
19. Reeling 'em In

Chapter 18 - Reeling 'em In

Today, the Plantars are planning their annual fishing trip. Hop pop was gathering all the fishing equipment. Sprig was getting the bait, which happens to be worms larger than him. Polly and Anne were bringing along leisure equipment.

The salamanders were coming along, hoping to catch a break from magic training. Tint only packed his sun shades, and Cronaxx brought along a fun book to read. "It's nice for the Plantars to invite us Uncle Cronaxx," said Tint. "It sure is," said Cronaxx. "I'm just wondering how Darrel feels about this.

Down in the basement, Darrel was writing more entries in his journal:

'The past few days have been very strange. However, they're not all bad, some of the past events have been very exciting too.'

'For starters, Anne and I helped the town of Wartwood after all the amphibians instantly froze. We had to keep everyone safe from being eaten by predators. With all the townsfolk in solid ice blocks, it was easy to keep track. Before long, we both got bored and had fun with the townsfolk. We played bowling with them as the pins, we slid down hills using them as sleds. All that changed when Polly was snatched by a mother weasel who needed to feed her young.

'Then, me and Tint tried to stop Sprig from trying to make Mrs. Croaker like him. He even tried to reunite her with what could've been her lost love. Instead, it was her mortal enemy. We were able to help him understand that not everyone is supposed to like him.

After we viewed the mountain pass, we almost got eaten by a family of horned bullfrogs in their inn. Thanks to Polly and Tint, we are able to see another day. Maybe Hop pop will give Polly more freedom, despite her size.

Then, me and Anne saw a strange moss creature that not even the people of Wartwoood would believe. So to get people to believe, we asked Wally to come with us. Because he claimed that he saw it on one of his travels. So we journeyed on to find the mysterious Moss man, only to come short with evidence. And the fact that One Eyed Wally admitted he made it up. But it didn't matter, because in the end we know what we saw and that's okay.'

[The next few pages were drawings of the Moss man, the Horned Bullfrogs, Mrs. Croaker's old enemy, and the weasel and its family that almost ate Polly.]

'Today I can finally catch a break. But I'm not so sure if I'm ready yet. Hop pop invited us on the Plantar family fishing trip. To get out of magic training, I said yes. Sprig told me of how he enjoyed fishing with Hop pop when he was a pollywog. I almost choked up in front of him, luckily he didn't notice when I bolted.'

'No one, not even my human friends, know that the idea of fishing on boats brings back emotional memories of my family. Especially my gra-'

Darrel couldn't finish his entry, instead he plopped a few tears on his page and pulled out a photo of an old man from his phone. The old man was seen in family photos, some are even with him in planes and boats. Darrel was a kid, and he looked so happy with him. Turns out that the old man was his grandfather.

Darrel thought back to the memories of the two of them fishing, riding in boats, and parasailing as well. After viewing the photos, he pulls up a song and listens to it. Darrel closes his eyes and thinks back to his pleasant memories.

After going through a bit of the song, Anne bursts in, surprising Darrel. "Hey Darrel, we're about ready to go," she said. Darrel didn't want to show Anne his tears so he wiped them off quickly. "Already? Man, time does sure fly. Let's go," he said. He bolts past Anne until she asks him, "Are you okay? Why'd you wipe your face?" Darrel replied, "I thought a bug just landed on my face." The two leave the basement and get on the boat.

Darrel looks back to the dock to see Silvia Sundew look like she came from a country club. "Hey Silvia, how's it going?" Darrel asked. "It's going great," Silvia replied. "Considering Hopediah invited me on this boat trip."

Sprig looked a tad nervous, because he was looking forward to spending time with Hop pop. "Oh, hey Silvia. Has anyone seen Hop pop?" Just then, Hop pop walks out, making a dynamic entrance. He is dressed like a regatta sailor, hands in pockets, and said, "Morning kids, ready for the fresco open water?"

