
Loving Noemi

Daniel Sanders was what you may call every girl's dream. He was rich, handsome and one of the most eligible bachelors around the globe. He would have called himself the happiest man alive, had he not lost or rather threw away the one person who was the source of all his happiness - Noemi Miller. When fates brings her in front of him after all these time, he wants her back, no matter what. But Noemi doesn't want anything to do with him and Daniel is willing to do everything to change that. But things are a lot more complicated than he thought it would be, especially when there's someone else in the picture. And that someone just so happens to be the handsome billionaire Keith Williams.

IzelWood · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 6

Neomi Miller

"Here you go. This is for being such a nice boy" I said handing out a candy to the little boy, whose name was Ryan, sitting in front of me. He had came in with a heavy fever.

"Thank you" he said in his cute little voice, wrapping his fingers around the candy. His eyes sparkled and an adorable smile graced his lips. I loved kids. They are energetic, free-spirited and most of all they are innocent, not yet calloused by what life offers.

"Just give him these medicines for the next two days and then we will have another check-up." I told the mother, handing out the prescription to her. They were the last of my patients for today. I was a paediatric surgeon and I loved my job. I get to spend my days with the best kind of people. Kids.

I glanced at the clock. Shit! I was running late. I quickly grabbed my coat and files, darting out of my cabin. I had promised Keith I'll be home earlier since we had guests coming over. Keith was my husband and he owned this hospital. He was a very nice guy. Maybe the nicest guy you will ever meet.

"Have a nice evening doc." Jane, the receptionist greeted me as I walked up to her. Jane was a pretty woman in her early twenties. She was maybe one of the sweetest girls I have ever met.

"Thank you and you too Jane" I greeted back leaving a few files at her desk.


I decided to give Keith a call as I got inside my car. I have a Porsche 911 Carrera 4S. Keith was the one who selected it for me and I absolutely love this heaven on wheels. This is also my first big investment after I started at the hospital.

His cell rang for sometime before going straight to voicemail. Either he is upset or he is still at work. I was hopping it was the latter, I hated it when he was upset with me. "I'm really sorry I'm running late. Had an emergency at the hospital. I'll tell you all about it once I get home. Bye" I talked into the voice mail. I decided to head straight home.

I drove inside our gates and to the garage. Keith's car was already parked there which meant he was already home. I walked the steps to the door and Martha, our maid opened the doors for me. She has been with Keith's family from a very long time and was sweet enough to move with us when we decided to buy this place.

"Where is he Martha?" I asked as soon as I entered the hallway.

"He's in the kitchen. Don't worry he didn't seem upset with you." she answered with a smile, already knowing what I would be asking her next.

"Thanks Martha." I said moving towards the kitchen.

I left my coat and other stuff in the living room before going into the kitchen. Keith was too busy with his cooking that he didn't notice me entering. We wanted to cook for our guests by ourselves, you know, try to make it special. Have I told you guys that Keith was a brilliant cook. He would have made a great chef had he not been invested in his business.

I went in and stood next to him and gave him a peck on his cheek. I could see a smile tugging at his lips before he turned to me.

"Sorry I'm late. I know I promised to reach early." I apologized with my best ever puppy eyes.

"It's okay. I know how much your work means to you." he said gently ruffling my hair and I swatted his hand away.

"I tried calling you. But it went straight to voicemail." I informed.

"I didn't hear it. Must have left it in the bedroom."

"Mmhmm. Okay, so where do I start?" I rubbed my hands together getting ready to get in action.

"Well, first you get freshen up."

"But I wanna help, Mickey." I pouted at him. I usually call him Mickey. It's a long story how I came up with that. Maybe I'll share it with you guys some day.

"And you will, Nemo. After you take a shower. You stink." He made a face as he pushed me out by my shoulders while I stuck my tongue out at him. I heard him call me 'crazy' while I walked out and couldn't help but let out a chuckle.


I entered the kitchen and Keith had already arranged everything I would need to make meatloaf, on the counter. He knew how much I hated looking around for ingredients while I cooked.

"You are the best." I said entering the kitchen.

"I know" he beamed with a cheeky smile while I rolled my eyes at him.

"So, how did the meeting with the designers go?" I asked starting to prepare the meatloaf. Keith was busy sautéing some vegetables.

"It went great. We made a few changes to the plan and all." He made it short. He knew how much all the business talks bored me. "Tell me again why you were running late?" he queried.

"I had this kid come in with a heavy fever. Had to run some tests. I didn't think it will take so long." I replied and he nodded his head.


The guests had arrived. We get notified every time someone tries to enter through our gates. I'm sure Martha would soon let them in. Keith was already in his navy blue shirt and black trousers and I was still in my at-home tee and pants.

"You go greet them. I'll join you once I'm done in the kitchen. I also need to change my clothes" I remarked. "We don't want to keep our guests waiting."

"Okay. But don't take too long." and he was out of the kitchen.

I quickly finished off at the kitchen and walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I could hear the muffled voices of the men talking in living area while I climbed up.

I decided to go for a simple chequered high waist skirt that reached up to my angles and paired it up with a crop-top. I quickly got ready and was about to head out of the room when Keith came in.

"I came to get you." he said with a smile as he lead me downstairs. "You look beautiful by the way" he added and I couldn't help the blood rushing to my cheeks. Keith chuckled at my flushed face.

We entered the living area which was occupied by two men. One of them had their back to me while the other one talking to him was facing my direction.

"Daniel" Keith called and the name somehow made my heart race. There were a million other Daniels out there. This possibly couldn't be him. I tried to calm myself. I realised how wrong I was the moment he turned around. And the look on his face clearly stated that he had recognised me.

"This is my wife, Noemi." Keith said wrapping his arm around my shoulders and I was happy for the support it offered cause I could feel the ground beneath me trembling or maybe it was just me. There he was. Daniel. The one person I hoped I wouldn't see in a million years.