
New life situation

She did not realize that her mother was up and out in the living room. As soon as the man said those words, she drops on the floor and started crying. She went to her and held her.

The man showed her some documents and she couldn't understand anything he said, pointing out the name and sign of her Father.

"Mom, do you have any idea about the loan that Dad had took?" Yeah, what if it is not her Father's sign, either someone has used his stamp and forge it. "Mom?!"

Her mother didn't say a thing.

"Mom, say something! They couldn't just barge in and take all the things here." The men started putting some stickers to the furnitures, tv, and their equipments. She wanted to shout at them but no sound came out from her mouth. She saw one man whose about to enter her room. "Hey! Don't you ever dare enter my room!!!" She run after him and shouted. It halted the man in opening her room door and then in an instant, she was infront of him and blocking his way.

"Move lady! I do not have the whole day."

"I won't let you touch my things, not a single one of it." The man towered and tried to shoved her but she did not budge.

"Thats enough! Leave her be." The man looked at her and stared at her with desdain. She maintained her posture and firmly looked him in the eye.

They put stickers mostly at the valuable items. As soon as they fiinished putting the stickers they left with a word that stunned her. " We will give you 3 hours to pack your things and leave this place. If we found out that you are you still here, we will charge you as trespassers. You understand?!"

She cannot believe that they will get charge as trespassers in their own house. She saw her Mom picked up herself and maintained her composure. She did not say anything as she started to move and went to her room. She was worried that her Mom will get the most shocked of the situation but it seems like she is handling it normally.

She followed her in the room and saw her packing her things. " Might as well pack your things and leave before they charge us as trespassers in our own house." She looked me in the eye and I can see the pain living in it.

She did not respond to her and left her packing her own while she headed to her own room.

Time pass so fast that she did not even recover most of her things as she looked back at the house where her life started. It never occur to her that in a blink of an eye, her life will change tremendously. Her Mom was still silent which bothers her a lot.

"Mom?! Where should we go now?"

Her Mom looked at her with a blank expression. She didn't say a word and without saying anything she started walking with her own bag to the streets.

She was so confused and for a minute there she started worrying about her Mother. She followed her and catch up with her with luggage in tow.

It was this moment that she decided to be in charge when she noticed the odd behavior of her Mother. Rhian knows that her mother is so fragile and so dependent with his father. It is a big blow for her not having her Dad's presence.

"Mom, lets go to Aunt Ming's house?" I did not receive a response from my Mom, so in that instant I grab her hands and started leading her to the bus stand. If she could use her little buddy right now, then it would be of great help. She couldn't get it because its in the service center and she doesn't have any money to pay for the service. Their cellphones got taken away by those people. She had no number memorize so she couldn't even call Rolly about what happened. She remembered about Dylan, the person who helped a lot but guess it's time to move on without him and she cannot ask more favor as he already did much to them.

Her Aunt Ming is her father's cousin. She is a middle age woman with no husband nor kids. She lives in the outskirt of the city which was way far from the mainland. She is living a simple life and I know for sure that my Mom will definitely refuse to stay with her. But with her state right now? I wondered if she can do that as she seems so void with emotions from the time they left the house and up until they reach her Aunt's house.

She got welcomed by a big hug as soon as her Aunt see them coming. Despite the long distance relationship she had with her Aunt, still she remembers how fond she is with her. I couldn't hold back my tears as I hugged her back.

"Its alright dearie..." she did not say much but it leaves a good feeling in her heart as if a big block got lifted and have it pumping again.

"What on earth is happening here?" Dylan got the biggest surprise as she went to the house only to find out that it got locked up and with a notice that it was owned by some bank and its foreclosure.

He tried calling the number but its out of coverage area. He keeps calling but he receives the same answer.

He dialed a different number and in just one ring the other end answered it.

"Find her!" Without even waiting for the reply, he ended the call, drove the car with a murderous look in his face.