
LOVING YOU: A Second Chance At Love

Three years… That is how long Eunice Tsui was in a coma after the car accident, and now that she has awoken, it is time for the perpetrator to pay his debts. Returning to the country that never gave her a warm home, she will start to corner the rats hiding in the sewer and terminate them with her own hands. However, her well-thought-out revenge compromises when Jullian Lopez keeps appearing before her. What will be his role in the stage she built for the culprits to gather around? EXCERPT: “Mommy, I missed you!” A four-year-old boy rushes to her side and gives her a loud kiss on the cheek. “How’s my baby?” “Mommy, don’t embarrass me!” Eunice raised a brow and chuckled. “You will always be my baby. Besides, we’re the only people here. Why would you feel embarrassed if I called you baby?” Jillian looked past his mom and pointed at the man who emerged from her bathroom only wrapped in a bath towel, barely covering anything. “Eunice Tsui! Why does that child look so much like me?” “Jullian Lopez, stop assuming. We never sleep together!” Jillian shifted his gaze from the two adults and then to the bedroom, which looked like a super hurricane had passed because of how chaotic the bed was, as was every corner of the room.

Elise_Elleneth · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


"You wish to see your grandmother, right?"

Instantaneously, Eunice's face darkened upon hearing that. Displeased at how he put his nose on her family matters, she couldn't control herself and snapped. "What is it to you if I am, Mr. Lopez?"

"Whoa, please, I have a genuine intention. You do not need to overwork it and treat me as your enemy."

"Then how should I treat you instead, Mr. Lopez?"

"Well, since our companies are doing a project together, you can trust me as your subordinate until you accept me as your friend. I believe it is not too much, isn't it?"

Eunice fell silent, and Jullian assumed she had permitted him to speak further.

"Alright. Robert Lim is hosting a surprise banquet for Miranda and Leah, and he only invites the elite families. But one highlight of the party is Madam Mirasol. She will also be present at the banquet. Therefore, I believe it could be the ideal chance for you to see your grandmother. So? What do you think?"

"Why are you telling me this, Mr. Lopez?"

"You can be my plus one."

"What?" Eunice was stunned. She thought, 'How could that be possible when Leah is his fiancee?'

It will be exciting news that will spread to the entire elite society.

'Is he out of his mind? Why would he want to be seen with another companion? Does he want to stir trouble?' She wasn't sure what game Jullian was playing.

Suspicion clouded her thoughts as she pondered his actions. "Why are you doing this, Mr. Lopez? Would you benefit anything from this?"

"Nothing, actually. I just wanted to lend a hand. Is that so bad, Miss Tsui?"

"Indeed, there's nothing wrong with lending a hand." Eunice purses her lips into a stern smile. She snorted, "How kind of you, Mr. Lopez? Life would be much better if there were more like you in this world."

Jullian chuckled. He knew very well that Eunice's words weren't complimentary but full of sarcasm.

"You were Grandma Mirasol's granddaughter. Of course, her entire family should be present. Don't you think so?"

Eunice still needs to be convinced that Jullian has a good intention of helping her. There is no such thing as free in this world, small or big; it always carries a favor that must be returned.

Hence, she pointed it out. "Mr. Lopez, you must have forgotten that I am Tsui. Even if Grandma wants to see me, Aunt Miranda and Leah will not let us meet. And so..."

"Miranda and Leah didn't know about it," he said, cutting her.

"What did you say?" Eunice didn't see that coming. She couldn't shake off the feeling of doubt and suspicion about his ulterior motives.

"I was the one who suggested to Robert that he should bring the matriarch to the party." Jullian then explains. "I advised him that if they want to climb the elite circle and gain solid ground, the matriarch's presence would be an immense help for the family if the circle witnessed that the matriarch is still involved in upper-class society."

"Wow. How can you be sure they will bring Grandma, as you suggested? You don't know Aunt Miranda very well. I am sure she will be cautious."

"They would never argue, as I was the one who made the request," Jullian assures her. His confidence in his voice is evident, so his following words baffle her.

"If you would like, take Grandma Mirasol with you."

Eunice had mixed feelings upon hearing it. She felt like Jullian wanted her to be indebted to him, but she badly wanted to see her grandma.

Ever since she had been in a coma for three years, and it took time before she could walk again, this was her opportunity to meet and hug the older lady.

'What does he aim to achieve by doing this?' she mused.

At that moment, Jullian finally piqued her interest.

"Alright, Mr. Lopez. Thank you for the information you shared. However, I will attend the banquet on my own arrangement; therefore, you do not need to extend an invitation. Have a good day."

Eunice hung up and threw her phone on the table. She closed her eyes and heaved a long sigh.

Jullian's call surprised her greatly, as she never wished to cross his path. However, the man seems to put his nose into her affairs. And it was never in her wildest dreams that he would initiate inviting her to be his date at a banquet.

'He was out of his mind!'

Whatever game he was playing, she had no time to play along. Her hands were already full, and once she acquired the Dela Cruz company and handed it to the rightful owner, she had no reason to stay in the country but to return to Switzerland and live a quiet life with her son Jillian.

"That's really cool!"

