
24. Reunion

Chapter 23 - Reunion

In the town of Wartwood, the Toad Army infiltrate the party and trash the place. The toads surround the frogs, and the rest that come in, bring stragglers. It was a horrifying moment, that the Toads who came from Toad Tower have come to scare the frogs. Darrel, Anne, and Sasha were watching from the bridge.

"Sasha, the toads!" Anne cried. "They're overrunning the whole town," said Darrel. "We have to stop them." Anne and Darrel took a few steps, until Sasha held them back. "Chill out guys, they're with me," she said.

Darrel was shocked, "They're WHAT?! Sasha, do you have any idea what they're doing?" Just then, the Plantars and the Salamanders came up to the humans. "Anne! Darrel! Anne! Darrel!" Sprig cried. "Toads! Everywhere!" "We know," said Anne. "We got some notion."

Polly hops to get everyone's attention, and points to Sasha. "Holy toot! Another Anne!" "Oh yeah," said Anne. "Meet one of my other besties from back home, Sasha." Sasha gives her greetings to the amphibians, "Hey."

"Sasha, meet the Plantars," said Anne. "This is Hop pop, Sprig, and Polly." "Sup?" Polly asked. "Sasha, I'd like you to meet the Salamanders," said Darrel. "This is Cronaxx, the elder wizard, and Tint his great nephew." "Hello there," said Tint. Sasha just glared down at Sprig and Tint.

"Yes, hi, nice to meet you," said Hop pop. "Now can someone tell me why there's a toad army attacking Warwood?!" "You're Hop pop?" Sasha asked. "I thought you'd be taller." Cronaxx glared, "What do you mean by that?"

"Relax," said Sasha. "We're not invading anything." She gives Hop pop a small smack as she walks by. "Come on, guys. You too, amphibians. We don't want to keep Grime waiting."

Cronaxx and the Plantars perked up by the mention of the name. "Captain Grime," scorned Cronaxx. "The cruelest toad soldier of all time?" Sprig asked. "Here?" Tint asked. "Yeah," replied Sasha. "He's not so bad once you get used to him. Now hurry up nerds."

Sasha makes her way into town square while the group remains at the bridge. "She is persuasive, right?" Anne makes her way back into Wartwood, while Darrel stays behind. "Cronaxx, how dangerous is Captain Grime?" he asked. "Very dangerous, and incredibly strict," he replied. "I once spent time in Toad Tower because I defied his request to use magic. But, I escaped. He can't be trusted, no matter what he says."

Captain Grime stands on a cobblestone wall. He is shown with rough dark skin, a scar over his right eye and lip. His eyes, one glassy and one glowing green, stared down on the frogs of Wartwood. Sasha, Anne, and Darrel stood by his side.

"Frogs of Wartwood!" Grime announced. "We toads have come here to…" The frogs waited in suspense, scared of what Grime was going to say. "...Invite you to a banquet." The frogs, and Darrel were shocked by this. "The moment we heard that Anne and Darrel were here, we rushed over to reunite these two friends and hold a celebration."

"Aw come here you guys." Sasha gives Anne and Darrel a heartwarming hug, and wraps her arm around Darrel's. "Really?" Hop pop asked. "Yes," replied Grime. "Despite my rough exterior, I really am just an 'old softie'." Sasha gestured Grime to smile, which he did in an evil way.

"So what do you say Wartwood?" Sasha asked. "Are you ready to party back at the Tower?" The crowd remained silent until, "What do Anne and Darrel think?" Mrs. Croaker asked. Sasha gives a cute look in Darrel's face, and rubs her cheek on his. Darrel was uncomfortable, considering that it's the toads. But to Anne, she said, "Sasha's been my friend since kindergarten. If she says it's fine, it's fine."

"Whoo! All aboard the party barge!" Sasha announced. The frogs hop on the toad's party barge, that's being carried by a giant tarantula. Anne and Darrel were behind the frogs, but Sasha stopped them. "Darrel, Anne, you're with me." She points to her carriage.

"That's impressive," said Darrel. "Mind if the Plantars and the Salamanders come along too?" Anne asked. Sasha glared down, then said, "Of course I don't mind. The more the merrier." The Plantars cheered, but the Salamanders remained silent.

Along the journey, the Plantars and Anne were enjoying the ride on Sasha's carriage. Cronaxx, Tint, and Darrel however felt unease. "You get a bad feeling about this, Uncle?" Tint asked. "It's like going back into a dark memory Tint," he replied.