"Dang HP, lookin' good," said Anne. "Isn't he dreamy?" Silvia asked. "Come on, my dear. I'll show you around the boat," said Hop pop. He takes Silvia by the arm and escorts her to the boat. "Looks like Hop pop is fishing for something else," said Anne. "Gross Anne," said Polly.

Sprig scoffed, "This doesn't change a thing. He and I are going to spend the day together, and have our special time." What he didn't know was that Darrel listened to his statement, and made him recall his memories.

"Anchors away!" Hop pop called. The gang cast off from the farm and into the creek. Only for them to forget that they're still tied to the dock. Luckily, Darrel used his magic to untie the boat. "To the sea!" Hop pop called.

The group journey forth down the river, with Hopediah and Silvia steering the ship together. Darrel wanted to help Sprig by getting the bait tenderized. But Sprig politely refused. "It's okay Darrel, I want to do this with Hop pop, whenever he's ready." Then, one of the worms hit Sprig, pushing him down.

Darrel nodded, understanding his motive. He goes to the edge and looks to the view. "Enjoying the scenery?" Cronaxx asked. He walks up to Darrel's side and rests his head on his arm. "I sure am," replied Darrel. "It surely brings back memories from home." "Are they pleasant?" Cronaxx asked. "They're more than pleasant," said Darrel. "They're one of a kind."

"Hey Darrel!" Anne called out. Darrel turned around to see Anne with a parasail and Polly in her bucket. "Come on! Come parasailing with us!" Darrel looked uneasy, seeing Anne with a parasail. "Are you okay?" Cronaxx asked. "I'm fine," replied Darrel. "I just have a normal fear of parasailing. Anything can go wrong if not done properly."

Darrel walked over to the girls, but Cronaxx knew he was lying. "Parasailing is easy," said Anne. "The wind does all the work." "Where'd you learn all this again?" Polly asked. "Hours and hours of extensive research," replied Anne. Darrel grinned, "Extensive research? Watching videos of other people doing it doesn't count."

Anne laughed, "Just watch me. I'll prove my mom wrong." She takes the sail and starts flailing around in the sky. Watching Anne made Darrel smile, but then the song he was listening to came into his head. Suddenly, he started seeing his grandfather in Anne's place.

Before he could get anymore emotional, he dashed his way to the lower decks of the ship. All alone, he let out his emotions. Sobbing like crazy, he looks back at his photos of his grandfather. "I miss you so much," he whispered. It was clear that his grandfather really meant a lot to him.

Tint and Anne followed him below deck after they saw him run off. "Darrel? Are you down here?" Tint asked. "Where are you?" Anne called. Hearing his friends call to him, Darrel gave his location. "I'm over here."

Tint and Anne find him sitting by a few crates. "You took off like crazy," said Anne. "Are you okay?" Darrel looked up to Anne with bloodshot eyes. Knowing the truth was out, he decided to tell them.

"I'm just really emotional about this trip, I thought I could handle it. But there are some things I just can't keep to myself." "Like what?" Tint asked. "Sprig and Hop pop's activities are the same things I used to do with my grandfather," said Darrel.

"Your grandfather?" Anne asked. "Yes," said Darrel. "We used to do the same things when the whole family goes on vacation for the summer. We used to go fishing, to the shores, even go whale watching, and parasailing in the water. My grandfather and I were the best of friends."

"He sounds like a swell guy," said Tint. "Was," was all Darrel said. Anne and Tint were surprised. "A couple years ago, Pop didn't feel up to going on the family trip. Then, my parents get a call from my grandmother telling us to come. I didn't know what to expect, but my gut had a bad feeling about this."

Anne and Tint continued to listen, "So we went to our grandparents place, and I saw pop. He was lying in a mobile hospital bed, in his usual spot, and he looked really weak. I saw the sadness in my grandmother's eyes, along with my parents. We all stayed together watching his favorite movie, Top Hat. And before I went to sleep, I did one last great thing for him. I stayed by his side. I held his hand, and I said 'goodbye'."