Eunice was so lost in thoughts that she missed noticing the man approaching her from behind. Thus, she was startled when he suddenly spoke.

"You're back!"




After instructing Paul, Christian returned to the presidential suite and found Eunice in the study, sketching something on her drawing tablet. But when he approached her, she noticed that her mind was wandering somewhere.

"That was really spectacular," he praised.

Eunice looked up and smiled. Her eyes were gleaming with proudness. "Thank you."

Christian took the space next to her on the sofa. As her hand glided across the screen, deftly wielding the drawing pen, he couldn't help but be filled with admiration. The fluidity of her movements and the skill with which she created her art were truly awe-inspiring.

"Where do you plan to build that?" he asked after he settled comfortably on the soft cushion.

He could presume that Eunice had almost completed the draft as she applied color schemes to her drawing.

"Hm? Where should I build this children's park? Actually, I'm considering it for Jillian. But I also had in mind the construction of this park in the neighborhood where Mama and Aunt Lhyn lived with Grandpa and Grandma. But there are more houses there now. It saddened me that there were no longer memories I could reminisce about."

The old place where her grandfather and mother settled in the past also became the spot she ran to when Leah and Miranda went too far with their bullying towards her.

"Is that a problem? They were just houses."

Eunice looked at Christian with astonishment. His words implied he was ready to throw more money at her just because of her capriciousness.

How much did he already waste for the sake of her revenge? They were not just talking millions here.

"You are spoiling me too much," she uttered coquettishly.

Christian only shrugged a shoulder and then dotingly enunciated, "As long as it is for you, it would never waste money. You're mistaken if you think it would not be worth it. They are precious memories of the people so dear to you; now they are mine, too. And I don't want you to think it will be a waste of money."

Upon hearing that, Eunice couldn't conceal her emotion; the corner of her eyes immediately moistened.

After Mirasol becomes a widow, she is reunited with her first love.

In the past, her parents didn't approve of that man but arranged for her to marry someone from a wealthy family. Mirasol opposes and plans to elope, but her own family imprisons her. Hence, that man left the airport alone.

When he returned, Mirasol bore two children from another man, which broke his heart. However, despite what happened, he still loved her. Mirasol is his only woman. Therefore, when she became a widow, he took the opportunity to give their love a second chance.

However, Mirasol's in-laws are against her second marriage. They did everything they could to drag her back to Claire City.

"My grandparents never had a happy ending. Mama and Aunt Lhyn suffered in the Dela Cruz family."

"Soon, they will pay tenfold for what they've done to you, my love."

"Thank you." Eunice rested her head on Christian's shoulder. The latter patted her on the back to comfort her.

"Now's not the time to get emotional. The styling team will be here soon, so you have to get ready and doll yourself up."

"Styling team? Don't tell me Wanda is coming."

After half an hour of waiting, her friend Wanda entered her bedroom with a suitcase in her hand. She threw the suitcase on the bed and jumped on her to hug her tightly.

"Eunice! I missed you so much!" Wanda cried like a river that startled Eunice.

Eunice chuckled and mouthed. "We just hung out a few months ago."

"Still…" Wanda pouted before she exploded with crisp laughter.

When Leah bullied her, Wanda would buy the fight to protect her.

And because Wanda is from an affluent family, Leah is often forced to retreat and find another way to tarnish Eunice's reputation at the school.

When Wanda lost contact with her five years ago, she flew to Switzerland and looked for her. Then, she crossed paths with Paul, who worked at Meier and Muller Corporation.

At first, Wanda had no idea that Paul had approached her with intention. But after proving that she is genuinely concerned for Eunice, Paul then confesses the truth and escorts her to the Muller Chateau, where Eunice receives treatment while she is in a coma while pregnant with a baby boy.

Wanda released Eunice, then asked, "How's my baby?"

Out of nowhere, a charming young man proclaimed over a video call, "I am not a baby anymore!"

His attire comprised a gray coat over a white shirt, blue pants, and black boots. He stomped his right foot and crossed his arms above his chest like a dignified young prince.

"Oh, there you are, my baby!" Wanda smiled gleefully upon seeing Jillian wearing the horseback riding outfit she made for him. "Aw, look at that! Isn't your pretty fairy godmother amazing?"

Sure, she is carrying her own chair. But there is truth in her words. While Eunice was in a coma, Wanda studied clothing design while helping Christian take care of her until Jillian was born through a CS procedure. When Eunice has no sign of waking up, Wanda steps in as Jillian's second mom.

"You are wrong, Auntie! I am just such a cutie; that's why."

Wanda's belly laugh was loud and could be heard outside. She wished she could pinch those chubby cheeks.

"Tell me, girl. Is her sense of humor something he inherited from his dad?" she asked Eunice while wiping the tears from her eyes because of her laughs. The kid sure brings happiness to their life.

Being asked like this, Eunice nodded and smiled.

"Hm. He is as bright as his daddy."

Wanda probed her head as he scanned the little guy on the other end of the video call. She blinked her eyes several times as she caught a resemblance to someone who had often been on the news recently.

"But why does he look so much alike to the Lopezes?" she asked Eunice out of curiosity.