Darrel was watching the view, spotting the tower ahead. Sasha was sitting next to him. "Isn't this great, Darrel?" she asked. "We're finally together again, nothing can tear us apart." Darrel was at unease, "Uh, yeah. Um, I couldn't be more grateful finding you."

Sasha looks to the Eternal Staff. "So what's the deal with that jewel on a stick?" Sasha asked. "If you must know, this is the Eternal Staff," said Darrel. "It's the most powerful Staff known to all the wizards in Amphibia." Her reflection appears on the gemstone. "Ooh, so you have all the power in the world?" "Yes and no," said Darrel. "I'm still learning all there is to know about magic. There are some spells that are not meant to be casted."

Sasha takes his hand and says, "We'll when we get to Toad Tower, we'll make sure you're well trained by the best." Darrel glared at the thought in the staff, and Cronaxx looked cross at Sasha. For she does not know that Darrel is already being trained by a professional wizard.

The group, and the party barge arrive at Toad Tower The group stepped out first and Sasha introduced them to Toad Tower. "So, here we are." "Ominous," said an impressed Anne. "Obvious," said a concerned Darrel.

"Oh, Percy," Sasha called. A light green toad with a small helmet comes up. "Yes, Commander?" Percy asked. "I'm going to give Anne and Darrel a quick tour. Escort their friends to the banquet hall."

Sprig, Tint, and Polly want to go on the tour too, but Hop pop said, "Come on now kids, let Anne, Darrel and their friend get a chance to catch up." "Don't worry about it," said Anne. "We'll catch up with you guys later. Go ahead and have fun there." The amphibians head off into the banquet hall.

"You two seem certainly close with them," said Sasha. "Whatever happened to 'Ew! Frogs are the worst?'" "You'd be surprised to know how much we've grown since we got here," said Darrel. "The Salamanders were the ones who found me and took me in." "And the Plantars took me and the Salamanders in," said Anne. "We've been living in their basement since we got here."

Sasha was shocked, "A basement? Yuck! Follow me, I'm going to show you guys something crazy." She escorts them to her lounge quarters. "This is where I've been living," Darrel and Anne's eyes were impressed. "Hoopa de Boopa!" " Wowie Zowie!" Sasha's quarters were filled with luxurious furniture, statues and busts of Sasha, and posters of teen sensations from home.

Sasha snaps her fingers, "Yo, Brunton." The toad Brunton appears on command, "Oui, Commander?" "Bring us the usual," said Sasha. Before long, toads bring in platters of food from the human world that they perfected on making.

Darrel and Anne's mouths start to water. "No Way!" Darrel exclaimed. "Pizza? Tacos? Hamburgers? Spaghetti? Fried Chicken?!" "Woah, you've got ketchup?!" Anne exclaimed. "It just occurred to me we've been eating bugs for a month." They grab whatever food they could and shove it in their mouths like starving animals.

"Anything else, Commander?" Bunton asked. "Run the hot water please, for the shower," replied Sasha. "Shower?!" exclaimed the two humans. "Yep," said Sasha. "Now Darrel, I hope you remember your mother's lesson." Darrel smiled and rolled his eyes, "I know, Ladies First. Just don't hog all that hot water."

While Anne was taking her shower, Darrel took a look around. Chills were sent down his spine, telling him that something was wrong. "So, are you impressed?" Sasha asked. She offered him a cup of hot chocolate, which he accepted. "I don't understand Sasha," said Darrel. "There's no way those toads would just make you a commander when they first saw you. What happened to you the past month?"

Sasha put her drink down and started from the beginning, "Funny enough, it was the toads that found me when I first came here. They locked me up in a dirty cell and forced me to eat bugs. Long story short, I saved them from giant herings, and they made me lieutenant. Now that I got the toads to follow Grime, I was able to find you and Anne."

Darrel listened to her story very carefully. "Wow." He gets up to look out the window. "But now that I've found you both, we can use my toad connections to find Marcy and get back home," said Sasha. She touches his hands that are still holding onto his drink. "Isn't that great, sweetie?"

Darrel looks down at his drink, then looks up at Sasha's smiling face. "I suppose. Look Sasha, I think we need to talk..."

But just before Darrel could talk, Anne came out of the shower. "Hah! I feel refreshed," she said. "Oh, looks like I'm next," said Sasha. "Hold that thought, Darrel." Sasha takes her turn while Darrel is left with Anne.

