
Lovingly In Love

"Why do you always create stories that end happily? Are you blind, hypocritical, or a woman living in a high-walled palace who can't see the suffering around you? Don't you think you've exaggerated the meaning of the word 'love'?" - Aron Henderson ***** "Do you know what your problem is? You lack patience. Be patient! Let love come to you and bring you happiness." - Juliet

violetpayne · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 20

At three in the afternoon, Aron was already at home. Although he had returned to work as before, before he started taking medications that worsened his condition, Aron couldn't work full hours yet. Most days, like today, he would arrive home by three in the afternoon because his body easily grew tired.

"Tell Tyrell to wait for me in the library when he gets home," Aron instructed a man in his thirties who was currently replacing Carter's duties. However, this time, Aron didn't fully entrust all the tasks to his assistant. He always did direct checks with the relevant parties first.

After conveying his message, Aron asked his personal servant to take him to his room. Inside the room, Aron furrowed his brow when he saw papers scattered on the floor and several food wrappers. What was worse, amidst all the chaos, Aleeza was sleeping facedown on the floor while typing on her laptop.

"Has a storm just passed through here?" Aron asked Aleeza, who was still busy on the floor.

"Honey, don't disturb me. I'm still busy," Aleeza replied without taking her attention away from her laptop. Occasionally, she ran her fingers through her hair and rolled around on the floor in frustration as she struggled to put her thoughts into writing.

Aron, who observed her, could only shake his head. "Is this really how you write? It's so different from your well-structured and enjoyable narratives. As far as I remember, there are no characters in your stories as messy as you are."

Aleeza shifted her position to sit cross-legged, facing Aron. "Most people tend to be like this. They only want the result without caring about the process. Even you, my dear husband, only enjoy reading my novels without wanting to know how I create them."

Aron chuckled. "That sounds like a cry from the heart of an author. Never mind, don't complain. If others only want the result, then give them the best result. The process, that's where your advantage lies compared to others. And in return, I won't complain either." Aron seemed to be thinking for a moment before saying, "But I guess I'll have a special room made for you. So you can mess up that room as much as you want."

Aleeza smiled. "Thank you, my husband."

"Now, clean up those papers. I need to pass through. Unless you don't mind having wheel tracks on your story manuscript."

"NO!!" Aleeza yelled as she quickly organized the scattered papers on the floor.

Aron, who heard Aleeza's scream, rubbed his ears irritably. "Why did you have to scream like that? I haven't even moved my wheelchair yet."

"For a writer, a work is like their child. That's why only crazy parents would stand by when someone says they'll crush their child."

Aron rubbed his lower lip with his thumb while pressing his lips together. At the moment, he was trying hard to hide his laughter.

Once Aleeza finished tidying up, Aron moved his wheelchair closer to the bed. "Is your work done?" he asked.

"Not yet," Aleeza replied with a tired expression. Then she looked at Aron. "Why? Is something wrong?"

"I'm about to move to the bed," Aron said.

Aleeza furrowed her brows in confusion but immediately stood up and approached Aron. It wasn't usual for Aron to rest this early in the day.

Unlike the first time Aleeza helped Aron move to the bed, Aron now only needed to lean on Aleeza's shoulder and lift his own body onto the bed.

The pain in Aron's legs had disappeared, although sometimes they still felt numb and tingling. But to be able to walk again, Aron still needed to be patient. His legs had been unused for three years and required extra training to be able to move again.

A few days ago, Aron had a comprehensive examination at the hospital due to Aleeza's insistence. It turned out there were no serious conditions to worry about. If Aron continued to practice moving his legs, it was highly likely that he would be able to walk again soon.

While at the hospital, Aron remembered the doctor who had somehow conspired with his stepfamily to prevent him from walking again. Most likely, that doctor was the one who introduced Aron's family to the medication he was taking.

If he wanted to, Aron could easily drag that doctor to jail. But Aron didn't want to waste his time dealing with something that was already behind him. Let God be the one to repay. However, if that doctor came back and disturbed him again, there would be no mercy.


