
Loving Mr popular

Rosie_philips · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter two episode two


"Rosie, Ryan is here" Lana squeal

"I see two guys" I point out

"The one in all round black is Ryan" she nudge me

I turn to the one in all round black, surprisingly my eyes couldn't leave his form, I feel like it's just me in the class and him in class, no one else, I watch him walk to his seat with his friend, I haven't seen a guy so gorgeous as he is, his friend too is but he's exceptional, my eyes lock with his, I don't know why but immediately my heart skipped, okay Rosiehin you have to look away, a part of me wants to look away a part doesn't but I looked away immediately, i'm sure he did same

"So as we all know" Mr. Tallman starts. "Every year I give a project which is usually always done with you guys paired, the project lasts till the year runs out" he explains

"Ulm Mr. Tallman, do we get to do project this year" someone asks

"Didn't I say every year so definitely this year is not exempted" he snaps in frustration. "so this year, just know anyone can be your partner" he adjusts his glasses

You know, everytime it's always Svetlana and I, this year wouldn't be different would it?

"So listen as I call out the names, Davidson and Mia, Diana and Austin, Luke and Selena.....Brandon and Svetlana". wait what! Svetlana is partner with someone else who would be my partner. "Lisa and Steven and finally Ryan and Rosiehin". What the hell! Ryan Dice is my partner for the year, Mr Tallman can't do this and Svetlana gets to be partners with his friend

" Someone got an idol as a partner" Lana teases

"His friend is your able partner" I hiss

"Don't worry, I might be so excited about Ryan but if he tries anything with you, he'll know why my name is Svetlana Downs" she states with a wink

This time I'm smiling. "Don't worry he wouldn't dare"

"Silence everyone!"Mr Tallman hits his hand on the table, everywhere turns quiet, I don't know why but I can a gaze on me, should I turn to check or should ignore it, I slowly turn my head to meet the eyes of my partner, I'm sure he knows I'm his partner, why do I feel my brain shut down just him looking at me, I look away to face Mr. Tallman

" So the topic is going to be about Nature, find out about things you don't know of, team work is the key".