"You okay, Darrel?" Anne asked. Darrel sighed, "It's like I don't know her anymore. Back when we were kids, she used to always listen to me. Now she's got all this attention from an entire toad army. All this attention, all this power. If she's not careful, she's going to lose everything that's truly important to her. Not only that, I still think Grime is planning something. And I think Sasha is going to be the one to tell us."

After Sasha finished her shower, Darrel took his turn. And then the three humans sat while drinking hot coco. "Wow, Sash," said Anne. "This is so surreal, I can't believe you're really here." "I know right," said Sasha. "And once this is over, we can finally find a way out of this crummy gross world." Darrel perked up his eyes, "Once what's over?" "Oh the rebellion," replied Sasha. "Since when is there a rebellion?" Anne asked.

"Look, I'll explain," said Sasha. "Just promise not to freak out or anything." She walks over to reveal a large map of all Amphibia to Anne and Darrel. "So, you probably noticed that the toads in this valley have one job: To rule over the frogs. And lately, those frogs have been stepping out of line. Turns out these rebels have been inspired by a certain frog."

She walks to a scroll and reveals the leader to Anne and Darrel. "You might just know him. Stood up to tax collectors, even ran for mayor against the local Toad." The portrait is revealed to be Hopediah Plantar. "How is Hop pop a revolutionary?" Darrel asked. "He's a farmer."

Sasha plops a bunch of newspapers and says, "Doesn't matter. Word has traveled like wildfire, and we have got to make an example out of him. So the toads are just going to feed them to that thing." Sasha shows Anne and Darrel a giant feral venus flytrap being harnessed by Grime and a couple other toads.

"You're going to feed him to Audrey II?" Darrel asked. "Here's the thing," said Sasha. "I struck a deal with Grime: I help him capture Hop pop, crush the rebellion, and Grime and his army will help us find a way home."

Anne and Darrel stood in shock. "The banquet trick, my idea obvi," said Sasha. "Now, we've got those slimy frogs right where we want them. Isn't this great?" "But what about Cronaxx and Tint?" Darrel asked. "They had nothing to do with this." "Who cares?" replied Sasha "They're just a couple of cheap magicians who got in the way."

Darrel and Anne look at each other, and realize what they have to do: Escape. "Could you excuse me for one moment? I need to use the restroom," said Darrel. "Actually, me too," said Anne. The two slip out of the door and rush off to rescue their amphibious friends.

The two rush to get down to the banquet hall. Darrel picks up some toad armor and weapons,, coming up with an idea to sneak past the toad guards. Darrel takes his staff, turns himself invisible, and carefully hides behind a cloaked Anne.

Anne opens the doors, revealing that the frogs are figuring out what's going on and the toads are ready to attack. "Enough!" she called in Sasha's tone. "Guards, leave us. I'll get these frogs to fall in line." She draws her sword and the toads leave, buying Anne's acting. The toads close the doors and Darrel and Anne reveal themselves to the frogs, Tint, and Cronaxx.

Sprig and Tint leap to their human friends, "We're so glad to see you," said Tint. "We've got a situation," said Sprig. "I know," said Darrel. "We're prisoners. And not only that, the toads plan to execute Hop pop." The frogs gasp, even Hop pop. "But why?" he asked. "Turns out, you've become an inspiration for rebellion all across the valley," She shows a copy of Hop pop's resistance poster to the group.

Hop pop takes a closer look at the poster and says, "Well, it's a good looking poster. I'M GONNA DIE!" Cronaxx steps up, "No, you're not my friend. None of us are going to give you up to them." "So what do we do?" Ivy's mom asked.

"The important thing is that we don't panic," said Anne. "Does anyone have any ideas on how to get out?" Loggle, the woodsmith stands up and says, I doooo….n't. I don't." Everyone groaned, unti Wally got an idea.

"How about we plant Boom Shrooms around the joint, and blow the place sky high?" Darrel levitates Wally and magically removes the shrooms from his vest. "We are not taking the risk of blowing us up with it, Wally," he said. "No boom shrooms." "Aww," groaned Wally.

"Okay," said Anne. "There's only one way out, and the toads are blocking the door." Suddenly, Darrel smells a foul stench on the floor. He spots a manhole cover. "Guys, the sewers could be our only way out!" he cried. He opens the iron grate and Polly was the first to jump in.

Deep in the sewers, Anne and Darrel help guide the frogs of Wartwood through the sewers. Wally tried to set off some leftover boom shrooms, but Cronaxx and Tint took them away from him. "We're taking no chances," said Tint.