Aron jolted in surprise, looking at Aleeza, who was now sitting in front of him.

"You were lost in thought," Aleeza informed him.

Aron's face reddened, but he didn't avert his gaze from Aleeza's eyes. "Why are you still here? Hurry up and finish your novel!"

Aleeza smiled. "You sound like you're asking for something else from me."

"Later, once you've finished writing," Aron replied.

"I want to know now," Aleeza insisted stubbornly.

Finally, Aron relented and chose to be honest. "My leg cramped suddenly for quite some time earlier. Can you help with a massage?"

Aleeza's concern was evident, but she tried to hide it so that Aron wouldn't feel bothered. "Of course. How could I refuse an opportunity to serve my husband?"

Aleeza got off the bed and picked up the remaining papers from the floor, placing them on Aron's work desk. Then she retrieved the balm that had already been prepared in the bedside drawer.

"You should lie down. Don't sit all the time. Have you not been sitting in a chair all day long?" Aleeza scolded when she saw Aron leaning against the head of the bed.

"I might actually fall asleep. I still have to meet Tyrell," Aron explained.

"What time are you meeting Tyrell?" Aleeza's stubborn attitude started to show. She didn't want to give in if she believed it was for Aron's own good.

"As soon as Tyrell returns from the office."

Aleeza glanced at the clock, which still showed more than two-thirty. Tyrell's office hours end at five in the evening, not to mention the time it takes to get home.

"Tyrell won't be home for a few more hours. Sleep for now. I'll wake you up when he returns," Aleeza suggested.

"I still need to check some documents before discussing with Tyrell."

Aleeza glared. "Sleep, or you won't need to meet Tyrell at all!" It was more of a command than a question, as Aleeza didn't give Aron a chance to choose.

"Okay, okay. I'll sleep. When you're like this, you resemble my mother." Aron grumbled as he shifted his body forward.

Aleeza promptly arranged a pillow behind Aron and helped him lie down. "Do you miss your mother?" Aleeza asked.

Only after lying down comfortably did Aron respond, "Well, sometimes." Aron shrugged as if he didn't care.

Honestly, in Aleeza's eyes, Aron now looked like a child trying to appear strong when, in reality, his heart was as fragile as a butterfly's wing.

With all her heart, Aleeza kissed Aron's forehead and then his eyelids. "Believe me, she misses you from heaven too."

"Hmm, I hope so," Aron replied without opening his eyes since Aleeza had kissed his eyelids.

Aleeza smiled and didn't disturb Aron any further as his soft snores could already be heard. Sleeping next to Aron every day made Aleeza aware that he would instantly fall asleep once his head touched the pillow when he was truly exhausted. And yet, this stubborn husband of hers insisted on waiting for Tyrell, even though he was already very tired.

Tyrell still looked puzzled now that he was in the library with Aron, considering that Aron had never discussed anything work-related at home with Tyrell before. Now Tyrell was wondering if this had something to do with their previous argument. Maybe Aron intended to use his authority to kick Tyrell out of the company. After all, Tyrell was not one of those protected by the late Jason Henderson's will. Only Keiran, Ines, and Mario were not to be removed from the house and the company.

"How was your meeting with the client earlier?" Aron asked casually. He couldn't meet Tyrell at the company because his brother-in-law was in a meeting outside.

"Everything went smoothly and in the company's best interest," Tyrell replied confidently. In reality, he wasn't trying to deceive Aron as he had done before when Carter hadn't been caught.

"Good," Aron said. After a moment, he spoke again. "Do you enjoy your job?"

Tyrell furrowed his brow, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. Perhaps his hunch was correct that Aron intended to use his power. However, Tyrell wouldn't give in easily. As long as he thought he wasn't doing anything wrong right now, Tyrell wasn't afraid, even when facing the company owner, Aron Henderson.

"Of course, I do," Tyrell answered Aron's question challengingly.

Hearing that, Aron smiled faintly, which truly surprised Tyrell. Since marrying Ines about a year ago, Tyrell had never seen Aron display any expression other than a cold and emotionless one. Now, out of nowhere, Aron was smiling.

