Toadstool. "Typical Plantars, giant monsters, property damage, putting the entire town in danger..." The gang looked down in shame, until the mayor spoke again.

"I gotta admit, I missed it." The crowd also agreed. Sure the Plantars caused the whole ruckus, but the townsfolk all agreed that life was boring without them around, causing mayhem. Ivy still looked grumpy, which made Sprig worry.

"Ivy, I'm sorry I didn't get you a red sunshell," he said. Ivy punches him in the arm and smirks, "You big dummy, it's just a shell. You can make it up to me by finally taking me on a date."

Ivy kisses him on the cheek, making Sprig feel light as a feather. Darrel smiled at Ivy's gesture to Sprig. And Anne was geeking out over the two finally dating. Darrel sees Anne geeking out and takes her by the arm. "Okay, let them have their time together," he said.

After the big celebration bust, the Plantars and the Salamanders finally settled in at home. As for Darrel, he kept watching the sky. Seeing clouds move, covering the star light. Suddenly, he remembered something. He looked out to the fields close to the house. "If you won't tell her Hop pop, I will."