
Loving the Betrayed wife

Allyana is almost had everything in her life. From a billionaire family, Beautiful, Kind, only child, love of her parents and above all; the man she loves the most. She couldn't ask for anything more in her life, because he was content with what she had. However, her life suddenly changed... when she got married the man she loved. She discovers a secret betrayal, between her husband and her bestfriend; Keane. Her world almost collapsed and she jusr endured the pain, because she didn't want to destroy the family she want built and friendship. But, despite of her endurance and secret suffering, she will meet a man who will save her, from her downfall. Can she abandon the family she built, to be with the man who makes her happy? Or fight for her rights as a wife.

NictsTags · Urbano
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6 Chs

First night


After the wedding at the church, we went straight to the reception hotel. While we were in the church earlier, my joy was truly indescribable. I feel so happy, because Dylan and I are completely married. He is my everything. My love. For being to ling together, finally we will be having a family together.

"Congratulations!" everyone greets for us.

"Thank you!" I replied to them.

I can see some of my friend and Dylan, who was very happy for us. They greet Dylan and me. I can feel their happiness for the both of us.


 Some guests and acquaintances of Mommy greeted us too. There's a lot of them who came to our wedding, even media's was there to witness our wedding. Even if, we want a private wedding celebration.. we can't, because we are a well-known family. That's why, we can't avoid them to found out; especially my marriage.

"Thank you for coming!" Dylan said to them.

After that I can something about Dylan. It seems like, he's looking for someone. But then, I didn't ask him. 

"Honey, I'm just going to the restroom for a second,'' he whispered to me.

I nodded to him, then he left. That's why I mingled with our guests, especially my friend and we even joked around. 

"So, when do you plan to have a baby?" asked one of our friends, Trisha.

I hit her arm.

"We don't need to think about that!" I said and chuckled.

They laughed.

"Okay! Even tonight, right, bestie? Haha!" I heard Keane say who suddenly came and laughed.

Everyone laughed at what she said. Later, someone suddenly kissed my cheek. It's Dylan.

"What did I hear, huh?" he said laughing, looking at our friends.

"Oh! You know what you have to do! We should be godmother and godfather to your first baby!"

"That's right!"

"Of course! Isn't it honey?" Dylan said and winked at me. So everyone cheered because of what he said. I just shook my head at him.

A lot more happened that day and I was happy because they were all happy for us. That's why at night,bDylan and I said goodbye to them. It was full of excitement again because they were sure of what we would do. Dylan even joked with them before we left.

The reception was held in a luxury hotel, so we also have our own room here and it belongs to our family. Daddy prefers to hold the reception here, so that if we are tired or want to rest, we will have our own room. That's why while we were inside the room. I sat in a chair, facing the big mirror. I'm slowly removing what's in my hair. Even the necklace on the back and earrings.

I glanced at the ring in my hand. I can't help but smile because of what I see. This is a sign of our love infront of God and I will never regret having him as my husband. For a long time, I longed to be with him forever in the same house, sleeping with him and even waking up.

I didn't notice Dylan's sudden approach to me. He bent down and hugged me, then kissed me on my cheek.

"It's beautiful," I said while looking at the ring.

He brought his hand closer and pressed our hands together, where we both had our rings. I smiled.

"I'm so happy, Dylan," I told him. I felt him kiss my hair.

He helped me to stand up and made me face him. I saw the joy on his face. He held my face and caressed it gently.

Later, he gradually brought his face closer to mine and I felt his lips touching mine. He gently moved his lips, which I immediately responded to. I surrender wholeheartedly to the kiss we share. I felt his hand on my back, slowly lowering the zipper of my gown. Until I felt it fall to the floor. My hand also moved and removed the coat he was wearing. He removes my clothes and I do the same to him, while we're kissing.

Later on, we both let go of the kiss and stared at each other. I saw how he stared at me, even though I still wearing undies and brassiere. He grinned and I was stunned, as he completely removed the remaining covering from his body. That's why I stared 'there' between his legs, I suddenly turned away from him because of my strange feelings. In all my life, I've never seen anything like that in real. Sometimes I watch porn videos but I'm not like others who used to watch them often. I have limits and Dylan doesn't want me to watch porn videos.

Dylan and I used only to kiss and hug. He doesn't want to go overboard and I'm glad for that. Except for the show I saw last night, which Keane surprised me with. So I know now, that he is excited to finally have me. Because of that, I ended up going to him and I am now his wife. He has the right to do what he wants too me. But I know he will respect whatever my decision is, even if I don't want to.

But this night, I want him to be happy. So I will give him what he wants. But the fear was still there in my mind, so I was hesitant about what the result would be.

Because I know it hurts at the first time. That's what I've always heard ever since, when my friends talk. So I can't help but be nervous now, because I know it's going to be gone tonight. But I am now determined to give it to Dylan, because it is my duty as a wife.

He kissed me again while caressing my cheek. I also reciprocated every kiss he gave. I could feel how he treasured every kiss he gave to me. I felt his love for me, as if I was the only woman he deserved. The woman who is only one for him and will be with him for life.