"No need to be like that. I don't intend to fire you," Aron said calmly. "Actually, here's the thing. When I found out Ines was getting married, I had someone investigate her future husband's background. This was completely unknown to anyone, including Carter. I did it to make sure Ines's fiancé was a good man, not a thug, a drunkard, or the like."

Tyrell was genuinely surprised. Hasn't there always been a strong enmity between Aron and his stepfamily? So why did Aron speak as if he cared deeply about his stepfamily?

"Why?" Tyrell asked in confusion.

"Why what? You also have a younger sister. Surely, you understand how I felt when my sister was getting married."

Confusion and surprise had not yet left Tyrell's face. He didn't even know what to say. Finally, he asked the most logical question. "Then what?"

"I know that your father built the company with his own hands. But because one employee was dishonest, the company had to be sold. As a son, you hoped to rebuild your father's legacy. But you couldn't do it because that small company has now fallen into someone else's hands."

Once again, Tyrell was shocked. Only his mother and his two younger sisters knew about this. As soon as he graduated from college, Tyrell had tried everything to regain control of his father's company. However, financial limitations and a lack of connections had forced Tyrell to put his plans on hold until he ended up at the Henderson Group.

"And then?" Tyrell could only manage to ask that.

"Two weeks ago, I successfully purchased that company, which was actually going bankrupt. So, I plan to return it to you and help it stand on its own. Consider it a very belated wedding gift."

"But—why? Why are you doing this when Ines and I have been so cruel to you?" Tyrell still couldn't believe what he heard and saw from Aron Henderson.

Once again, Aron displayed a faint smile. "Even if you were to kill me, it wouldn't change the fact that you are my family."

Suddenly, Tyrell's eyes welled up with tears. The person he had fought against, the person he had always tried to bring down, was actually an angel at heart.

If he thought about it again, Aron had never done anything wrong to him or his stepfamily. Even though the facts were right in front of everyone that his stepfamily and Tyrell were involved in a conspiracy to bring him down, Aron's stepfamily was still living comfortably, even though it would have been easy to gather some evidence to put Tyrell, Ines, Keiran, Mario, and the others in jail.

Among all the wrongs they had done to Aron, he was still willing to give Tyrell what had been his dream for so long.

Finally, Tyrell bowed his head in shame. He truly felt that he had no face left in front of Aron. "I—I don't know if Ines will agree to come with me. The company is located outside the city, in my hometown."

Aron patted Tyrell's shoulder casually. "Ines has wanted to leave the crowded capital city like this for a long time. But she hasn't had the chance and doesn't know how to do it. She's only been following what Keiran asked her to do and approves of." Aron sighed. "Keiran's disappointment in my father turned her into an evil woman, eventually dragging her children into an endless feud. If you were Ines, would you also stay silent if you met the child of the woman your mother considered a rival to your father? Surely what caused your mother pain would also be a source of pain for you."

"Then, what about yourself? Isn't your stepfamily also the source of your biological mother's pain, leading her to commit suicide? But why can you forgive them and not hate them like Ines and Mario hate you?"

"Maybe because I'm a weak man."

Now Tyrell understood that Aron was just being humble. Clearly, that wasn't a weakness. Aron's character showed how strong and steadfast his heart was. While the hearts of those around him were eaten away by hatred and jealousy, Aron remained calm with his firmness.

Tyrell stood up and walked to the side of Aron's chair. Still feeling embarrassed, he knelt down. "Aron, I'm sorry for everything I've done to you."

Aron smiled. "Stand up quickly, and don't make me feel terrified because if Aleeza kneels like that, she's definitely planning to kiss me."

Hearing that, Tyrell quickly stood up with a bright red face. But then he remembered something. "Be careful with Aleeza too. She's Keiran's spy."

"Don't worry about her. I've already bribed her with something much bigger than what Keiran offered."

"Is that so? Well, that's good." Tyrell appeared relieved. Now he didn't know what else to say. "Um, I guess I'll inform Ines about this."

"Yes, please do. I still want to read my book."

Tyrell nodded and then left with a joyful expression.