Tint and Anne were in tears hearing his story, "Ever since then, we stopped going to the shore. I felt I couldn't go back on a boat or parasail again after that. Until today." "So that's why you were quiet on us back home," said Anne. "Why didn't you tell us?" "I just couldn't bring myself to tell you," said Darrel. "I couldn't tell Sasha, but she kept bugging me. I had to ask my parents to stop her from pestering me."

Anne took a knee in front of Darrel, "It's okay that you miss him. That means you really care about your family. I'm so sorry you lost your grandfather. But I promise you I'm here for you if ever you need me."

Darrel looks up at his best friend, "We'll both be there for you," said Tint. Darrel looks back down, and then hugs his friends. "I'm the luckiest boy alive," he said. Anne and Tint returned their hug and sat with him for a moment.

Darrel wipes his face and says, "Alright guys, I think I'm ready to go topside." "That's the spirit," said Tint. "If you ever need a break, we'll be there for you," said Anne. Darrel nods and the three return above deck.

"So, your grandfather loved this Top Hat?" Tint asked. "He sure did," said Darrel. "When we watched it together, we used to sing our favorite song together." "What song?" Anne asked. "I'll tell you when we get back," replied Darrel.

For the rest of the day, the group continued their fishing trip. Anne continued to fail at parasailing, while Hop pop and Silvia were fishing. Cronaxx manned the helm, while Darrel, Tint, and Polly were watching Anne in amusement.

But for Sprig, he grew jealous of Silvia taking up his time with Hop pop. So he decided to sabotage the trip by making Silvia go away. But every attempt he made seemed to backfire on him.

Later on, Sprig was on the edge of the ship feeling down. Darrel decided to try and cheer him up. "Hey, what's wrong Sprig?" he asked. "This was supposed to be me and Hop pop's time together. Ever since Silvia came along, we didn't even fish once. All Hop pop ever does is spend time with her, and it's making me feel hurt."

Darrel looked to Hop pop and Silvia, who fortunately heard everything. So Darrel decided to do the right thing. "Would it make you feel better if I talked to them?" Darrel asked. Sprig nodded sadly, "Sure, knock yourself out."

Darrel gets up and runs into Silvia first. "Hey Silvia," "Oh, hello Darrel." "I need to talk to you and Hop pop." Silvia raises her hand, "Say no more, Darrel. I saw you two talking and I want to help." Darrel smiled, "Then let's go give Sprig what he was looking forward to," said Darrel.

Darrel and Silvia find Hop pop taking a small breather. "Oh Hopediah," called Silvia. "Hey Silvia. Hello Darrel. What's up?" said Hop pop. "Well, Darrel and I were discussing that you should spend some time with Sprig," said Silvia. "Sprig told me how you've been spending more time with Silvia. He's really sad, and wants to fish with his grandfather."

Hop pop looks to Silvia, and nods letting him know it's okay. "You two are right," said Hop pop. "I'll go get my fishing gear and you guys get Sprig." Just as Darrel was about to get to Sprig, he watched Anne getting hit by bugs on the parasail.

He takes his staff and brings Anne back down with a gravitational spell. "Looks like the spider caught himself a fly," he said jokingly. Anne laughed at his joke, "Thanks, Darrel. But I was so close." "You'll get there," said Darrel. "It's not easy without a professional."

Then, out of nowhere, they hear Silvia screaming. "What was that?" Polly asked. "That sounded like Silvia," replied Tint. Darrel scouted the waters until Hop pop and Sprig rushed on deck. "Cronaxx, turn this ship around!" Hop pop called. "Aye aye, captain," replied Cronaxx.

He turns the wheel, giving the ship a sharp turn. Sprig takes Anne's parasail and glides like a professional to get a bird's eye view. "How is he doing that?" Anne asked. "Sheer luck, Anne. Sheer luck," replied Darrel.

When the group gets closer, they find Silvia on a remote island. But then the island reveals itself to be a giant crab. The crab attacks the ship, damaging the bow in the process. "This crab is making me very scared," said Anne.

