
Loving my Enemy

Lan Yan Shaoqinq, a young teenager and the fourth young master of the Lan Residence, is being mistreated and abused by his elder brothers for his sexual orientation. This continues for years until he falls into the arms of the one person that pushed him into the abyss of his trauma

Blue_Foxy · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs


A soft sneeze escaped Ah-Yan as he tried pulling away from the body that held him in place.

In actuality, Mo was carrying him bridal-style . The night sky was starless and cold, just like Mo was to him. He felt a little downcast, just a few minutes ago more was sorta nice to him and now he was like a...he could not even frame the right word to describe Mo's attitude to him.

He didn't like the close proximity between them.

"P-put me down...please" he mumbled while swinging his clothed legs, the oversized material flapping with each swing


"Mo...put me... down"


Mo ignored him and kept walking til they got to his car. The vehicle came alive with a beep and the doors opened up. He was placed recklessly in the backseat


He had managed to stifle the pained groan that bubbled in his throat.



Mo snapped as he got into the car. The doors automatically closed, secluding the two men from the rest of the world

"... I...I... what's...wrong?"


Mo faced Ah-Yan, his face was blank and stoic.

"...being used like this...I'm sorry but I...really want to be treated like a human with dignity not a toy or doll...and what's with you... we were...bsck then and now you're like this"

Mo chuckled, it slowly morphed into an high-pitched dry laugh

"Human with dignity? You're forgetting something Qiqi...people like you are the rejected works of nature meant to be used,you should be happy I took you in"

"...you mean people like us"

Mo paused and growled lowly. His bright golden-like eyes that Ah-Yan stared into for the first time dimmed with anger. He flinched and tried squirming backwards.

"There is a huge difference between you and I...I'm not a lonely, sadistic, mistreated bitch"


Like he was dunked in cold water, he felt his body go cold, tears forming

"So don't dare to compare myself to your sad ass self"

"...but there is a painful bitter similarity...we both have a sad history and we are not regular persons" he mumbled loud enough for Mo to hear

"Shut up!"

"I...I won't! I'm sick of all this!"

Ah-Yan yelled and pulled the pin of the door up. Without thinking twice, he bolted out of the car into the night.

Mo groaned and got out of the car too, his eyes burning bright with anger, he watched him disappear around an alley and he chased after him.

"Shit that came out all wrong"

Deep down inside, what Qiqi said was right but him being Mo, he won't accept being classified as a rejected work of nature.


Ah-Yan panted heavily as he dropped to floor, salty tears littering the pavement, his body shook uncontrollably as he bawled out his eyes

"eh? what's wrong with him?"

Two old women slowly approached him their canes clicking against the ground

"son are you alright?"

The two women sat beside him, Ah-Yan raised his head, they were homeless

"H-hi" he stuttered as he wiped his eyes


One of the old women, pitch black hair with streaks of white said as she wiggled her eyebrows flirtatiously earning a stifled laugh from him

"Yin Yu'er he's a fine man" she said as she gently caressed Ah-Yan's arm

"What's got a fine young man like you crying huh? tell me who hurt I'll beat them up...is it your girlfriend did she cheat on you?"

"She must be blind to cheat on a beauty like you!"

Ah-Yan lost it he held his stomach, soft laughs spilling from his lips

"So you wanna share why you were crying?"

The old women watched the pretty boy's smile drop and his shoulders slump

"Well... the person I'm staying with...uses me as he likes because I gave him my free will... I really don't know how I can narrate this to you"

"Ah, just relax and tell us we have all night"

The trio shared their tales of how they ended up in their current situations, apparently the two old women were the wives of a merchant who owed many people so they both had to go homeless after selling their abode to pay off their husband's debt. Ah-Yan felt his heart melt as they narrated their ordeal to him.


Ah-Yan tensed up as he faced his addresser, Mo was a panting mess, his hair dishelved and demeanor unorganized


~•Author's note•~

Thank you guys so much for 1k+ views✨

Yes finally

it's time to set goals✨