Eventually, Anne and Darrel find a way out. They open the grate that leads to the tower's courtyard. "Fresh air," said Anne. "Finally," said Darrel. But their celebration was only limited when weapons were being pointed at them.

The toads surrounded their only escape route and Sprig and Tint came up to see the trouble. Sasha comes from behind the toad army. "Oh you two," she said. "Very disappointing." There was no way out, the frogs, Tint, Cronaxx, Anne, and Darrel were in trouble. "Now let's move, Grime's waiting for us."

At the top of Toad Tower, Captain Grime is feeding a snack for his pet flytrap. He turns to see the frogs, Anne, and Darrel being escorted by Sasha and the army. "Caught these prisoners trying to escape, Grime."

"Are you crazy?" Anne asked. "Shh," shushed Sasha. "I'm trying to get us home." "How is handing over Hop pop helping us get home?!" Darrel shouted. But Sasha shushed him too.

"Very impressive Sasha," said Grime. "Always playing Flipwart, when everyone else was playing Bog Jump." Darrel, Sasha, and Anne looked at him in a confusing way. Grime tried to explain that they are games that Amphibians play, until he realizes he's losing them.

"I'm trying to say you're smart," said Grime. "Oh, thanks Grimsey," said Sasha. They exchange their first high five. Darrel and Anne plead for one last time. "Sasha, come on," said Darrel. "There has to be another way," said Anne.

The toads point their weapons at Anne and Darrel. "There is no other way, creatures," said Grime. "Our very way of life is at stake. I don't expect outsiders like yourselves to understand."

He snaps his fingers and says, "Seize the traitor, Hopediah Plantar." Two toad guards proceed to take Hop pop by the arms and push Sprig and Polly aside. Anne and Darrel watched in horror, "Hop pop!" Anne cried. The two shove the toads, take their weapons and make the toads let go of Hop pop.

"Stay Back," said Anne. Darrel growled and gripped his glowing staff, preparing to fight. The toads got together and surrounded the frogs. But the frogs, Tint, and Cronaxx got into a fighting stance. It looked like a big fight was going to go down.

But then, "ENOUGH!" Sasha cried. "Anne, what are you doing? Are you really going to risk your life for these talking frogs? We don't even belong here. Don't you want to get back home? See your family?"

At that moment, Darrel recognized the talk tactic she's using. It was the same one she used back home to miss her family birthday party. Darrel had to try and stop her, "Hold on Sasha, we can't-" Before he could say anything else, Sasha put her finger on his mouth. Just like last time.

"Darrel, this is between the two of us. Just stay out of this. It has nothing to do with you," said Sasha. Darrel widened his eyes, he realized this was deja vu. Anne struggled to come up with words. Until Sasha said, "Then put your sword down now! End. Of. Discussion."

Darrel watched in horror as Anne was in the same scenario again. She struggled to keep her ground, and try to remain on Sasha's good side. Darrel couldn't believe that his girlfriend was doing this to Anne, again. He still wanted to go home, but not if him and his friends were being treated less. Anne lowers her sword, making Sasha feel victorious. "There we go, that's my girl," she said. "There, now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Sasha asked.

Then, something ticked inside Darrel. As if he became bolder than he ever did before. He wasn't going to let Sasha win this this time. He gripped his staff and stomped his foot down, causing a tremor on the top of the tower. "NO!" he shouted. Storm clouds began to surround the tower. Lightning and thunder strike from the sides.

He stands toe to toe with Sasha, making her feel a little shocked. "How dare you, Sasha! I thought you were better than this!" "Darrel, I'm-" said Sasha. Darrel raised his finger to Sasha's mouth. "Quiet Sasha. This time, I'm talking. This is not how I remember you," said Darrel. He takes out the photo of both him and Sasha when they were at home. "What happened to the girl who saved me from those bullies? The girl who introduced me to friends? The girl who said she would never hurt any of us?!"

Sasha was at a loss for words. She had never seen this side of Darrel before. Anne was a tad impressed. "What will it take to show you that you do not get to treat us like this?!" Darrel asked. "We are not your soldiers!" "I'm trying to do what's best for us!" Sasha shouted. "By killing one of our friends?!" Darrel shook his head, realizing that Sasha isn't going to listen to him.

Darrel had to make the toughest decision of his life. He stared into Sasha's eyes and said, "You know what? Fine! Stay with Grime, be his lieutenant, but I don't want to be any part of this! I am done with you!"