"Maybe," said Darrel. He takes the Eternal staff in hand. The gemstone glows, and winds flow through his makeshift cape. "But that crab is making me hungry." Darrel casts some winds to guide Sprig to Silvia. She catches his hand, and the two make their escape.

"Full astern, Cronaxx!" Hop pop cried out. "Aye aye, Captain," said Cronaxx. He puts the ship on full reverse as the crab gives chase. Darrel brings the two flying amphibians back to the ship and then creates a tidal wave knocking the giant crustacean on its back.

"Thank goodness you're safe Silvia," said Hop pop. "But, what were you doing on that crab?" "I went offshore to get you these," Silvia takes out a pile of blue flowers. "Your favorite flowers." Hop pop was stunned, "My favorite flowers are daffodils."

Silvia then looked at Sprig in a sternly way. Sprig chuckled until Tint spoke up. "Sprig, what did you do?" Sprig groaned, "I have a confession to make. Silvia, the reason you were on that crab and almost became a snack was because I'm a selfish petty child who wanted his Hop pop all to himself."

"Oh, now he admits it," said Polly. "You're a cool lady," Sprig said to Silvia. "And Hop pop's lucky to have you. We all are." Sprig takes one of the flowers and puts it on the side of her head. She smiles, and declares to continue fishing with the group. Darrel and Anne suggest going back for the crab considering how much meat it holds. But the group was silent.

Darrel shrugged, "Your loss." Darrel takes Anne's parasail and flies his way back, using the staff as his engine. He finds the crab struggling and he swings his staff to take down his delicious enemy.

Back at the Plantar house, the gang feed off the crab that Darrel took down. But, Anne and Darrel were going nuts having most of the meat on their plates. "Biggest crab we've ever caught," said Anne. "Despite not catching any fish, my grandfather and I don't leave the boat empty handed," said Darrel. "This wasn't my first crab I caught. But it certainly was the biggest in my book."

At the end of the day, the group say goodbye to Silvia and prepare to settle in for the night. Darrel and Anne were ready to settle in their bunks. "You know, despite a rough start, I actually had fun fishing with you guys," said Darrel. "I'm sure your grandfather would be proud of you." Cronaxx said, poking his head out the basement door. "Never forget: So long as the memory of certain loved ones lives in ones heart, one shall say that life is good."

As Cronaxx left for bed, Anne had one last question to ask. "So Darrel, what was you and your grandfather's favorite song from that movie you guys used to watch?" Darrel smiled, "It was the song that he and my grandmother danced to on their first date. Cheek to Cheek." Darrel takes out his staff and plays a musical aura as he begins to sing.

(Cheek to Cheek - Top Hat)

Heaven... I'm in heaven,

And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak.

And I seem to find the happiness I seek,

When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek.

Heaven... I'm in heaven,

And the cares that hung around me through the week,

Seem to vanish like a gambler's lucky streak,

When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek.

Oh, I love to climb a mountain,

And to reach the highest peak.

But it doesn't thrill me half as much

As dancing cheek to cheek.

Oh, I love to go out fishing

In a river or a creek.

But I don't enjoy it half as much

As dancing cheek to cheek.

Dance with me! I want my arms about you.

The charms about you

Will carry me through to...

Heaven... I'm in heaven,

And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak.

And I seem to find the happiness I seek,

When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek.

Before long, Darrel was dancing to the instrumental half of the music. Closing his eyes, he could feel that his grandfather is dancing in his shoes right now. He envisions his grandfather synchronizing to the dance moves along with his grandmother.

As the vision comes to an end, Darrel finds himself back in the Plantar basement. He yawns, telling Anne goodnight. "That was so beautiful," she said. "Why can't all men be like you?" "Because there's no one else like me," Darrel replied. "Ain't that the truth," said Anne. The two fall asleep, but not before Darrel thinks of one last thing. 'I should do something nice for Anne.'