
Loving You Soo..

There is so much pain, I want to forget this pain. I will never return to your side neither in this or another life. Who's she? Why is her presence is so familiar? Why am I attracted to her? These are the questions He asks himself everytime he meets her.

Amira_R · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


Shylin has finished reading the two pages of books when the two girls behind her started talking about the College program that was going to held on the celebration of completing 50 years of establishment.

"Hey, I heard that there will be a concert at night".

"Yeah, I heard that College band will perform with the famous singer and siblings, Amila and Arika."

"Oh really, then I would also be going" and then the teacher came.

In break, Thyme came to her, " Will you come to the program?"

He asked her, She hasn't decided yet. So she just replied, "Maybe.. and yo"

"Me too I haven't decide, yet", he just pressed his lips and replied.

All the students started preparing their performance for the program

Thyme also participated in the program as one of the MC

He has practiced since the last two days and is about to finish his practice.

On the other hand, Shylin has been busy in her part time job as she is doing double shift since there are lesser class for the preparation of the program.

She works in a departmental store which also provides the delivery service but there are only two staff in a shift. One for store keeping and another for delivering.

Shylin is there for store keeping but today she is delivering things in place of her colleague since her colleague has injured her leg while delivering in the morning.

It's already 6, and she has worked from 4 in the morning, she is very tired. After 7 they usually don't accept calls from clients for delivery to the next 8 a.m in the morning.

Although their store is small, the products of it are of high quality, so the shop has become famous overtime.

Shylin has just entered and she notices that her colleague is taking a call, after just drinking two sips of water she again rides her bike and goes to deliver.

On the way of , she remembers that the college program is being held today.

So, She stopps her bike and turns to the direction of college.

As She enters the college, she sees that the college is decorated with lights and is looking very beautiful . She runs along side the lights decorated on the tree towards the auditorium.

As she got nearer to the hall she was able to the resounding sounds of clapping and cheering.

She picked up her pace and strided her feet more quickly.

As she entered from one of the doors. She saw that a handsome man wearing a black tuxedo was hosting the show with an elegant lady, they were both complementing each others look as well their presence was making the show more lively.

She just looked at them for a moment before taking her steps back,.. in the stage the two MCs were welcoming the artist of the concert.

Thyme was looking at the whole audience from time to time his eyes were moving from one direction to another as if he was searching for someone.

After searching for the entire program he has exhausted his mind and eyes so he was just focusing on hosting the show but he just saw a glimer of hope in one of the doors which brought back his liveliness in hosting but in just few seconds the person on that door just disappeared so he became a little restless, after announcing the name he just came down from the stage and followed her through the door.

But He became unable to catch her as she had already taken a lift.

"Who were you searching for?" a lady's voice came behind him, He turns around and walks pass her.

After some steps he looka towards the lady, "Hurry up , we need to reach to the stage before the performance finishes ", He sounded somewhat stern.

After that he walked towards the stage without looking back.

It's already past 6:30, the sky has already started to become darker and only the few parts of the hills were drown in the orange shade of sun.

She had to deliver the goods at the top of the hotel R. So, she took a lift and when she went to the destined room, she rang the bell but no one came, after ringing the bell for few times, she knocked on the door with her palm but the door was open.

She was slightly surprised by the sudden opening of door due to her knocking then she called to the customer who had placed the order, again no one picked up but she heard the ringing of phone from inside.

After a minute, she opened the door and went inside the room there was no one in the room but a mobile was on the tea table, so she just guessed that there must be someone inside other rooms.

"Hello"..."Hello, your order has arrived" Shylin said.

But again there was no reply. She was just taking a few steps inside when a golden retriever came to her wiggling his tail.

Shylin knew that the dog is friendly and won't harm if it wiggles its tail. But she didn't knew that it wasn't coming towards her but it was trying to escape from the open door which she left opened.

Unfortunately, the dog tricked her and went outside, Shylin didn't know what do and she just ran after the dog, the dog made her run through the corridor and finally it came back to the room she was so tried that she was huffing and puffing, so this time she closed the doors as the dog went inside.

She wasn't being able to take breathe so she just squat on the floor but she saw that there was a swimming pool outside the window glass. She thought maybe the orderer must be outside so he wasn't listening to her, She opened the glass door and went to the side of swimming pool but still there is noone after looking at every nook and the corner of swimming pool she figured out there is really no one so she was about to leave but her feet slipped on the water spilled on the foor and with splash she entered the water.

She started swimming in hurried way as she had just only learned to swim for a week in her junior high, she was struggling to swim but somehow she reached near the bar but before she could climb up her eyes started closed, she felt like she was fainting. Her body again started to drown in the water.