Sasha was shocked, "What? What are you-?" "You heard me," said Darrel. "I'm breaking up with you! We Are Done! End. Of Story!" He tightens the grip on his hold of the photo with Sasha, destroying it. Sasha was distraught and angry at the same time. She had just lost Darrel as her boyfriend.

Darrel looks to Anne and then back to Sasha. "Stand your ground, Anne," he said. "Why do you think she would listen to you?" Sasha asked. "Why else," was all Darrel replied with. Until he walked to Anne and kissed her on the lips. Right in front of Sasha. "Because I love her, and she loves me." Anne gained the courage to nod, letting Sasha know that Darrel is telling the truth.

Soon, her shocked expression turned into blind fury. Until she got mud thrown on her face. Sprig and Tint were the ones who threw it. "For someone who's Anne's best friend, you sure don't know her very well," said Tint. "She's brave, she's smart, and most of all, she's not going to be pushed around by a bully like you," said Sprig.

"I think I've had enough of you squeaky toys," said Sasha. She draws her sword to swing it at the two amphibians. Only for Anne and Darrel to stop her in her tracks. "What are you guys doing?" Sasha asked. "Something I should've done a long time ago," said Anne. "Standing up to YOU!" Anne pushes Sasha back, as Darrel casts a light spell hitting her right in the chest.

"Thanks for having our back guys," said Anne. "Spranne against the world," said Sprig. "What would you do without me?" Tint asked Darrel. "I would probably be dead," he replied smiling.

Captain Grime laughed at the irony that Sasha was in. He had frogs defy him. Now Sasha has her own friends standing up to her. "Since you've given me plenty of advice," he said to Sasha. "Now let me give you some: Stamp this out, make them yield. Fail, and nothing will ever be the same." Sasha stands ready to fight, "Not gonna happen."

"This should be fun," said Grime. "My friends! Instead of a messy free for all, I have a splendid idea. How about we settle this, the Toad fashioned way?!" He jumps onto a ledge, and the toads surround Anne and Sasha. "Trial by combat," Grime announced. "If your champion wins, you all go home. No harm, no foul. But if our champion wins, well…" He looks to his flytrap, who snaps vigorously. "Baby's hungry."

"Anne, you're going to have to do this on your own," said Darrel. "I trust that you can do this." "Anne, you know you don't have to do this," said Hop pop. "Yes I do," said Anne. Darrel knew she was right. She would have to stand up to Sasha at some point on her own. Just like him.

The two circle around the area, prepare their fighting stances, glare down at each other. And then, "BEGIN!" Grime announced. The two girls were swinging their swords, giving it their all. "What's gotten into you Anne? You were never like this back home!" said Sasha. "Do you ever stop talking?" Anne asked as she disarmed her.

The crowd gasped as if she had the victory. But Sasha pulls out a dagger, and stuns Anne's stance. She gets her sword back, takes off her cloak and throws it at Anne. Then, Sasha trips her and points her sword at her.

"They're just slimy little frogs, Anne," said Sasha. "They don't MATTER!" Anne looked down and said, "They're not just frogs, they're my FRIENDS!" Anne takes her sword and disarms Sasha of hers and her dagger. Giving her a small scar on her right cheek in the process.

Anne pins her down, and the frogs cheer for her victory. "It's over Sash," said Anne. "You're not going to push us around anymore." Sasha just gives her a defeated glare. "So how about it, big guy?" Anne asked Grime. "We're free right?"

Grime surprisingly said, "Yeah…I don't think so." He uses his tongue to snatch Hop pop from the crowd and dangle him over the flytrap. His action shocked the whole crowd. "Pretty cool huh? This ends now."

Darrel watched as the Captain of the Toad Army decided to go against his word. Suddenly a shine of bright red filled his eyes, his hands, and his staff. He breathed heavily, unable to control his anger at Grime. The storm clouds started flashing more lightning and more thunder rolling.

Darrel gives off a giant yell, giving himself into the storm. He starts to float in the center of swirling winds, making all the frogs, toads, and the salamanders anxious and scared. Darrel's eyes glowed brighter and brighter filling his eyeballs with light. Even his mouth started to fill with light.

Gusts of winds became more visible to the naked eyes of the crowd. Anne and Sasha were shocked to see their friend, who was once quiet and kind to others, show a much darker side. Darrel looks to Grime with dominance and his voice booms with thunder, "LET HIM GO!" Darrel points his staff to Grime, picking up Hop pop and pushing him off the ledge.

