
3. New World, New Life

Chapter 2: New world, New life

Somewhere nearby where Tint and Darrel were walking, Cronaxx grew worried for Tint. The farther he strayed from his nephew, the more anxious he became. "He should never feel left out just because he has magical powers," he said to himself. "Especially with what happened to him and his parents. I wanted to believe that what happened to them was only a bad dream. But it wasn't. And I hope he can understand soon."

As Cronaxx walked by a field of tall grass, he saw Tint's head pop out. Cronaxx rushed out of the grass as fast as he could to see what was going on. When he saw him on top of Darrel's shoulders, he thought he was in trouble. He casts a levitation spell to pick Tint up from Darrel's shoulders, then uses the element of the wind to blow Darrel away.

Tint was caught by surprise, "Darrel!" Cronaxx ran up to Tint, "Tint! Are you okay?" Tint nodded, "Yeah I'm okay." "What was that creature?" Cronaxx asked. "That was Darrel, he is a human who is lost and needs help. He said he came from another world, and he's trying to find a way to get back." Cronaxx looked to where he blew him away. "Oh dear, I hope he's okay," he said. "Can we help him?" Tint asked. "Of course we can, Tint. As long as he helps us with our journey," replied Cronaxx.

Cronaxx was happy to know that his great nephew befriended a creature so strange to the amphibians. But he did feel guilty straying him off the pathway, so he and Tint rushed off as fast as they could to find Darrel.

Darrel was blown far from where he last saw Tint. As the strong winds slowly died down, he started rolling down a steep hill. Darrel couldn't stop spinning as he tumbled down the hill, and started feeling dizzy. As he rolled down, he grabbed a large leaf covered with silk spiderwebs. It stopped him from rolling, but the leaf ripped off the tree. Darrel slid the rest of the way down, until he reached the bottom.

Darrel felt really dizzy at the bottom of the hill. "Ugh, I really hate the spinning." He looks at the leaf and comes up with an idea, "Hmm, with the silk spider web, this leaf almost looks like a cloak." Darrel wraps it around his neck, giving him enough cloak to give him a built in hood. "A perfect fit, and my favorite color too."

Before anything else could happen, Darrel started hearing whispers in front of him. "Tint, is that you?" As much as I wanted to return to Tint and Cronaxx, my curiosity got the better of me and I approached the whispers.

Tint and Cronaxx traveled down the hill to where Darrel was blown away. "Darrel!" Tint called out. He looks down the hill to see drag marks on the grass. "He couldn't have gotten far, Tint. We'll find him," said Cronaxx. They carefully slid down the hill, avoiding rocks and trees.

When they got to the bottom of the hill, they found footprints leading into the forest. "Where did he go?" Tint asked. "Let's find out," replied Cronaxx. The two walk deeper into the forest to find Darrel.

Darrel followed the whispers until he came across a red jewel on a stick, poking out of mushrooms. He was entranced by its beauty. But remembered that his parents warned him not to touch anything weird. But the gemstone glowed and the whispers rang clear as a bell. 'Take the staff,' they said. Lost in the whispers, Darrel walked up and grabbed the staff. He pulled it out of the mushrooms , then started feeling an aura of strange energy flowing through his hands and into his heart. His eyes flashed red for a brief second.

The salamanders followed the tracks until they saw a faint glowing red. 'Could it be the Eternal Staff? And has Darrel found it?' Cronaxx thought. When they get closer, they find Darrel pulling the Staff out with ease.

Cronaxx and Tint were shocked, for no creature in Amphibia could ever pull out that staff, unless they have pure of heart. Maybe Darrel has pure of heart after all, but what drives him to be pure?

Tint walks up to Darrel and says, "Darrel? Are you okay?" Waking up from his trance, Darrel places his head on his hand. "Yeah, I think so," he replied. "What just happened?" "The Eternal Staff has chosen you," said Cronaxx as he walks up.

"Darrel, this is my great uncle Cronaxx," said Tint pointing at his uncle. "Uncle Cronaxx, this is Darrel, he's a human." The two shake hands, smiling at each other. "You are quite a fascinating creature, Darrel. Sorry I pushed you away from my nephew." Darrel smiled, "It's okay Cronaxx, you were just protecting Tint."

He looked to the staff and said, "Any idea what this is?" "That is the Eternal Staff," replied Cronaxx. "And it has chosen you." Darrel turned his attention to Cronaxx. "Chosen me? For what?" "That's what we'll find out in due time. Come on Darrel, Let's get you some rest back at our hut."

Darrel smiled and said, "Okay. At least I can finally relax without fearing for my life in the wilderness." The three travel to the Salamanders' hut.

Along the way, Darrel decided to break the silence. "So guys. What is this world?" "This world we live in is called Amphibia," replied Cronaxx. "This world is inhabited by every species of amphibian - salamanders, frogs, toads, and newts. But there are also dangerous monsters that lurk in the wilds such as giant insects." Darrel was shocked, but then was fascinated with the fact that unordinary creatures exist in this world. Tint was happy to see that Darrel was enjoying hearing the lecture of Amphibia.

After a few more miles, Darrel decided to sing a song to raise the spirits.

(Song of the Lonely Mountain by Neil Finn)


Far over the Misty Mountains rise/

Leave me standing upon the height

What was before I see once more/

Is this kingdom a distant light?

(The salamanders were amazed with his voice they didn't pay attention to the staff that started glowing blue)

Mossy mountains beneath a moon/

The words unspoken, I'll be there soon

For home a song that echoes on/

And all who find me will know the tune

Some folk I'll never forget/

Some kind I'll never forgive

Haven't seen the back of me yet/

I'll fight as long as I live

All eyes on the hidden door/

To the Unknown Mountain borne

I'll ride in the gathering storm/

Until I get back long forgotten home

(As Darrel finished singing, the staff loses its blue glow)

The three arrive at the salamanders hut. "It's okay, Darrel. We wizards don't stay in one spot during magic training," said Tint. Darrel opens a trap door leading to the basement and puts down his school bag.

He takes out the two photos from his pocket to see Sasha, Anne, and Marcy smiling as best buds. He switched photos to see himself and Sasha, who gave him a kissy face while he was blushing. Remembering back when Sasha peer pressured Anne in taking the box, Darrel looked at that photo with guilt, and then switched back to the first photo.

As Darrel settled in the basement for the night, Tint came down and asked, "You settled in okay?" Darrel nodded, "Yeah, I'm good Tint. Thanks for taking me in." Cronaxx walked in after Tint, "It's the least we could do, Darrel. Kitchen's to your left, breakfast is at sunrise, and if you need anything else, just ask."

Darrel smiled, "Goodnight guys. We'll have much more to discuss about how I got here, and how I'm gonna get back home." "Indeed we will," said Cronaxx. "Goodnight Darrel," said Tint. The two climb out of the basement and the three prepare to sleep for the night. Darrel looked at the photo of his friends again and said, "Girls, I hope you are okay. Because I am.

After days of wandering in the wilderness, Darrel has found proper shelter with the Salamandrian Wizards. Not only that, Darrel has found the Staff of Climax for the salamanders, apparently choosing him to wield it's powers. With one adventure over, another begins for tomorrow. Darrel has no idea how much his life has changed. But he's preparing to find out.