The strength of the winds suddenly caused the entire Tower to rip apart, brick by brick. Lightning strikes in random areas of the tower, causing minor explosions. But the damages make the stone bricks crack from below. Some of the large rocks from above squish Grime's flytrap below.

"What's happening to him?!" Anne asked loudly. "It's the power of the Eternal Staff!" Cronaxx shouted. "His anger is channeling into a dangerous storm that's too big to control!" "He has to calm down!" Tint shouted.

Hop pop orders everyone to get off the roof, and Anne stands up to try and get to Darrel. "DARREL!" Anne shouted. Darrel, who is looking up to the sky, blinked after hearing Anne's voice. "Listen to me! You have to calm down." Darrel looks to Anne, reducing the speed of the winds surrounding him.

"Hop pop is safe. You defeated Captain Grime. Now we can all leave this place, together." Anne grabs Darrel's hand, and Darrel looks down. "It's okay," said Anne. "I'm here. We're all here." Anne hugs Darrel, along with Tint and Cronaxx. Darrel feels the warmth of his friends comforting him, more than the anger flowing through him. Darrel closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and the storm disappears.

Darrel opens his eyes, revealing them to be normal again. "Thanks guys," said Darrel. Suddenly, the ground began to shake again. The tower started falling apart. "Anne! Darrel!" Sasha cried. The ledge that carried Sasha gave in and she started to fall. Darrel tried to catch her with his powers, but his head started throbbing. So he and Anne decided to try and rescue her the old fashioned way.

Anne dives to Sasha first grabbing her hand. Darrel grabs Anne's legs to make sure she doesn't slip off. With only little energy left, Tint, Cronaxx, then the Plantars came together to try and rescue Sasha. "We've got you Sasha," said Anne. "Everything's going to be totally fine. Just hang on." "We're all in this together," said Darrel. "We've got you guys, no matter what," said Hop pop.

Suddenly, the ledge started to crack behind Tint and Polly. Sasha, seeing the ledge give away too, looks down in sorrow. Then looks up to her friends. With tears in her eyes, all she said was, "Hey Anne, Darrel? Maybe you both are better off without me. Take good care of each other."

Darrel and Anne look in shock, just as Sasha let go of Anne's hand and fell. "NO!" "SASHA!" The group watched helplessly as Sasha fell from the tower. Until Grime leaped in and grabbed her before she could hit the ground.

The toads and frogs evacuated from the tower just in time when more rubble started to fall. When the shaking stopped, all that was left was an abandoned tower barley holding itself together. The toad banner, on top of the tower, ripped off the pole from the wind.

Anne and Darrel look down as they watch an unconscious Sasha being taken away by whatever was left of Grime's army. Anne looked in despair, and Darrel gave off a stern glare at the scarred toad. Grime glared back just as they wandered into the wilderness and disappeared.

Tint and Sprig looked to their human friends, "Anne, Darrel, are you okay?" Sprig asked. Darrel and Anne started to produce tears. "We could use a hug guys," said Darrel. The amphibians hug the crying teenagers after everything that happened to them..

Back in Wartwood, the frogs returned using the toads old party barge. Mrs. Croaker drove them all back home herself. All the frogs were exhausted, that they all returned home.

At the town fountain, Anne, Darrel, and their amphibious friends were resting there. "I know that was hard for you both," said Hop Pop. "But, thank you, for everything." "Hop Pop, you guys are my family," said Anne. "I'd never let anyone hurt you." Darrel placed his arm on her shoulder and said, "Neither would I." The two humans smile and touch foreheads.

"So," said Sprig. "You guys want to get breakfast and come up with some kind of plan to get Anne and Darrel home?" "It's going to be dangerous," said Hop pop. "Perilous even." "Understatement," said Polly. "It may be dangerous," said Tint. "But that's how we know it's a grand adventure." "Fear not for the future, weep not for the past," said Cronaxx.

"Whatever happens next," said Anne. "One thing's for sure, if we're together, I know we'll be alright." Anne and Darrel bring their amphibious friends in for a group hug, and look out over the valley. "Hugging a little tight there Anne," said Hop pop. "No I'm not, she said. The group knows another thing. That what happened yesterday, wasn't the end. This was just the beginning of Anne and Darrel's grand adventure. To journey across the lands of Amphibia, find Sasha and Marcy, and then work together to find a way to get back home.

And that concludes, season one of Loyalty Among Worlds. I know I've jumped multiple episodes from the season. But hopefully, I won't have to jump as much for the second season. Here's to the second half of the season. Let's hope Matt doesn't let us down.